Delhi Combined Entrance Examination (Delhi CEE) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
<font size="1"><strong>University of Delhi - Combined Engineering Entrance Exam(Delhi CEE) 2008</strong></font> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The Universityof Delhi will hold the Combined Entrance Examination (CEE) foradmission to First Semester of <strong>Bachelor of EngineeringCourses</strong>for the session 2008-2009 for DELHI REGIONcandidates passing fromSchools / Colleges / Institute located withinthe National CapitalTerritory of Delhi in Delhi College of Engineering(DCE) and NetajiSubhas Institute of Technology (NSIT) on Saturday, the<strong>31st...
<font size="1"><strong>University of Delhi - Combined Engineering Entrance Exam(Delhi CEE) 2008</strong></font> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The Universityof Delhi will hold the Combined Entrance Examination (CEE) foradmission to First Semester of <strong>Bachelor of EngineeringCourses</strong>for the session 2008-2009 for DELHI REGIONcandidates passing fromSchools / Colleges / Institute located withinthe National CapitalTerritory of Delhi in Delhi College of Engineering(DCE) and NetajiSubhas Institute of Technology (NSIT) on Saturday, the<strong>31st May, 2008</strong></font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>Courses Offered:</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The following courses are offered under the Faultyof Technology leading to full-time B.EDegree.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>Delhi College ofEngineering:</strong></font></p><font size="1"> </font><ul><li><font size="1">Eletronicsand Communication Engineering</font></li><li><font size="1">ElectricalEngineering</font></li><li><font size="1">MechanicalEngineering</font></li><li><font size="1">CivilEngineering</font></li><li><font size="1">Production and IndustrialEngineering</font></li><li><font size="1">ComputerEngineering</font></li><li><font size="1">Polymer Science & ChemicalTechnology</font></li><li><font size="1">EnvironmentalEngineering</font></li><li><font size="1">InformationTechnology</font></li><li><font size="1">Bio-Technology</font></li></ul><p> <font size="1"><strong>Delhi CEE EligibilityConditions:</strong></font> </p> <p><font size="1"><strong>Educational Qualifications:</strong></font> </p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Acandidate passing any one of the followingexaminations from therecognized School / College / Institute locatedwithin the NationalCapital Territory of Delhi only and securing 60% ormore marks in theaggregate of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics shallbe eligible foradmission to the First Semester of Bachelor ofEngineering Courseprovided he/she has passed in each subjectseparately:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(i) Senior SchoolCertificate Examination (12-year Course) of the Central Board ofSecondary Education (C. B. S. E.), New Delhi.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(ii) Indian School Certificate Examination (12-yearCourse) of the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, NewDelhi.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(iii) B.Sc (General) Group�A� Final Examination of the University of Delhi or equivalentexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(iv)B.Sc (Hons.)Examination in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics of theUniversity ofDelhi with combination of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematicsand equalweightage to the subsidiary subjects orequivalentexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(v) Anyotherexamination recognized as equivalent to the Senior SchoolCertificateExamination of the C. B. S. E. by the University ofDelhi.</font></p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>For Outside Delhi RegionCandidates:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Acandidate passing any one of the followingexaminations from therecognized School/ College/ Institute locatedoutside the NationalCapital Territory of Delhi and securing 60% or moremarks in theaggregate of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics shall beeligible foradmission to the First Semester of Bachelor of EngineeringCourseprovided he/she has passed in each subject separately:</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(i) Senior School Certificate Examination(12-year Course) of the Central Board of Secondary Education (C. B.S.E.) New Delhi.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(ii) Indian SchoolCertificate Examination (12-year Course) of the Council for IndianSchool Certificate Examination, New Delhi.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(iii) B.Sc. (Gen.) Group �A� Final Examination ofthe University of Delhi or equivalent examination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(iv)B.Sc. (Hons.) Examination in Physics, Chemistryand Mathematics of theUniversity of Delhi with combination of Physics,Chemistry, Mathematicsand equal weightage to the subsidiary subjects orequivalentexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(v) Anyotherexamination recognized as equivalent to the Senior SchoolCertificateExamination of the C. B. S. E. by the University ofDelhi.</font></p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>Relaxation in Marks forReserved Candidates:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesbelonging to the following categories, whoapply for seats reserved forthem shall be allowed a concession in theminimum eligibilityrequirements as detailed below:</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>(i) Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes(ST):</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesbelonging to Scheduled Castes andScheduled Tribes shall be allowed 10percent concession of marks in theminimum eligibility requirements.</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>(ii) Children/War Widows of Defence PersonnelKilled/Disabled in Action (CW)</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thechildren and/or widows of personnel ofArmed/Para-Military forceskilled/ disabled in action during hostilitieswho apply for seatsreserved for them shall be allowed relaxation of 5percent marks in theminimum eligibility requirements.</font></p><p> <font size="1"><strong>(iii) Physically Handicapped(PH)</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesbelonging to Physically Handicappedcategory shall be allowed 5 percentconcession of marks in the minimumeligibility requirements.