Indian Air Force Examinations (IAF) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
<p align="justify"><font size="1">Being inthe Indian Air Force means being in action� always. Spell Air Force asSupersonic Jets, State-of-the-ArtTechnology and the best of people.Indian Air Force (IAF) provides themost modern facilities, unparalleledway of life and an environmentthat makes the best in you comeout.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">One can join IAF asan Officer or as an Airman. Theofficer cadre provides opportunities formen having 10+2(Intermediate), graduation, engineering and postgraduatedegrees, intheir three different branches. Women ...
<p align="justify"><font size="1">Being inthe Indian Air Force means being in action� always. Spell Air Force asSupersonic Jets, State-of-the-ArtTechnology and the best of people.Indian Air Force (IAF) provides themost modern facilities, unparalleledway of life and an environmentthat makes the best in you comeout.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">One can join IAF asan Officer or as an Airman. Theofficer cadre provides opportunities formen having 10+2(Intermediate), graduation, engineering and postgraduatedegrees, intheir three different branches. Women have opportunitiesonly in theOfficer cadre of the Air force. Women who are graduates,engineers andpost graduates can join as an Officer in the Air force.The officersare posted either as a Pilot, or a Navigator, or aTechnical or aGround Duty officer in any one of the Air Forcebases.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">In the Airmencadre, there are opportunities evenfor class tenth pass (Matriculate)and below candidates, 10+2(Intermediate), Diploma, graduates,postgraduates etc in theirtechnical and non-technical tradefields.</font></p><p style="font-weight: bold;" align="justify"><font size="1">Indian Air Force IAF AirmanExaminations</font></p><h4><font size="1">IAF Airmen Examinations<br>(Indian AirForce Airmen EntranceExaminations) </font></h4><p align="justify"><font size="1">An Airman in theIndian Air Force makes sure thatall the air and ground operations runsmoothly. From operating airdefence systems to fitting missiles, theyare actively involved in allthe action happening in the air base andgive support to variousmissions. One can join the Air Force in theTechnical Trades orNon-Technical Trades. The Air Force gives unparallelopportunities tolearn and grow to newerheights.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">IAF AirmenTechnical TradeExamination</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Introduction:</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">As an airman underthe Technical Trades, one isinvolved in the maintenance and testing ofaircraft and flying relatedequipment. He is also directly or indirectlyinvolved in themaintenance and overhaul of ground equipment andarmament. Training isgiven to undertake the operation of all mechanicaland electricalsystems as an airman�s responsibilities can involvehandlingsophisticated specialistvehicles.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><span style="font-weight: bold;">The Technical Trades have beengrouped under the following CombatantGroups</span>:</font></p><ul><li><font size="1">Combatant Group'X'</font></li><li><font size="1">Combatant Group'Y'</font></li></ul><p><font size="1"><strong>Combatant Group 'X':</strong>The following are the various technical tradesunder Group'X'.</font></p><ul><li><font size="1">RadioFitter</font></li><li><font size="1">RadarFitter</font></li><li><font size="1">Missile Fitter(E)</font></li><li><font size="1">Missile Fitter(L)</font></li><li><font size="1">Missile Fitter(M)</font></li><li><font size="1">Workshop Fitter(B)</font></li><li><font size="1">Workshop Fitter(C)</font></li><li><font size="1">InstrumentFitter</font></li><li><font size="1">ElectricalFitter</font></li><li><font size="1">AirframeFitter</font></li><li><font size="1">Plant Maintenance Fitter(E)</font></li><li><font size="1">Plant Maintenance Fitter(M)</font></li><li><font size="1">EngineFitter</font></li><li><font size="1">WeaponFitter</font></li></ul><p><font size="1"><strong>Combatant Group 'Y':</strong>The following are the various technical tradesunder Group'Y'.</font></p><ul><li><font size="1">PhotoTechnician</font></li><li><font size="1">Safety EquipmentWorker</font></li><li><font size="1">Machinist</font></li><li><font size="1">Mechanical TransportTechnician</font></li><li><font size="1">Air Defence SystemOperator</font></li><li><font size="1">RadioTechnician</font></li><li><font size="1">MeteorologicalAssistant</font></li></ul><p align="justify"><font size="1">Examinations areheld twice every year in the monthsof August/September or April/May forthe courses commencing in themonths of January andJuly.</font></p><div style="width: 98%;" align="left"> <h4><font size="1">IAF Airman Non-Technical Cadre Examinationn</font></h4><p><font size="1"><strong>Introduction:</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">If you join the AirForce as an airman innon-technical trades, you will provide invaluableassistance andsupport to the various functions of the Indian Air Force.From weatherforecasting to maintenance of records and files, yourcontribution isseminal to the effective functioning of the Air Forceand all itsbranches. I.A.F. Airman (Non-Technical Trades) Exam isconducted forIndian male citizens. The selection process for thisnon-technicalcourse commences twice a year: first from January to Juneand secondfrom July toDecember.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">For the coursescommencing in the month of January,the exams are held in the month ofAugust/September of the precedingyear and for the courses commencing inJuly, exams are held in themonth of April or May of the sameyear.</font></p><h4><font size="1">Educational Instructors TradeExamination</font></h4><p><font size="1"><strong>IAF Airmen EducationalInstructors Trade ExamIntroduction:</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">If you join the AirForce as an EducationalInstructor, you will conduct classes andexaminations. You will betrained to undertake the maintenance andadministration of libraries,information rooms and schools and alsoprovide invaluable assistanceand support to the various functions ofthe Indian Air Force.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">The examination forthe educational instructor tradeis generally held twice a year andadvertised in the Employment Newsand other leadingnewspapers.</font></p><div style="width: 98%;" align="left"> <h4><font size="1">IAF Musician Trade Examination</font></h4><p><font size="1"><strong>Introduction:</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">If you join the AirForce as an airman innon-technical trades, you will provide invaluableassistance andsupport to the various functions of the Indian Air Force.TheNon-Technical Trades have been divided into three categories-CombatantGroup 'X', Combatant Group 'Y' and Combatant Group 'Z'. IAFMusicianTrade comes under Group'Z'.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Airmen in thecapacity of musicians make up the AirForce Band. The nature of job isto play different musical instrumentsin IAF. For the recruitment ofmusician IAF is conducting an examnamely IAF MusicianTrade.</font></p><div class="cls_cnt"> <h3><font size="1">National Defence Academy Examination (I) - NDA 2009Exam Date</font></h3> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Last Date forReceipt of Applications<strong>17.11.2008</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">AnExamination will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission on<strong>19th April 2009</strong>,foradmission to the Army, Navy and Air force wings of the NDA for the123rdCourse and Naval Academy for the 43rd 10+2 (Executive Branch)coursecommencing from 30th December2009.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Theapproximatenumber of vacancies to be filled on the results of thisexamination willbe 335 (195 for the Army, 39 for Navy, 66 for the Airforce and 35 forthe Executive Branch of NavalAcademy).</font></p><p><font size="1">Vacancies are provisionaland may be changed depending on the availability of training capacityof National Defence Academy.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note:Acandidate is required to specify clearly in col. 17(I) oftheApplication form the Services for which he wishes to be consideredinthe order of hispreference.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">He is also advisedto indicate as many preferencesas he wishes to opt so that havingregard to his rank in the order ofmerit due consideration can be givento his preferences whenmakingappointments.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidates shouldNotethat they will be considered for appointment to those services onlyforwhich they express their preferences and for no other service(s).Norequest for addition/alteration in the preferences already indicatedbya candidate in his application will be entertained by theCommission.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">beforeindicatingtheir preferences for different courses, the candidatesshould firstdecide their preference for the two Academies viz.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">NationalDefenceAcademy and Naval Academy (Executive Branch). If a candidateopts forNational Defence Academy as his first choice, he must firstindicate hispreferences for different wings of National DefenceAcademy viz Army,Navy and Air force followed by his preferences forNaval Academy(Executive Branch).</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Alternatively,if acandidate opts for Naval Academy (Executive Branch) as his firstchoice,he must first indicate his preference for Naval Academy(ExecutiveBranch) as his first choice, followed by his preference fordifferentwings of National DefenceAcademy.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thus candidatesopting for Naval Academy (Executive Branch) Course aswell as othercourses of National Defence Academy must give NavalAcademy (ExecutiveBranch) as their first preference or the lastpreference. Naval Academy(Executive Branch) cannot be given as 2nd or3rd preference. Even ifNaval Academy (Executive Branch) is given as2nd or 3rd preference bythe candidate, it will be deemed to be thelastpreference.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Admission to theabovecourses will be made on the results of the written examination tobeconducted by the Commission followed by intelligence andpersonalitytest by the Services Selection Board of candidates whoqualify in thewrittenexamination.</font></p><p><font size="1">ImportantInstructions:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">1. Candidates toensure their eligibility for theexamination:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheCandidatesapplying for the examination should ensure that they fulfillalleligibility condition for admission to examination. Their admissiontoall the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subjecttosatisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions Mere issue ofadmissioncertificate to the candidate will not imply that his/hercandidature hasbeen finally cleared by theCommission.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Commission take upverification of eligibility conditions withreference to originaldocuments only after the candidate has qualifiedforinterview/Personality Test.</font></p><p><font size="1">2. Applicationform:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesmustapply in the Common Application form devised by the Commission foritsexamination, which can be purchased from the Designated HeadPostoffices/Post offices (specified in Appendix III of thenotice)throughout the country against cash payment of Rs. 20/- (RupeesTwentyonly). Each such form can be used only once and only foroneexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">In case of anydifficultyin obtaining Application forms from the designated HPOs/POs,thecandidates should immediately contact the concerned post MasterorUPSC's "forms Supply Monitoring Cell" over TelephoneNo.011-23389366/Fax No.011-23387310.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesareadvised to read carefully the "Instructions for filling uptheApplication form" given in Appendix-II of thisnotice.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">3. Last date forreceipt of applications:</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Allapplications must reach the "Secretary, Union PublicServiceCommission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069"eitherby hand or by Post/Speed Post or by Courier, on or before the17thNovember 2008.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">However, in respectofcandidates residing abroad or in certain remote localities specifiedinpara 6 of this Notice the last date for receipt of applicationbyPost/Speed Post only (not by Hand or by Courier) is 24thNovember2008.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">4. Penalty forwrong answers:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">CandidatesshouldNote that there will be penalty (negative marking) for wronganswersmarked by a candidate in the Objective Type QuestionPapers.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">5. Facilitationcounter for guidance of candidates:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Incase of anyguidance/information/clarification regarding theirapplications,candidature etc. candidates can contact UPSC'sFacilitation Counter neargate 'C' of its campus in person or overTelephone No.011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on working daysbetween 10.00 hrsand 17.00 hrs.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">6. Mobile PhonesBanned:</font></p> <ol type="a"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Mobilephones,pagers or any other communication devices are not allowedinside thepremises where the examination is being conducted. Anyinfringement ofthese instructions shall entail disciplinary actionincluding ban fromfutureexaminations.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesareadvised in their own interest not be bring any of the banneditemsincluding mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the examination,asarrangement for safekeeping cannot beassured.</font></div></li></ol><font size="1"><br></font><div class="cls_cnt"> <h3><font size="1">National Defence Academy Examination (I) - NDAEligibility 2009</font></h3><p><font size="1">(a) Nationality: Acandidate must either be :</font></p><ol type="i"><li><font size="1">a citizen of India,or</font></li><li><font size="1">a subject of Bhutan,or</font></li><li><font size="1">a subject of Nepal,or</font></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1"> a Tibetan refugeewho came over to India before the 1st January, 1962 with the intentionof permanently settling in India,or</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">aperson of Indianorigin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, SriLanka and East AfricanCountries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republicof Tanzania, Zambia,Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with theintention of permanentlysettling inIndia</font></div></li></ol><p align="justify"><font size="1">Providedthat a candidate belonging to categories (ii),(iii), (iv) and (v)above shall be a person in whose favour acertificate of eligibilityhas been issued by the Government of India.Certificate of eligibilitywill not, however, be necessary in the caseof candidates who areGorkha subjects ofNepal.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(b)Age Limits, Sexand Marital Status: "Onlyunmarried male candidates born not earlierthan 2nd January 1991 andnot later than 1st July, 1993 are eligible".</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thedate of birthaccepted by the Commission is that entered in theMatriculation orSecondary School Leaving Certificate or in acertificate recognised byan Indian University as equivalent toMatriculation or in an extractfrom a Register of Matriculatesmaintained by a University which must becertified by the properauthority of the University or in the HigherSecondary or an equivalentexamination certificates. These certificatesare required to besubmitted only after the declaration of the result ofthe written partof the examination. No other document relating to agelike horoscopes,affidavits, birth extracts from Municipal Corporation,service recordsand the like will be accepted. The expressionMatriculation/HigherSecondary Examination Certificate in this part ofthe instructionincludes the alternative certificates mentioned above.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 1: Candidatesshould Note thatonly the Date of Birth as recorded in theMatriculation/HigherSecondary Examination Certificate or an equivalentcertificateAVAILABLE on the date of submission of applications will beaccepted bythe Commission and no subsequent request for its change willbeconsidered or granted.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 2: Candidatesshould also Notethat once a Date of Birth has been claimed by them andentered in therecords of the Commission for the purpose of admission toanExamination, no change will be allowed subsequently or ataNYsubsequent examination on any Ground Whatsoever.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 3: Thecandidates should exercisedue care while entering their date of birthin column 8 of theapplication form for the Examination. If onverification at anysubsequent stage any variation is found in theirdate of birth from theone entered in their Matriculation or equivalentExaminationcertificate, disciplinary action will be taken Against themby theCommission under the Rules.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 4: Candidatesmust undertake notto marry until they complete their full training. Acandidate whomarries subsequent to the Date of his application thoughsuccessful atthis or any subsequent examination will not be selectedfor training. Acandidate who maRRies during training shall bedischarged and will beliable to refund all expenditure incurred on himby the Government.</font></p><p><font size="1">(c) National Defence Academy NDA & NA Exam(I) 2009 Educational Qualifications:</font></p><ol type="i"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">forArmy wing ofNational Defence Academy: 12th Class pass of the 10+2pattern of SchoolEducation or equivalent examination conducted by aState Education Boardor aUniversity.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">forAir force andNaval Wings of National Defence Academy and for the 10+2(ExecutiveBranch) Course at the Naval Academy :- 12th Class pass ofthe 10+2pattern of School Education or equilvalent with Physics andMathematicsconducted by a State Education Board or aUniversity.</font></div></li></ol><p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidateswho are appearing in the 12th Class under the10+2 pattern of SchoolEducation or equivalent exmination can also applyfor this examination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">SuchCandidates WhoQualify The Ssb Interview But Could Not ProduceMatriculation/10+2 OrEquivalent Certificates In Original At The Timeof Ssb Interview Shouldforward The Certificates Along With PhotoCopies Thereof to 'AddlDirectorate General of Recruiting, Army Hq,West Block-Iii, R.K.Puram,New Delhi-110 066' and for Naval AcademyCandidates to Naval'Headquarters, DMPR (R&R) Section, Room No 204,'C' Wing,Sena Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 011' By 5th December, 2009failing whichtheir candidature will beCancelled.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">AllOther CandidatesWho Have Produce Their Matriculation And 10+2 Pass OrEquivalentCertificates In Original At The Time of Attending The SsbInterview AndHave Got The Same Verified By The Ssb Authorities Are NotRequired toSubmit The Same to Army Hq Or Naval Hq As The Case May be.Certificatesin original issued by the Principals of the institutionsare alsoacceptable in cases where Boards/Universities have not yetissuedcertificates. Certified true copies/Photostat copies ofsuchcertificates will not beaccepted.