GeologistExamination Thecentres and the datesofholding the examination as mentioned above areliable to be changedatthe discretion of the commission. While everyeffort will be madetoallot the candidates to the centre of theirchoice for theexamination,the commission may, at their discretionallot a differentcentre to acandidate, when circumstances sowarrant. candidates admitted to theexamination will be informed ofthe time table and place or placesofexamination. Candidatesshould Note that no request for change ofcentrewill normally begranted. When a candidate, however, desires achange incentre from theone he had indicated in his application formfor theExamination, hemust send a letter addressed to the Secretary,UnionPublic ServiceCommission, giving full justification as to whyhedesires a change incentre. CentreName | CentreCode | CentreName | CentreCode | CentreName | CentreCode | CentreName | CentreCode | Ahmedabad | 01 | Jaipur | 11 | Allahabad | 02 | Jammu | 34 | Bangalore | 03 | Kolkata | 06 | Bhopal | 04 | Lucknow | 26 | Chandigarh | 35 | Mumbai | 05 | Chennai | 12 | Patna | 15 | Cuttack | 07 | Shillong | 16 | Delhi | 08 | Shimla | 17 | Dispur | 09 | Thiruvananthapuram | 19 | Hyderabad | 10 | | |
Categories 2.The category of post to whichrecruitment is to be madeon the resultsof this examination andthe approximate number ofvacancies in thevarious posts are given below:- Category I: (Posts inthe Geological Survey of India,Ministry ofMines). | (i)Geologist(Junior) | GroupA | 212 | Category II: (Posts inthe CentralGround Water Board, Ministry ofWaterResources) | (i)JuniorHydrogeologists (ScientistB) | GroupA | 02 | (ii)AssistantHydrogeologists | Group B | 08 |
The above number ofvacanciesare liable to alteration. Appointments will be made onatemporary basis in the first instance. Reservationswill be madeforcandidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, ScheduledTribes,OtherBackward Classes and Physically disabled categories inrespectofvacancies as may be fixed by theGovernment. 2(b).A candidate mayapply for admission to the examinationin respect ofany one or both thecategories, mentioned in Para 2(a)above. Once anapplication has beenmade, no change will be allowed. Ifa candidate wishes to beadmitted for both the categories,he need sendin only one application.He will be required to pay the feementionedin para 4 below once onlyand will not be required to payseparate feefor each of the categoriesfor which he applies. Acandidate may compete for anyone or both the categories of Posts forwhich he is eligible in termsof Rules. Acandidate who qualifies forboth the categories of Postson the resultof written part of examinationwill be required toindicate clearly inthe Detailed Application Form thecategories ofPosts for which hewishes to be considered in the order ofpreference sothat havingregard to his rank in order of merit, dueconsideration canbe given tohis preference when makingappointment. N.B.(i): No request for addition/alteration inthepreference indicated bya candidate in his detailed applicationformwill be entertained by theCommission. N.B.(ii) Thecandidatescompetingfor both the categories of the Posts will beallotted toPosts strictlyin accordance with their merit position,preferenceexercised by them andnumber ofvacancies. GeologistExamination Eligibility (I)Nationality A candidate must beeither: - a Citizen ofIndia,or
- asubject ofNepal, or
- asubject of Bhutan,or
a Tibetan refugee who came overto India before the 1stJanuary, 1962 with the intention of permanentlysettling inIndia.or aperson of Indian origin whohasmigrated from Pakistan, Burma, SriLanka or East African CountriesofKenya, Uganda, the United Republicof Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, ZaireandEthiopia or from Vietnam withthe intention of permanently settlinginIndia. Providedthat acandidatebelonging to categores (b), (c), (d) and (e) aboveshall be aperson inwhose favour a certificate of eligibility has beenissued bytheGovernment of India. Acandidate in whose caseacertificate of eligibility is necessary, maybe admitted totheexamination but the offer of appointment may begiven only afterthenecessary eligibility certificate has been issuedto him bytheGovernment of India. (II)AgeLimits: Acandidate must have attained the age of 21 years andmustnot haveattained the age of 32 years. The upper agelimit willberelaxable upto a maximum of 7 years in the case ofGovernmentservants,if they are employed in the Department mentionedin Column Ibelow andapply for the corresponding post mentionedincolumnII.