</font></p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>AgeRequirements:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Applicantmust be minimum 17 years of age on orbefore the first October of theyear in which he / she seeks admission.Relaxation in minimum age uptoone year only with the approval of theVice-Chancellor is permissible(Such candidates should apply forrelaxation only at the time ofadmission).</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidates who are short in minimum age by more thanone year are not eligible for admission.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>Region-wise Allocation of Seats:</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The total seats earmarked for theB.E. Courses shall be allocated region-wise as follows:</font></p><table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr valign="top"> <th colspan="2" align="left"><font size="1">(i) Delhi Region</font></th> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><font size="1">Forstudents passing from the RecognizedSchools / Colleges / InstitutionsLocated within the National CapitalTerritory of Delhi.</font></td> <td><font size="1">85 Percent.</font></td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <th colspan="2" align="left"><font size="1">(ii) Outside Delhi Region</font></th> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><font size="1">Forstudents passing from the RecognizedSchools / Colleges / Institutionslocated outside the National CapitalTerritory of Delhi.</font></td> <td><font size="1">15Percent.</font></td></tr></tbody></table><font size="1"><br></font><div align="center"> <div class="pg_cont"> <font size="1"><strong>Delhi CEE2009 Application Form:</strong></font> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheBulletin of Information enclosing the ApplicationForm for CEE will beavailable only on submission of a Pay Order orcrossed Bank Draft ofRs. 400/- (including the cost of bulletin ofinformation, applicationform and examination fee) in favour of theRegistrar, Delhi University,Delhi, drawn on an Bank from 14th March,2008 between 10:00 a.m. to4:00 p.m. (Lunch Break 1:00 p.m. to 1:30p.m.) on all working days(Monday to Friday) as per the notificationissued by the Universityfrom,</font></p> <p><font size="1">The office of TheDean, <br>Faculty of Technology, (Delhi University),<br>Room No. HCFF-13, First Floor (Health Centre),<br>Delhi College of Engineering (New Campus), <br>BawanaRoad, Delhi-110042.</font></p> </div> <p><font size="1">Please write yourname, address and telephone number (if any) at the back of the BankDraft/Pay Order from</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Fortheconvenience of the candidates, the Bulletin of Information may alsobeobtained on submission of a Bank Draft/Pay Order of Rs 400/-from,</font></p> <p><font size="1">The Office of the Director, <br>NetajiSubhas Institute of Technology, <br>Sector-3, Dwarka, Papankalan,<br>New Delhi - 110045</font></p><p> <font size="1"><strong>CEE 2008Application Form by Post:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheBulletin of Information can also be obtained bypost on remitting a PayOrder or crossed Bank Draft of the value of Rs475/- (including thecost of bulletin of information, application form,examination fee andpostal charges) in favour of the Registrar, DelhiUniversity, Delhi,drawn on any Bank. Two self addressed slips shouldalso be enclosedwith the request in Block letters for sending theBulletin by post.Please write your name, address and telephone number(if any) at theback of the Bank Draft/ Pay Order. The request forsupply of Bulletinof Information by post should be addressedto,</font></p> <p><font size="1">The Dean, <br>Faculty of Technology,(Delhi University), <br>Room No. HCFF-13, First Floor (HealthCentre), <br>Delhi College of Engineering (New Campus),<br>Bawana Road, Delhi-110042.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thecandidates asking for supply of Bulletin ofInformation by post mustwrite on the top of the envelope �Request forSupply of Bulletin ofInformation�.</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>Delhi CEE Examination Fee:</strong></font> </p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Noseparate examination fee is required to besent with the application.The cost of Bulletin of Information inclusiveof Examination Fee is notrefundable.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>Delhi CEE 2008 Submission of Application:</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thecandidates will apply foradmission to the CEE on the prescribed formavailable in this Bulletin.The Completed Application should besubmitted in person or reach by poston or before 16-04-2008 (5:30 PM)to,</font></p> <p><font size="1">The Dean,<br>Faculty of Technology, (Delhi University), <br>Room No.HCFF-13, First Floor (Health Centre), <br>Delhi College ofEngineering (New Campus), <br>Bawana Road,Delhi-110042.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The completedapplication form received after <strong>16.04.2008 (5.30PM)</strong> will not be entertained, even if the completedapplication form is posted before the last date i.e.16.04.2008.</font></p><p> <font size="1"><strong>Scheme ofExamination:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thetestwill comprise of objective type questions. Each Question willhavemultiple (four) choices. Correct answer will be awarded four marksandone mark will be deducted for incorrect answer.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>Schedule of Examination:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The entrance examination will be conducted as perthe schedule below:</font></p> <table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr valign="top"> <th><font size="1">Date</font></th> <th><font size="1">Time</font></th><th><font size="1">Paper</font></th> <th><font size="1">Subject</font></th> <th><font size="1">No.ofQuestions</font></th> <th><font size="1">Maximum Mark</font></th> </tr><tr valign="top"> <td rowspan="3"><font size="1"><strong>31.05.2008</strong><br>(Saturday)</font> </td><td rowspan="3"><font size="1">9.30 AM to <br>12.30 PM</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">I</font></td> <td><font size="1">Physics</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">60</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">240</font></td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td align="center"><font size="1">II</font></td> <td><font size="1">Chemistry</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">60</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">240</font></td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td align="center"><font size="1">III</font></td> <td><font size="1">Mathematics</font></td><td align="center"><font size="1">60</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">240</font></td></tr></tbody></table><font size="1"><br></font></div>