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Inexceptional casesthe Commission may treat a candidate, who does notpossess any of thequalifications prescribed in this rule aseducationally qualifiedprovided that he possesses qualifications, thestandard of which in theopinion of the Commission, justifies hisadmission to theexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 1: Candidatesappearing in the 11th class exam are not eligible for thisexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Note2: Thosecandidates who have yet to qualify in the 12th class orequivalentexamination and are allowed to appear in the UPSCExamination shouldNote that this is only a special concession given tothem. They arerequired to submit proof of passing the 12th class orequivalentexamination by the prescribed date (i.e. 5th December 2009)and norequest for extending this date will be entertained on thegrounds oflate conduct of Board/University Examination, delay indeclaration ofresults or any other groundwhatsoever.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Note3: Candidateswho are debarred by the Ministry of Defence from holdingany type ofcommission in the Defence Services shall not be eligiblefor admissionto the examination and if admitted, their candidaturewill be cancelled.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 4: Thosecandidates who have failed INSB/PABT earlier are not eligible for Airforce.</font></p><p><font size="1">(d) PhysicalStandards:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesmust bephysically fit according to physical standards for admission toNationalDefence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2009 asperguidelines given in Appendix-V.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(e)Acandidate who has resigned or withdrawn ondisciplinary grounds fromany of the training academics of Armed forcesis not eligible toapply.</font></p><div class="cls_cnt"> <h3><font size="1">National Defence Academy Examination (I) - NDA 2009Scheme of Examination</font></h3><p><font size="1">1. The subjects of thewritten examination, the time allowed and the maximum marks allotted toeach subject will be as follows:</font></p><p><table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr valign="top"><th><font size="1">Subject</font></th><th><font size="1">Code</font></th><th><font size="1">Duration</font></th><th><font size="1">Maximum Marks</font></th></tr> <tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">Mathematics</font></td><td align="center"><font size="1">01</font></td><td><font size="1"> 2-�Hours</font></td><td align="center"><font size="1">300</font></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">General AbilityTest</font></td><td align="center"><font size="1">02</font></td><td><font size="1">2-�Hours</font></td><td align="center"><font size="1">600</font></td></tr><tr valign="top"><th colspan="3"><font size="1">Total</font></th><th align="center"><font size="1">900</font></th></tr></tbody></table></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">2.Thepapers in all the subjects will consist of objective typequestionsonly. The question papers (Test Booklets) of Mathematics andPart "B"of General Ability tests Will be set Bilingually in Hindi aswell asEnglish.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">3. In the questionpapers, wherever necessary, questions involving the metric system ofWeights and Measures only will beset.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">4. Candidates mustwrite the papers in their ownhand. In no circumstances will they beallowed the help of a scribe towrite answers forthem.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">5. The Commissionhave discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects atthe examination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">6.The candidatesare not permitted to use calculator or Mathematical orlogirithmic tablefor answering objective type papers (Test Booklets).They should nottherefore, bring the same inside the ExaminationHall.</font></p><p style="font-weight: bold;" align="justify"><font size="1">Indian Air Force IAF Officer�sExaminations</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Officers in theIndian Air Force strategize, leadand manage. Be it flying the mostadvanced combat aircraft or providingtechnical support, an officer�smission is to always give his best. Onecan join the Air Force in theflying, technical or the ground branches.The following examinationslead to various commissions inIAF:</font></p><font size="1">IAF Officer's Exams National Defence Academy (NDA Exam)Examination<br></font><div class="cls_cnt"> <h3><font size="1">National Defence Academy Examination (I) - NDA 2009Exam Date</font></h3> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Last Date forReceipt of Applications<strong>17.11.2008</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">AnExamination will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission on<strong>19th April 2009</strong>,foradmission to the Army, Navy and Air force wings of the NDA for the123rdCourse and Naval Academy for the 43rd 10+2 (Executive Branch)coursecommencing from 30th December2009.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Theapproximatenumber of vacancies to be filled on the results of thisexamination willbe 335 (195 for the Army, 39 for Navy, 66 for the Airforce and 35 forthe Executive Branch of NavalAcademy).</font></p><p><font size="1">Vacancies are provisionaland may be changed depending on the availability of training capacityof National Defence Academy.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note:Acandidate is required to specify clearly in col. 17(I) oftheApplication form the Services for which he wishes to be consideredinthe order of his preference.</font></p></div><font size="1"><br></font><p align="justify"><font size="1">He is also advisedto indicate as many preferencesas he wishes to opt so that havingregard to his rank in the order ofmerit due consideration can be givento his preferences whenmakingappointments.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidates shouldNotethat they will be considered for appointment to those services onlyforwhich they express their preferences and for no other service(s).Norequest for addition/alteration in the preferences already indicatedbya candidate in his application will be entertained by theCommission.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">beforeindicatingtheir preferences for different courses, the candidatesshould firstdecide their preference for the two Academies viz.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">NationalDefenceAcademy and Naval Academy (Executive Branch). If a candidateopts forNational Defence Academy as his first choice, he must firstindicate hispreferences for different wings of National DefenceAcademy viz Army,Navy and Air force followed by his preferences forNaval Academy(Executive Branch).</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Alternatively,if acandidate opts for Naval Academy (Executive Branch) as his firstchoice,he must first indicate his preference for Naval Academy(ExecutiveBranch) as his first choice, followed by his preference fordifferentwings of National DefenceAcademy.