Bureau of Energy Efficiency Examination (BEE) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
As per the Energy Conservation Act 2001, it is mandatory for the designated consumers to designate or appoint an Energy Manager. Bee has been empowered to specify the qualification criteria and procedures for the certification of Energy Managers and qualifications for Accredited Energy Auditors.<br><br>The passing of the National level certification examination is the qualification for an Energy Manager to be appointed or designated as Certified Energy Manager.<br><br>For accreditation of Energy Auditors, certification of Energy Auditor maybe one of the prerequisites besides other criterions before an Energy Auditor is considered for accr...
As per the Energy Conservation Act 2001, it is mandatory for the designated consumers to designate or appoint an Energy Manager. Bee has been empowered to specify the qualification criteria and procedures for the certification of Energy Managers and qualifications for Accredited Energy Auditors.<br><br>The passing of the National level certification examination is the qualification for an Energy Manager to be appointed or designated as Certified Energy Manager.<br><br>For accreditation of Energy Auditors, certification of Energy Auditor maybe one of the prerequisites besides other criterions before an Energy Auditor is considered for accreditation. It will be the accredited Energy Auditor who will be allowed to conduct the mandatory energy audit under the Energy Conservation Act 2001 and not the certified Energy Auditor.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Eligibility for BEE Exam </span><br style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">For Energy Managers (EM):</span><br><br>a) a graduate Engineer (Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Technology) or equivalent with three years of work experience Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology) or involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or equivalent with three years of work.<br><br>b) a post-graduate Engineer (Master of Engineering /Master of experience involving use of energy in Technology) or equivalent with two years of work experience operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or<br><br>c) a graduate Engineer with post-graduate degree in Management or Engineering/ Master of Technology) or equivalent with two years of work experience involving use of equivalent with two years of work energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc; or<br><br>d) a diploma Engineer or equivalent with six years of work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or<br><br>e) a post-graduate in Physics or Electronics or Chemistry (with Physics two years of work experience involving and Mathematics at graduation level) with three years of work use of energy in operation, maintenance, experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc. planning, etc.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">For Energy Auditors (EA)</span><br><br>a)a graduate Engineer (Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology) or equivalent with three years of work experience Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology) or involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or equivalent with three years of work<br><br>b)a post-graduate Engineer (Master of Engineering/Master of experience involving use of energy in Technology) or equivalent with two years of work experience operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or<br><br>c)a graduate Engineer with post-graduate degree in Management or Engineering/ Master of Technology) or equivalent with two years of work experience involving use of equivalent with two years of work energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; <br>Note:<br><br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">1.</span> Training period will not be considered as Experience.<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;"> 2.</span> Candidates without requisite experience are not eligible to appear for the examination<br><br>National Certifying Agency: BEE has retained National Productivity Council (NPC)as the National Certifying Agency to conduct and administer the National Certification Examination for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors.