Home » List of Examinations » BVUMEE Examination » BVUMEE Exam Syllabus
1. Measurements:
Need for measurements, Unit for measurements, System of unit, S.I. units, Fundamental and derived units, Dimensional Analysis, Order of magnitude and significant figures, Accuracy and errors in measurements.
2. Scalars And Vectors:
Addition and subtraction of vectors, Product of vectors (scalar product and vector product)
3. Projectile Motion:
Uniformly accelerated motion along a straight line, Velocity-time graph and position-time graph, Equation of the path of a projectile, Time of flight, Horizontal range, Maximum height of a projectile.
4. Force:
Types of force, General idea of gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear forces from daily life experiences, Law of conservation of momentum, Elastic and inelastic collisions, inertial and non-inertial frames, Moment of force, Couple and properties of couple, Centre of mass, Centre of gravity, Conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body
5. Friction in Solids and Liquids:
Origin and nature of frictional forces, Laws of static friction, Laws of kinetics friction (sliding & rolling), Viscosity, Pressure due to fluid column, Pascal's law and its applications, Effect of gravity on fluid pressure, Stream-line flow , 'Turbulent flow, Viscous force, Newton's formula, Stoke's law, Equation for terminal velocity, Reynold's number, Bernaulli's principle and its applicationsSound
6. Sound Waves:
Waves and oscillations, Progressive waves (longitudinal and transverse), Characteristics of transverse waves, Characteristics of longitudinal waves, Sound as longitudinal wave motion, Relation between velocity, wavelength and frequency, Newton's formula (without derivation) for velocity of sound, Laplace's correction, Musical sound and noise, Musical scale Heat
7. Thermal Expansion:
Expansion of solids, Linear expansion and derivation for coefficient of linear expansion., Ideas of areal and volume expansion, Expansion of liquids - real and apparent (concept only),Thermal conduction, |Temperature gradient, Coefficient of thermal conductivity Light
8. Refraction of Light:
Refraction of monochromatic light, Snell's law, Total internal reflection, Critical angle., Optical fibre., Dispersion of light., Prism formula., Angular-dispersion and dispersive power., Rainbow, Scattering of light, Blue colour of sky, Colour of sun at sunrise and sunset
9. Lens:
Refraction at a single curved surface, Lens equation, Concept of conjugate focii, Magnifying power of a simple microscope, Magnifying power of a compound microscope, M.p of a telescope, Lens defects - chromatic and achromatic Electricity and Magnetism
10. Electrostatics:
Frictional electricity, Charges and their conservation, Coulomb's law and dielectric constant, Forces between multiple electric charges, Superposition principle of forces., Continuous distribution of charges, concept of charge density, Electric field intensity due to a point charge, Electric potential due to a point charge, Relation between electric field intensity and potential, Potential difference., Volt, electron volt, Electric dipole and electric dipole moment (unit and definition), Electric lines of force
11. Current Electricity:
Ohm's law, Resistance, Specific resistance (different materials), Temperature dependence of resistance., Thermistor., Colour code of carbon resistor, E.M.F and internal resistance of a cell, Work done by electric current (heating), Power in electriccurrent
12. Magnetic Effect of electric:
Biot Savart law, Right hand rule, Magnetic induction at the center if a circular coil carrying current, Magnetic induction at a point along the axis of a coil carrying current., Fleming's left hand rule., Force acting on a conductor carrying current in a magnetic field., Definition of ampere, Force between two long current carrying parallel conductors
13. Magnetism:
General idea of origin of magnetism due to moving charges, Equivalence between magnetic dipole and a circular coil carrying electric current, Definition of magnetic dipole moment and its unit., Torque acting on magnet in uniform magnetic induction., Tangent law., Magnetic induction at a point along the axis and equator of a bar magnet Modern Physics
14. Electromagnetic Waves:
Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics (qualitative idea only), Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, Electromagnetic spectrum (radio, microwaves, infrared, visible rays ultraviolet rays, x-rays, gamma rays) includingelementary facts about their uses, Propagation of electromagnetic waves in atmosphere
Mechanics and Properties of Matter
15. Circular Motion:
Angular displacement, angular velocity, angular accelerations, Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity Uniform circular motion, Radial acceleration, Centripetal and centrifugal force, Banking of road, vertical circular motion, Equation for velocity and energy at different positions of vertical circular motion, Kinematical equations for circular motion in analogy with linear motion
16. Gravitation Newton's law of gravitation, Projection of a satellite, Periodic time, Statement of Kepler's three laws of motion, Binding energy and escape velocity of a satellite resting on the surface of the earth and moving in the circular orbit, Weightlessness condition in a satellite, Variation of 'g' due to change in altitude, latitude and depth (below the surface of earth), Communication satellite and uses of satellites
17. Rotational Motion:
Definition of moment of inertia., K.E. of rotating body, Physical significance of M..I.. Radius of gyration (concept and significance), Torque, principal of perpendicular, parallel axes, Application of the principle to M.I. of uniform rod, ring, disc, solid, cylindrical and solid sphere with proof l, Angular momentum and its conservation
18. Oscillations:
Explanation of periodic motion, Simple harmonic motion, Differential equation for linear S.H.M., Projection of U.C.M. along a diameter as S.H.M., Phase of S.H.M., K.E. and P. E. of a particle performing S.H.M., Composition of two S.H.M.'s having same period and along the same line (analytical treatment)., Simple pendulum., Angular S.H.M. and its differential equation., Magnet vibrating in the uniform magnetic induction
19. Deformation., General explanation of elastic property and elasticity., Plasticity, Definition of stress and strain., Hooke's law, Elastic constants Y, K, c and relation between them, Determination of Young's modulus by Searle's method, Observation on a wire under applied increasing load, Work done in stretching a thin uniform wire by calculus method.