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thus candidatesopting for Naval Academy (Executive Branch) Course aswell as othercourses of National Defence Academy must give NavalAcademy (ExecutiveBranch) as their first preference or the lastpreference. Naval Academy(Executive Branch) cannot be given as 2nd or3rd preference. Even ifNaval Academy (Executive Branch) is given as2nd or 3rd preference bythe candidate, it will be deemed to be thelastpreference.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Admission to theabovecourses will be made on the results of the written examination tobeconducted by the Commission followed by intelligence andpersonalitytest by the Services Selection Board of candidates whoqualify in thewrittenexamination.</font></p><p><font size="1">ImportantInstructions:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">1. Candidates toensure their eligibility for theexamination:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheCandidatesapplying for the examination should ensure that they fulfillalleligibility condition for admission to examination. Their admissiontoall the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subjecttosatisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions Mere issue ofadmissioncertificate to the candidate will not imply that his/hercandidature hasbeen finally cleared by theCommission.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Commission take upverification of eligibility conditions withreference to originaldocuments only after the candidate has qualifiedforinterview/Personality Test.</font></p><p><font size="1">2. Applicationform:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesmustapply in the Common Application form devised by the Commission foritsexamination, which can be purchased from the Designated HeadPostoffices/Post offices (specified in Appendix III of thenotice)throughout the country against cash payment of Rs. 20/- (RupeesTwentyonly). Each such form can be used only once and only foroneexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">In case of anydifficultyin obtaining Application forms from the designated HPOs/POs,thecandidates should immediately contact the concerned post MasterorUPSC's "forms Supply Monitoring Cell" over TelephoneNo.011-23389366/Fax No.011-23387310.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesareadvised to read carefully the "Instructions for filling uptheApplication form" given in Appendix-II of thisnotice.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">3. Last date forreceipt of applications:</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Allapplications must reach the "Secretary, Union PublicServiceCommission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069"eitherby hand or by Post/Speed Post or by Courier, on or before the17thNovember 2008.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">However, in respectofcandidates residing abroad or in certain remote localities specifiedinpara 6 of this Notice the last date for receipt of applicationbyPost/Speed Post only (not by Hand or by Courier) is 24thNovember2008.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">4. Penalty forwrong answers:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">CandidatesshouldNote that there will be penalty (negative marking) for wronganswersmarked by a candidate in the Objective Type QuestionPapers.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">5. Facilitationcounter for guidance of candidates:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Incase of anyguidance/information/clarification regarding theirapplications,candidature etc. candidates can contact UPSC'sFacilitation Counter neargate 'C' of its campus in person or overTelephone No.011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on working daysbetween 10.00 hrsand 17.00 hrs.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">6. Mobile PhonesBanned:</font></p> <ol type="a"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Mobilephones,pagers or any other communication devices are not allowedinside thepremises where the examination is being conducted. Anyinfringement ofthese instructions shall entail disciplinary actionincluding ban fromfutureexaminations.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesareadvised in their own interest not be bring any of the banneditemsincluding mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the examination,asarrangement for safekeeping cannot beassured.</font></div></li></ol><font size="1"><br></font><div class="cls_cnt"> <h3><font size="1">National Defence Academy Examination (I) - NDAEligibility 2009</font></h3><p><font size="1">(a) Nationality: Acandidate must either be :</font></p><ol type="i"><li><font size="1">a citizen of India,or</font></li><li><font size="1">a subject of Bhutan,or</font></li><li><font size="1">a subject of Nepal,or</font></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1"> a Tibetan refugeewho came over to India before the 1st January, 1962 with the intentionof permanently settling in India,or</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">aperson of Indianorigin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, SriLanka and East AfricanCountries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republicof Tanzania, Zambia,Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with theintention of permanentlysettling inIndia</font></div></li></ol><p align="justify"><font size="1">Providedthat a candidate belonging to categories (ii),(iii), (iv) and (v)above shall be a person in whose favour acertificate of eligibilityhas been issued by the Government of India.Certificate of eligibilitywill not, however, be necessary in the caseof candidates who areGorkha subjects ofNepal.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(b)Age Limits, Sexand Marital Status: "Onlyunmarried male candidates born not earlierthan 2nd January 1991 andnot later than 1st July, 1993 are eligible".</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thedate of birthaccepted by the Commission is that entered in theMatriculation orSecondary School Leaving Certificate or in acertificate recognised byan Indian University as equivalent toMatriculation or in an extractfrom a Register of Matriculatesmaintained by a University which must becertified by the properauthority of the University or in the HigherSecondary or an equivalentexamination certificates. These certificatesare required to besubmitted only after the declaration of the result ofthe written partof the examination. No other document relating to agelike horoscopes,affidavits, birth extracts from Municipal Corporation,service recordsand the like will be accepted. The expressionMatriculation/HigherSecondary Examination Certificate in this part ofthe instructionincludes the alternative certificates mentioned above.