COMEDK Under Graduate Entrance Test-COMEDK UGET 2025 TheKarnatakaPrivate Medical & DentalColleges Association, andKarnatakaUnaided Private Engineering CollegesAssociation in theirendeavour tooffer an effective, fair and objectivetesting procedureto determinemerit of students wanting to seekadmissions to theUnder-Graduate Medical, Dental andEngineeringCoursesof the Member Institutions, haveformed"Consortium of MedicalEngineering and Dental Colleges ofKarnataka"COMEDK, has been assignedthe task of organising a commonentrance testfor the academic year2025-2010.
COMEDK will conduct a separate entrance testforMedical Dental and Engineering Under-Graduate coursescalled'COMEDK UGET 2025' for candidatesseekingadmission to MBBS, BDS and BE.
Theentrance testis being conducted for merit determination for usebyCOMEDK MemberInstitutions only. The COMEDK entrance test ismandatoryfor candidatesseeking admissions for the Under-Graduatecourses inMemberInstitutions. The COMEDK UGET 2025 testscores are valid only for admissions during theacademicyear2025-2010
For Generalcategory students theminimumqualification for admission is a pass inthe 2 nd PUC or 10+2highersecondary or equivalent qualifyingExamination with a minimumaggregateof 45% marks in Physics, Chemistryand Mathematics (PCM PhysicsandMathematics are compulsory subjectsalong with Biotechnology orComputerScience or Biology or Electronicsas optional subjects in placeofChemistry, are eligible. English asone of the language of studyiscompulsory).
ForSC, ST andKarnatakaOBC students the aggregate marks in PCM should benot less than40% inthe qualifying examination, irrespective of markssecured inPCMsubjects in the Competitive EntranceTest.
Acandidate who has passed the qualifyingexamination(2 nd PUC or 10+2higher secondary or equivalent examination)withMathematics as one ofthe subjects along with other subjects or a10+3Diploma recognized byCentral / State Government and having obtainedatleast 50% marks inaggregate (45% marks in case of SC/ST andKarnatakaOBC Categorycandidates). Further the candidate should haveappeared forNationalAptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) conducted byCouncilofArchitecture.
COMEDK will not beconducting anycompetitivetest separately for candidates seekingadmission to B.Arch(ArchitectureCourse) as per existingrules
COMEDK UGET 2025 Test Cities: TheEntrance Test,COMEDKUGET-2025, will be held in different cities/townsacross thestate ofKarnataka. The test will be held on the mentionedtime and datein allthe test centres. The details of all the testcentres will bepublishedonline. The centre address will be mentionedin the TAT, whichwould bedispatched to the candidates prior to theexamination as perthe calendarof events.
By logging tothe COMEDKwebsite: through Applicant Loginthecandidates can view the Test Centre Detailsand the printout of thesamealong with Date of Birth / Identity Proof(Candidate Copy) canbebrought to the Test Centre to collect theDuplicate TestAdmissionTicket.
Admission Ticket.
TestCity Code | Test CityLocation | Test City Code | TestCityLocation |
01 | Bangalore | 08 | Hassan |
02 | Belgaum | 09 | Mangalore |
03 | Bellary | 10 | Mysore |
04 | Bijapur | 11 | Shimoga |
05 | Davanagere | 12 | Sullia |
06 | Dharwad | 13 | Tumkur |
07 | Gulbarga | 14 | Udupi |
Test AdmissionTickets and RelatedInformation
Candidatesappearing for COMEDK UGET-2025 willbeissued a Test Admission Ticket(TAT) for identification. Candidatesarerequired to bring the TestAdmission Ticket and the original DateofBirth Certificate / IdentityProof (Candidate Copy) form dulyattestedby the Head of theInstitution last studied, which is similar tothecopy submitted(COMEDK Copy) along with the application form. Thisismandatory.
TheTest AdmissionTicketgives the details of test centre assigned to thecandidate.Thecandidates are assigned a test centre during theapplicationprocessing,itself and no requests for change in Testcentre wouldbeconsidered.
