Now that the European Union has given its stamp of approval, the take-over of Sun Microsystems by Oracle appears to be a done deal. Since Sun owned several prominent open source products, such as MySQL, Java, Netbeans, and OpenOffice, these projects will soon be under the control of Orcale as well. Fortunately, we hear that the company plans to continue their support and development.
Even though MySQL is to some extent a competitor of Oracle's main product, the company announced that MySQL will be further developed by its open source department. Improvements are planned for the database as well as user support. There are also plans to integrate MySQL with various other Oracle products.
Development of the programming language Java will continue at full speed with the upcoming release of JDK standard edition (SE) version 7, which will have an improved hot-spot compiler and will utilize multi-core CPUs.
The enterprise edition (EE) will be developed for higher modularity and easier generation of user interface components. Sun's Glassfish project will continue to be supported as the reference implementation of Java EE.
The Java Mobile Edition (ME) will move closer to the standard edition, and new methods will be introduced to further realize the "write once, run anywhere" promise.