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 1: Candidatesshould Note thatonly the Date of Birth as recorded in theMatriculation/HigherSecondary Examination Certificate or an equivalentcertificateAVAILABLE on the date of submission of applications will beaccepted bythe Commission and no subsequent request for its change willbeconsidered or granted.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 2: Candidatesshould also Notethat once a Date of Birth has been claimed by them andentered in therecords of the Commission for the purpose of admission toanExamination, no change will be allowed subsequently or ataNYsubsequent examination on any Ground Whatsoever.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 3: Thecandidates should exercisedue care while entering their date of birthin column 8 of theapplication form for the Examination. If onverification at anysubsequent stage any variation is found in theirdate of birth from theone entered in their Matriculation or equivalentExaminationcertificate, disciplinary action will be taken Against themby theCommission under the Rules.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 4: Candidatesmust undertake notto marry until they complete their full training. Acandidate whomarries subsequent to the Date of his application thoughsuccessful atthis or any subsequent examination will not be selectedfor training. Acandidate who maRRies during training shall bedischarged and will beliable to refund all expenditure incurred on himby the Government.</font></p><p><font size="1">(c) National Defence Academy NDA & NA Exam(I) 2009 EducationalQualifications:</font></p> <ol type="i"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">forArmy wing ofNational Defence Academy: 12th Class pass of the 10+2pattern of SchoolEducation or equivalent examination conducted by aState Education Boardor aUniversity.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">forAir force andNaval Wings of National Defence Academy and for the 10+2(ExecutiveBranch) Course at the Naval Academy :- 12th Class pass ofthe 10+2pattern of School Education or equilvalent with Physics andMathematicsconducted by a State Education Board or aUniversity.</font></div></li></ol><p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidateswho are appearing in the 12th Class under the10+2 pattern of SchoolEducation or equivalent exmination can also applyfor this examination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">SuchCandidates WhoQualify The Ssb Interview But Could Not ProduceMatriculation/10+2 OrEquivalent Certificates In Original At The Timeof Ssb Interview Shouldforward The Certificates Along With PhotoCopies Thereof to 'AddlDirectorate General of Recruiting, Army Hq,West Block-Iii, R.K.Puram,New Delhi-110 066' and for Naval AcademyCandidates to Naval'Headquarters, DMPR (R&R) Section, Room No 204,'C' Wing,Sena Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 011' By 5th December, 2009failing whichtheir candidature will beCancelled.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">AllOther CandidatesWho Have Produce Their Matriculation And 10+2 Pass OrEquivalentCertificates In Original At The Time of Attending The SsbInterview AndHave Got The Same Verified By The Ssb Authorities Are NotRequired toSubmit The Same to Army Hq Or Naval Hq As The Case May be.Certificatesin original issued by the Principals of the institutionsare alsoacceptable in cases where Boards/Universities have not yetissuedcertificates. Certified true copies/Photostat copies ofsuchcertificates will not beaccepted.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Inexceptional casesthe Commission may treat a candidate, who does notpossess any of thequalifications prescribed in this rule aseducationally qualifiedprovided that he possesses qualifications, thestandard of which in theopinion of the Commission, justifies hisadmission to theexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 1: Candidatesappearing in the 11th class exam are not eligible for thisexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Note2: Thosecandidates who have yet to qualify in the 12th class orequivalentexamination and are allowed to appear in the UPSCExamination shouldNote that this is only a special concession given tothem. They arerequired to submit proof of passing the 12th class orequivalentexamination by the prescribed date (i.e. 5th December 2009)and norequest for extending this date will be entertained on thegrounds oflate conduct of Board/University Examination, delay indeclaration ofresults or any other groundwhatsoever.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Note3: Candidateswho are debarred by the Ministry of Defence from holdingany type ofcommission in the Defence Services shall not be eligiblefor admissionto the examination and if admitted, their candidaturewill be cancelled.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Note 4: Thosecandidates who have failed INSB/PABT earlier are not eligible for Airforce.</font></p><p><font size="1">(d) PhysicalStandards:</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesmust bephysically fit according to physical standards for admission toNationalDefence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2009 asperguidelines given in Appendix-V.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(e)Acandidate whohas resigned or withdrawn on disciplinary grounds fromany of thetraining academics of Armed forces is not eligible toapply.</font></p><p style="font-weight: bold;" align="justify"><font size="1">IAF Officer's Exams Combined Defence Services (CDSExam)<br></font></p><p style="font-weight: bold;" align="justify"><font size="1">Examination</font></p><h3><font size="1">Combined Defence Services Examination 2009 (I) - CDSExam Details 2009</font></h3><p><font size="1">(Including SSC Women(Non-Technical) Courses)</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Acombined defence services examination will be conducted by the unionpublic service commission on <strong>15th February,2009</strong> for admission to the under mentionedcourses.</font></p> <table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><th><font size="1">S.No</font></th><th><font size="1">Name of theCourses</font></th><th><font size="1">Approximate No ofVacancies</font></th></tr><tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">1.</font></td><td><div align="justify"><font size="1">Indian MilitaryAcademy dehradun 128th course commencing in<strong>January, 2010</strong> [includes 32vacancies reserved for certificate (army wing)holders]</font></div></td><td align="center"><font size="1">250</font></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">2.