The TestAdmission Tickets would be dispatchedtothe candidates by speed postat the address mentioned intheirapplication form as and when theapplicationsareprocessed.
# 37, FirstFloor,Ramanashree Chambers,
Lady Curzon Road, Bangalore:560001
Email:[email protected]
COMEDKUGET 2025 Test Scheme COMEDK UGET-2025 willhave thefollowing papers:
1. {Combined paper forPhysics andChemistry} Compulsory for all the candidates appearing forCOMEDKUGET-2025
2. Biology Compulsory for thecandidatesaspiring for MBBS/BDS
3. MathematicsCompulsory forthe candidates aspiring for BE
4.Asingle test combining Physics and Chemistrysubjects will be heldon04/05/2025 in the Forenoon Session (10.00 AM to12.00Noon).
There willbe atotal of 120 questions:60 questions in Physics and60questions in Chemistry. The testduration for combined paper is120minutes, and is compulsory for allcandidates seeking admissionstoM.B.B.S., B.D.S, and B.E. courses.
5.Biology and Mathematics tests will be held onthesame day 04/05/2025in the Afternoon Session separately, witheachsubject having 60questions with duration of 60 minutes. Candidatesarefree to chooseany one or both the subjects. Biology Test willbeconducted from (2.00PM to 3.00PM) followed by Mathematics testfrom(3.30 PM to 4.30 PM).
6.Candidatesare required to mark their answers on an OMR sheet (OpticalMarkReader).
7. Correct answer foreachquestion will be awarded one mark.
8. No Marks will be awarded forwronganswers.
9. No Mark/s willbeawarded for multiple marking (marking multiple responses) ofanyquestion.
10. There will benonegative marking
COMEDKUGET 2025 ApplicationProcedure:
Theprocess involves thefollowing stages:
Note:Send the application in A4size envelope only. Do not fold theapplication form
Ensurethat the DemandDraft for Rs.650/-(Rupees sixhundred fifty only) ifyou intend toappear for MBBS/BDS(PCB) or BE(PCM)and Rs.850/- (Rupeeseight hundredfifty only) for MBBS/BDS and BE(PCMB),to be kept readybefore fillingup the Online Application form, as youwill have toenter the DDdetails.
The Onlineapplication form has to be filledupproperly and completely. Take aprint of the filled in Applicationformand Date of Birth Certificate/IdentityProof.
TheApplication form issaid to be complete only if itis enclosed with allthe documentsmentioned below and mailed to COMEDKoffice.
Multipleapplicationform filled and received from thesame candidate willresult inconfusion and may cause fordisqualification.
Multiple Demand Draftsif sent (Excess Amount) by thecandidate will not berefunded.
Non-refundablefee for taking COMEDK UGET-2025andattending centralised counselling,if eligible, is Rs.650/-forMBBS/BDS(PCB) or BE(PCM) and Rs.850/- forMBBS/BDS and BE(PCMB).DemandDraft should be drawn in favour ofCOMEDK-2025, payable atBangalore andshould be enclosed with theapplication and all otherrelevant documentafter mentioningapplication number on the back of DD.(If DD is notenclosed theapplication will be rejected.)
Brochure and application form can be availedonlythrough COMEDK website. Visit our website for detailsandprocedure.
Check list of Documents
DemandDraft for Rs.650/- for MBBS/BDS(PCB) orBE(PCM)and Rs.850/- forMBBS/BDS and BE(PCMB) drawn in favour ofCOMEDK-2025payable atBangalore (mention your name and applicationnumber on theback ofDemand Draft)DD submitted will not be refunded.
COMEDK copy of Date ofBirth Certificate/ Identity Proof in the prescribed form duly attested bythe head of theinstitution last studied.
Additionalrecent passport size photograph similar tothe one pasted ontheapplication.(mention your name and applicationnumber on the backofphotograph)
The completed Application Form has to reach COMEDK office on or before Saturday the 10 th April 2025 to thefollowingaddress by post orcourier.
ExecutiveSecretary -COMEDK,
# 37, First Floor, RamanashreeChambers,
Lady Curzon Road, Bangalore560001,