ColumnI | ColumnII | Geological SurveyofIndia Geologist (Junior)GroupA | CentralGroundWater Board (i) Jr. Hydrogeologists(Scientist B),GroupA (ii) Assistant HydrogeologistsGroupB |
NoteI-Candidatesbelonging tothe Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribesand the OtherBackwardClasses who are also covered under any otherclauses of Para3(II)(c)above, viz. those coming under the category ofEx-servicemen,personsdomiciled in the State of J & K, physicallyhandicappedetc.will be eligible for grant of cumulativeage-relaxation under boththecategories. NoteII-The term ex-servicemen will apply to the personswhoare defined asex-servicemen in the Ex-servicemen (Re-employmentinCivil Service andPosts) Rules, 1979, as amended from timetotime. NoteIII-The age concession under Para 3(II)(c)(v) and(vi)will not beadmissible to Ex-servicemen and CommissionedOfficersincludingECOs/SSCOs, who released on theirownrequest. NoteIV- Notwithstanding the provision ofage-relaxationunder para3(II)(c)(vii) above, a physically handicappedcandidate willbeconsidered to be eligible for appointment only ifhe/she (aftersuchphysical examination as the Government or appointingauthority, asthecase may be, may prescribe) is found to satisfy therequirementsofphysical and medical standards for the concernedServices/posts tobeallocated to the physically handicapped candidatesby theGovernment. Save as provided above the agelimits prescribed can in nocase be relaxed. Thedate of birth acceptedbythe Commission is that entered in theMatriculation or SecondarySchoolLeaving Certificate or in acertificate recognised by anIndianUniversity as equivalent toMatriculation or in an extract fromaRegister of Matriculatesmaintained by a University which mustbecertified by the properauthority of the University or in theHigherSecondary or an equivalentexaminationcertificate. These certificates are required to be submitted onlyafterthe declaration of the result of the written part oftheexamination. Noother document relating toage like horoscopes,affidavits, birthextracts from MunicipalCorporation, service recordsand the like willbe accepted. Theexpression Matriculation/HigherSecondary ExaminationCertificate in thispart of the instructionincludes the alternativecertificatementionedabove. Note 1:-Candidates should Notethat only the Date of Birthas recorded in theMatriculation/HigherSecondary ExaminationCertificate or an equivalentcertificate as on thedate of submission ofapplications will beaccepted by the Commission andno subsequentrequest for its changewill be consideredorgranted. Note 2:-Candidates should also Note that once a DateofBirth has been claimedby them and entered in the records oftheCommission for the purpose ofadmission to an Examination, nochangewill be allowed subsequently (orat any other Examination oftheCommission) on any ground whatsoever. Note3:- The candidatesshouldexercise due care while entering their dateof birth in column 8of theapplication form for the Examination. If onverification atanysubsequent stage, any variation is found in theirdate of birth fromtheone entered in their matriculation orequivalentExaminationcertificate, disciplinary action will be takenagainst themby theCommission under the Rules. N.B.�(i)The candidatureof aperson who is admitted to the examination underthe ageconcessionmentioned in Rule para 3(II)(b) above, shall becancelled, ifaftersubmitting his application, he resigns from serviceor his servicesareterminated by his department/office, either beforeor after takingtheexamination. He/she will, however, continue to beeligible if heisretrenched from the service or post aftersubmittingtheapplication. (ii) A candidate who,aftersubmitting his application tohis department is transferred tootherdepartment/office will heeligible to compete under departmentalageconcession for the post(s),for which he/she would have beeneligible,but for his transfer,provided his application, dulyrecommended, hasbeen forwarded by hisparent Department. GeologistExamination EducationalQualification Master'sdegree in Geology orApplied Geology or MarineGeology from aUniversity incorporated by anAct of the Central or StateLegislaturein India or other educationalInstitutes established by anact ofParliament or declared to be deemedas Universities under Section3 ofthe University Grants Commission Act,1956;or Diploma