</font></td><td><div align="justify"><font size="1">Naval academyezhimala, kerala course commencing in <strong>January,2010</strong> executive (hydro/general service)[including 06 vacancies reserved for certificate holders (navalwing)]</font></div></td><td align="center"><font size="1">40</font></td></tr></tbody></table><table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><th><font size="1">S.No</font></th><th><font size="1">Name of theCourses</font></th><th><font size="1">Approximate No ofVacancies</font></th></tr><tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">3.</font></td><td><div align="justify"><font size="1">Air force academy,hyderabad (pre-flying) training course commencing in<strong>January, 2010</strong> i.e.No.187th f(p)course</font></div></td><td align="center"><font size="1">32</font></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">4.</font></td><td><div align="justify"><font size="1">Officers� trainingacademy, chennai 91st ssc course (for men) commencing in<strong>April2010</strong></font></div></td><td align="center"><font size="1">175</font></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">5</font></td><td><div align="justify"><font size="1">Officers� trainingacademy, chennai (madras) 5th ssc women non-technical course commencingin april2010</font></div></td><td align="center"><font size="1">10</font></td></tr></tbody></table><p><font size="1">Note: The number ofvacancies given above is tentative and may be changed at any stage byservice H.Q.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">N.B(I) (a): Acandidate is required to specify clearly in column 22 of theapplicationform the services for which he wishes to be considered inthe order ofhis/her preference. </font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">He/sheis alsoadvised to indicate as many preferences as he/she wishes to,subject tothe condition given at paras (b) and (c) below, so thathaving regard tohis/her rank in the order of merit due considerationcan be given tohis/her preferences when making appointment.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Since womencandidates are eligible for ota only, they should give ota as theirfirst and only preference.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(b)(i):If a male candidate is competing for short service commission(army)only, he should indicate ota as the one and only choice.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">However,a malecandidate competing for short service commission course at otaas wellas permanent commission course at ima, naval academy and airforceacademy should indicate ota as his last preference, otherwise otawillbe deemed to be the last choice even if it is given a higherpreferenceby the candidate".</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(b) (ii):Womencandidates are being considered only for short service commissionatota. They should indicate ota as the onlychoice.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(c):Candidates whodesire to join air force academy must indicate afa asfirst choice, asthey have to be administered pilot aptitude batterytest at one of theafsb and af Defence at central Defenceestablishment/institute ofaviation medicines. Choice exercised for afaas second or third will betreated as invalid.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(d):Candidatesshould note that, except as provided in n.b. (ii) below,they will beconsidered for appointment to those courses only for whichthey exercisetheir preference and for no othercourse(s).</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(e):No request foraddition/alteration in the preferences already indicatedby a candidatein his/her application will be entertained by thecommission. No changeof choice once exercised will be allowed. Secondchoice will come forconsideration only when the first choice is notoffered to the candidateby services HQ.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Whenfirst choice isoffered and a candidate declines the same, his/hercandidature will becancelled for all other choices forregularcommission.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">N.B. (II) Theleft-overcandidates of ima/naval academy/air force academy courses viz,thosewho have been recommended by the union public service commissionforgrant of permanent commission on the basis of the final results ofthisexamination, but who could not be inducted on these courses foranyreason whatsoever may be considered for grant of ssc even if theyhavenot indicated their choice for this course in their applications,ifthey are subsequently willing to be considered for this coursesubjectto the following conditions :</font></p> <ol type="i"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">There is ashortfall after detailing all the candidates who competed for the ssccourse;and</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Thecandidates whoare detailed for training even though they have notexpressed theirpreference for ssc will be placed in the order of meritlist after thelast candidate who had opted for this course, as thesecandidates willbe getting admission to the course to which they arenot entitledaccording to the preference expressed bythem.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Candidateswith airforce as first and only choice cannot be considered as leftover forgrant of ssc (ota) if they fail in the pilot aptitude batterytest. Suchcandidates, if they desire to be considered for ssc (ota)shouldexercise their option for otaalso.</font></div></li></ol><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Note 1:</strong>NCC'C' Certificate (army wing/senior division air wing/naval wing)holdersmay also compete for the vacancies in the short servicecommissioncourse but since there is no reservation of vacancies forthem in thiscourse, they will be treated as general candidates for thepurpose offilling up vacancies in thiscourse.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidateswho haveyet to pass NCC 'C' certificate (army wing/senior divisionairwing/naval wing) examination, but are otherwise eligible to competeforthe reserved vacancies, may also apply but they will be requiredtosubmit the proof of passing the � certificate (armywing/seniordivision air wing/naval wing) examination to reach the armyhq/rtg. </font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">CDSEentry for sscmale candidates and ssc women entry for femalecandidates, westblock-iii, r k puram, new delhi-110066 in case ofima/ssc first choicecandidates and naval hq (r&r section), roomno. 204 �c�wing, sena bhawan, new delhi-110011 in case of navy firstchoicecandidates and po 3 (a)/air headquarters, j, block, rno. 17,opp. Vayubhawan, motilal nehru marg, new delhi-110011 in case of airforce firstchoice candidates by <strong>13th november,2009.</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Tobeeligible to compete for reserved vacancies the candidates shouldhaveserved for not less than 2 academic years in the senior divisionarmywing and 3 academic years in the senior division air wing/navalwing ofnational cadet corps and should not have been discharged fromthe nccfor more than 24 months for ima/naval academy/air force academycourseson the last date of receipt of application in the commission�soffice.