20. Surface Tension:
S.T. on the basis of molecular theory, surface energy, surface tension, Angle of contact, Capillary action, Effect of impurity and temperature on S.T. Sound
BVU Medical Entrance Exams 2025 Chemistry Syllabus
1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry:
Importance of studying chemistry, Fundamental and derived Units and their SI units, Gay-Lussac's law of combining volumes of gases, Avogadro's law, To derive : Molecular weight = 2x vapour density, Gram molecular volume, Avogadro's number, Stoichiometry, Mole Concept, Equivalent weight, Atomic weight, Molecular weight, Percentage composition and molecular formula
2. States of Matter:
Introduction, States of matter, Gaseous state: measurable properties of gases, Gas laws: Boyle's law, Charle's law, Absolute temperature, conversion of temperature from centigrade to Fahrenheit and vice-versa, Ideal gas equation, Dalton's law of partial pressure, Graham's law of diffusion, Liquid State: properties of liquids, Qualitative description of vapour pressure, surface tension and viscosity, Classification of solids
3. Atomic Structure:
Introduction, Modern concept of structure of an atom, Idea of shells, subshells and orbitals, Shapes of s and p orbitals, Introduction to quantum numbers and permissible values of quantum numbers, Electronic configuration of elements, Aufbau principle, Pauli's exclusion principle, Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity.
4. Redox Reactions:
Introduction, Oxidation and Reduction, Electron transfer concept, Oxidising and Reducing agents, Redox reactions in aqueous solution, Oxidation number and rules for assigning oxidation number, Balancing of chemical equations
5. Chemical Equilibrium:
Introduction: Reversible and irreversible reactions, Rate of a reaction and factors affecting rate of a reaction, Chemical equilibrium, Law of Mass Action, Equilibrium constant, Relationship between Kp and Kc, Le-chatelier's principle and its applications, Factors affecting equilibrium constant.
6. Adsorption:
Introduction, Concept of adsorption, Difference between absorption and adsorption, Physical and chemical adsorption, Factors affecting adsorption, Freundlich adsorption isotherm, Applications of adsorption,
7. Solutions and Colligative Properties:
Introduction and definition of solution, Ways of expressing concentration of a solution, Definition of colligative properties, Lowering of vapour pressure and Raoult's law, Determination of Molecular weight from lowering of vapour pressure, Boiling point elevation, Determination of molecular weight from elevation of boiling points, freezing point depression, Determination of Molecular Weight from depression of Freezing point, Osmosis and osmotic pressure, Measurement of osmotic pressure, Laws of osmotic pressure, Determination of Molecular weight from osmotic pressure, Abnormal osmotic pressure, Van't Hoff factor i & degree of dissociation.
8. Chemical:
Thermodynamics and Energetics
Introduction, Concepts in Thermodynamics, Types of systems, Properties of a system, Thermodynamic function or state function, Types of processes, Nature of work and Heat, First law of thermodynamics, Enthalpy of a system, Thermochemistry, Heat of Reaction, Thermochemical Equations, Types of Heat of Reactions, Heat Capacity, Kirchoff's equation, Internal energy and change in Internal energy, Hess's law of constant Heat summation, definition and examples of Homogenous and Heterogeneous systems, Work done in vacuum and work done in cyclic process.