of AssociateshipinApplied Geology of the Indian School of Mines,Dhanbad;or Master's degree inMineralExploration from a recognised University (for posts in theGeologicalSurvery ofIndiaonly); Master's degree inHydrogeologyfrom a recognised University (for posts in the CentralGround WaterBoardonly).. NoteI-A candidate whohasappeared at an examination, the passing of whichwould renderhimeducationally qualified for this examination but hasnot beeninformedof the result, may apply for admission to theexamination. Acandidatewho intends to appear at such a qualifyingexamination mayalsoapply. Suchcandidates will be admitted to the examination,ifotherwise eligiblebut their admission would be deemed to beprovisionaland subject tocancellation if they do not produce proof ofhavingpassed therequisite qualifying examination alongwith thedetailedapplicationform which will be required to be submitted bythecandidates whoqualify on the result of the written part oftheexamination. NoteII-In exceptional cases theCommission may treat acandidate who hasnot any of the qualificationsprescribed in this rule,as educationallyqualified provided that he haspassed examinationsconducted by otherinstitutions, the standard ofwhich in the opinion ofthe Commission,justifies his admission totheexamination. NoteIII-A candidate who isotherwise eligible but who hastaken a degreefrom a foreign Universitywhich is not recognised byGovernment mayalso apply to the Commissionand may be admitted to theexamination atthe discretion of theCommission. (IV) Geologist Examination PhysicalStandards: GeologistExamination Scheme 1. The examination shallbeconducted according to the followingPlan: Part I.�Written examination inthe subjects as set out inpara 2 below. Part II.�Interview forpersonality Test of such candidatesas may be called by the Commission,carrying a maximum of 200marks. 2. The following will be thesubjects for the writtenexamination: Subject | Duration | MaximumMarks |
1 | 2 | 3 |
1)GeneralEnglish | 2 hrs. | 100 | 2) GeologyPaperI | 3 hrs. | 200 | 3) GeologyPaperII | 3 hrs. | 200 | 4) GeologyPaperIII | 3 hrs. | 200 | 5)Hydrogeology | 3hrs. | 200 |
Note:Candidates competingforpostsunder both Category I and Category II will be required toofferall thefive subjects mentioned above. Candidates competing forpostsunder Category I onlywill be required to offer subjects at (1) to(4)above and candidatescompeting for posts under Category II only willberequired to offersubjects at (1) to (3) and(5)above. 3. The Examination in all the subjects will beofconventional (Essay) type. 4. All Question papers mustbeanswered in English. The Question Papers will be set inEnglishonly. 5. The standard and syllabus of the examination will beasshown in the Schedule. 6. Candidates must writethepapers in their ownhand. In no circumstances will they be allowedthehelp of a scribe towrite answers forthem. 7. The Commission havediscretion to fix qualifying marks inany or all the subjects of theexamination. 8. If a candidate's handwritingis not easilylegible,deduction will be made on this account from thetotal marksotherwiseaccruing to him. 9. Marks will not beallottedfor mere superficial knowledge. 10. Credit will be givenfororderly, effective andexact expression combined with due economyofwords in all subjects ofthe examination. 11. In the questionpaperswherever necessary, questions involving the Metric System ofWeightsand Measures only will be set. 12. Candidates should useonlyInternational form ofIndian numerals (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc)whileanswering questionpapers. 13. Candidates are permittedtobring and usebattery operated pocket calculators for answeringpapersin thisexamination. Loaning or inter-changing of calculatorsintheExamination Hall is not permitted. 14. Interview forPersonalityTest: The candidatewill be interviewed by a Board ofcompetent andunbiased observers whowill have before them a record ofhis career. Theobject of theinterview is to assess his suitability forthe posts forwhich he hascompeted. Special attention will bepaidin the PersonalityTest to assessing the candidate's capacityforleadership, initiativeand intellectual curiosity, tact and othersocialqualities, mental andphysical energy, powers of practicalapplication,integrity ofcharacter and aptitude for adapting themselvesto the fieldlife.