9. Ionic Equilibria:
Introduction and definition of acids and bases, Strong and weak Acids and Bases, ionization of water, pH and pOH, Common ion effect, Buffer solutions Solubility product, Hydrolysis of salts
10. Electrochemistry:
Introduction, Faraday's laws of electrolysis, Electrochemical cells, Conventions used to represent a cell, Types of Electrodes, Concept of Electrode potential (Nernst Theory), Standard oxidation potential and standard reduction potential, EMF of a cell, EMF series, Common types of cells, Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel cell, Concept of corrosion
11. Nuclear Chemistry-:
Introduction, characteristics of sub atomic particles, nuclear Stability, Radioactivity, Artificial radioactivity and artificial transmutation, Nuclear reaction, Radio- isotopes and their uses, Applications of radio-isotopes in agriculture and production of synthetic elements.
12 Chemical Kinetics:
Introduction, Rate of a reaction, Rate laws, Order of a reaction, Molecularity and order of a reaction, Pseudo-first order reaction, Integrated Rate equation, Halflife of a reaction, Determination of order of a reaction
13. Periodic Table:
Introduction, Modern periodic Table, Classification of elements, General characteristics of s, p, d & f-block elements, Diagonal relationship, Periodic trends in properties, Trends in properties: valence, oxidation number.
14. Nature of Chemical bond:
Introduction, Types of Bonds, Valence Bond Theory, Hybridisation, Types of Hybridisation and Geometry of molecules, Formation of BF3, & BeF2 molecules.
15. s - Block Elements:
Introduction, position in periodic table, General electronic configuration, Comparison between alkali and alkaline earth metals, Sodium - Occurrence, Methods of Extraction, Physical and chemical properties, Uses of Sodium, Study of potassium - extraction and chemical properties.
16. p -Block elements:
Introduction - position in periodic table, general electronic configuration, Fluorine -Introduction, Electronic configuration, occurrence, Difficulties in isolation of fluorine, Methods of preparation, Physical and chemical properties, Uses of Fluorine, Etching of glass
17. d-Block Elements:
Introduction, position in periodic table, electronic configuration, Characteristics of transition metals, Zinc- Occurrence, Extraction of zinc from zinc blende by carbon reduction process, Physical and Chemical properties of zinc, Uses of zinc, Galvanization of Iron
18. f- Block elements:
A) Lanthanides- Introduction, position in periodic table, electronic configuration, Oxidation state, colour, Lanthanide contraction effect, B) Actinides - Introduction, position in periodic table, electronic configuration., Comparison between lanthanides and actinides, Similarities in properties of lanthanides and actinides.
19. Principle and Methods of purification of substances Introduction, Crystalline and amorphous substances, Criteria of Purity, Methods of Purifications
20. Chemistry of Carbon Compounds:
Introduction, Importance of organic of organic chemistry, General characteristics of organic compounds, Classification of organic compounds, Homologous series, Empirical and molecular Formula of organic compounds
BVU Medical Entrance Exams 2025 Botany Syllabus
1. The Living World
Nature and scope of Biology: The science of life, Nature and methods of science, Biology in Ancient India, Scope of Biology Cell and Cell Division:
Structure of the cell, Prokaryotic cell and its organization, Eukaryotic cell and its organization.
Cell division:
2. Ecology
Natural resources & conservation: Natural resources, water resources, and conservation, forest resources and conservation, concept of endangered species and concept of endemic species. Remote sensing to study vegetations.
3. Biology in Human Welfare
Biotechnology: Concept of gene & Nucleic acids, Genetic engineering, cloning, transgenic plants, genomics, gene library and gene bank, recombinant DNA, DNA finger printing, plant tissue culture-callus and suspension culture in brief, Biopiracy, Biopatent, Biowar and Biothics.
4. Applications of Biology
Biofertilzers, Rhizobium, Blue green algae (BGA) Medicinal plants
1. Adhathoda zeylanica (vasica)
2. Aloe vera
3. Ocimum sanctum
4. Asparagus racemosus
5. Azadirachta indica. Mushroom Cultivation.
5. Diversity of Life
Systematics : Need for classification, Nomenclature, Taxonomic hierarchy, Five kingdom system of classification with general characters and examples, Two kingdom system of classification, Classification of plants.
� Thallophyta : Characters and Examples (Algae and Fungi)
� Bryophyta : Characters and Examples
� Pteridophyta : Characters and Examples
� Gymnosperms : Characters and Examples
� Angiosperms : Characters and Examples
6. Genetics
Genetic basis of Inheritance: Heredity and variation, Genetic terms and symbols, Mendel's laws of Inheritance, Monohybrid and dihybrid cross, Test cross and Back cross.
7. Morphyology of Plants
Morphology of flowering plants:
� Morphology of root, stem, leaf : their structure and modifications
� Inflorescence : Racemose and Cymose, Structure of Typical flower
� Fruit : Simple, Aggregate, Composite
� Seed structure : monocot and dicot.Study of Angiospermic plant tissues, Meristematic
� Permanent:
a. Simple
b. Complex.
8. Physiology of Plants
Plant water relations: Absorption & movement of water, theories of water translocation (Root pressure, capillarity, cohesion theory), transpiration, stomatal opening & closing.
Photosynthesis: Site of photosynthesis, photosynthetic, pigments, photochemical phase, photophosphorylation, cyclic and non- cyclic, Biosynthetic phase, C3 and C4 (HSK) pathways, significance of photosynthesis.
Respiration : Types of respiration - aerobic & anaerobic, role of mitochondria, mechanism of aerobic & anaerobic respiration, significance of respiration.
9. Reproduction, Growth and Development,
Reproduction in angiosperms: Modes of reproduction - vegetative reproduction, natural - tuberous root (e.g. sweet potato), Stem tuber (e.g. potato), runner (e.g. Cynadon), leaf (e.g. Bryophyllum), artificial- cutting, budding and grafting.
Sexual reproduction: Development of male and female gametophytes, Pollination - types and agencies, fertilization, endosperm and embryo development.
10. Plant growth
Seed dormancy and seed germination, characteristics of growth, growth regulators, photoperiodism and vernalization
BVU Medical Entrance Exams 2025 Zoology Syllabus
1. Living World
a. Main feature of life What is life? Characteristics of life.
b. Irritability
c. Homeostasis
d. Adaptation
e. Reproduction, Growth and Death Origin and Evolution of life: Theories of origin of life: Special creation, Spontaneous generation and A biogenesis Evidences of Evolution:
a. Palaeontology
b. Anatomy
c. Embryology Theories of Evolution:
a. Lamarck's theory
b. Darwin's theory
c. Hugo de-Vries theory
d. Neo-Darwinism Genetic basis of adaptation :
a. peciation and Isolation
b. Concept of Species
2. Study of Tissues
Structure and function of fundamental tissue- Epithelial, Connective, Muscular, nervous tissue.
Human Population, Characteristics of population - Vitality, natality, mortality, density, age distribution, sex ratio, population explosion, impact of population explosion, common problems of adolescence-social & moral implications, mental health & addictive disorders.
4. Human health, diseases and immunity system
Health & Disease, Types of disease (Congenital & Acquired) Disease causing agents (Biological & Chemical) modes of transmission of disease- Direct & Indirect, Study of Disease - Cancer, AIDS and Typhoid (causative agents, mode of transmission, symptoms and preventive measures), Concept of immunity - types of immunity, structure of antibody, formation of antigen - antibody complex, Antigen on blood cells, immune disorders - Allergy.
Bio-medical Technologics (only basic concepts) Sphygmomanometer, Electrocardiograph (ECG), Haemometer, Sonography, Endoscopy, Angiography, Elisa Test, Vidal Test.
Bioinformatics Concept of Bioinformatics, Basics of computer, Databases & its types (Primary & secondary) Application of Bioinformatics. Applications of Biology : Vermiculture, Fishery.
5. Diversity of life
Classification of Animal: Salient features of Non- chordates up to phylum level and Chordates up to class level with one example in each group.
Chromosomal basis of Inheritance: Concept of chromosome, structure and types of chromosomes, study of human karyotypes, sex determination in man, Genetics disorders- Sickle cell Anaemia, Down's syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, Klinfelter and Turner syndrome.
7. Morphology of Animals
External features of Earthworm, Anatomy of Earthworm
a. Digestive system
b. Reproductive system, Inter - relation with mankind, Nutrition and Respiration in man, Locomotion in Man - joints, fixed, cartilaginous and freely movable joints, Muscle movements- voluntary and involuntary.
Human skeleton- study of Axial skeleton and Appendicular skeleton, Girdles - pectoral and pelvic, Limb bonesforelimb bones and Hind limb bones
8. Physiology of animals
Circulation in animals: open and closed system, circulatory system of cockroach in brief, blood vascular system of human, blood, heart and blood vessels, working of heart in human. Disorder - High and Low blood pressure.
Osmoregulation and Excretion in animals: Osmoregulation, nature of excretory products, excretory system of man, mechanism of urine formation, role of lungs and skin in excertion.
Nervous co-ordination in animals: Nervous system of cockroach in brief, nervous system of human - Central and Peripheral nervous system, reflex action and receptor types.
Hormonal co-ordination in human: Endocrine glands, morphlogical and histological structure of pituitary and thyroid glands, hormones of pituitary and thyroid glands.
9. Reproduction, Growth and Development
Reproduction and development in animals: Types of reproduction: asexual and sexual, Modes of asexual reproduction: fission and budding.
Male and Female Reproductive system of human, Menstrual cycle, Fertilization, Embryonic development upto three germinal layers.