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Note 2:</strong>Inthe event of sufficient number of qualified Ncc� certificate(armywing/senior division air wing/naval wing) holders notbecomingavailable on the results of the examination to fill all thevacanciesreserved for them in the indian military academy course/airforceacademy course/naval academy course, the unfilled reservedvacanciesshall be treated as unreserved and filled by generalcandidates.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Admissionto theabove courses will be made on the results of the writtenexamination tobe conducted by the commission followed by intelligenceand personalitytest by the services selection board of candidates whoqualify in thewritten examination. The details regarding the</font></p> <ol type="a"><li><font size="1">scheme,standard, syllabus of the examination,</font></li><li><font size="1">instructions to candidates for filling up theapplicationform,</font></li><li><font size="1">list of head post offices/post offices where upscapplication forms are available,</font></li><li><font size="1">special instructions to candidates for objective typetests,</font></li><li><font size="1">guidelines with regard to physical standards foradmission to the academyand</font></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">briefparticulars ofservices etc. for candidates joining the indian militaryacademy, navalacademy, air force academy and officers� trainingacademy are given inappendices i, ii, iii, iv, v and virespectively.</font></div></li></ol><font size="1"><br></font><div class="cls_cnt"> <h3><font size="1">CDS Examination (I) - CDS Exam Eligibility2009</font></h3><p><font size="1">(a) Nationality : Acandidate must either be:</font></p><ol type="i"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">a Citizen of India,or</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">a subject ofBhutan, or</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">a subject of Nepal,or</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">a Tibetan refugeewho came over to India before the 1st January, 1962 with the intentionof permanently settling in India, or</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">aperson of Indianorigin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, SriLanka and East AfricanCountries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republicof Tanzania, Zambia,Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or Vietnam with theintention of permanentlysettling inIndia.</font></div></li></ol><p align="justify"><font size="1">Providedthat a candidate belonging to categories (ii),(iii), (iv) and (v)above shall be a person in whose favour acertificate of eligibilityhas been issued by the Government ofIndia.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Certificate ofeligibility will, however, not be necessary in the case of candidateswho are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.</font></p> </div><div class="ads_300x250"> <p align="justify"><font size="1">A candidate in whose case a certificate ofeligibilityis necessary, may be admitted to the examinationprovisionally subjectto the necessary certificate being given to himby the Govt. beforedeclaration of result byUPSC.</font></p><p align="justify"> </p><p><font size="1"><strong>(b) Age Limits, Sex and MaritalStatus:</strong></font></p><ol type="i"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">ForIMA-Unmarriedmale candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1986and not laterthan 1st January, 1991 only are eligible.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">ForNavalAcademy-Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2ndJanuary,1988 (2nd January, 1986 in case of NCC/Naval Wing �C�Certificateholders) and not later than 1st January, 1991 only areeligible.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">For AirForceAcademy-Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2ndJanuary,1987 and not later than 1st January, 1991 only are eligible.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">ForOfficersTraining Academy-(SSC Course for Men): Male candidates(married orunmarried born not earlier than 2nd January, 1985 and notlater than 1stJanuary, 1991 only areeligible.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">For Officers'Training Academy - (SSC Women Non-TechnicalCourse):</font></div></li></ol><p align="justify"><font size="1">Unmarriedwomen are eligible. They should have been bornnot earlier than 2ndJanuary, 1985 and not later than 1st January,1991</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thedate of birthaccepted by the Commission is that entered in theMatriculation orSecondary School Leaving Certificate or in acertificate recognised byan Indian University as equivalent toMatriculation or in an extractfrom a Register of Matriculatesmaintained by a University which extractmust be certified by theproper authority of the University or in theHigher Secondary or anequivalent examinationcertificate.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thesecertificatesare required to be submitted only after the declaration ofthe result ofthe written part of the examination. No other documentrelating to agelike horoscopes, affidavits, birth extracts fromMunicipal Corporation,service records and the like will be accepted.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheexpressionMatriculation/Higher Secondary Examination Certificate inthis part ofthe instruction includes the alternative certificatesmentioned above.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Note1:</strong>Candidates should note that only the Date ofBirth as recorded in theMatriculation/Higher Secondary ExaminationCertificate or an equivalentcertificate on the date of submission ofapplications will be acceptedby the Commission and no subsequentrequest for its change will beconsidered or granted.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Note2:</strong>Candidates should also note that once a Dateof Birth has been claimedby them and entered in the records of theCommission for the purpose ofadmission to an Examination, no changewill be allowed subsequently orat a subsequent examination on anyground whatsoever. </font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Note 3:</strong>Thecandidates should exercise due care while entering their date ofbirthin column 8 of the application form for the Examination. Ifonverification at any subsequent stage any variation is found intheirdate of birth from the one entered in their Matriculation orequivalentexamination certificate, disciplinary action will be takenagainst themby the Commission under the Rules.</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>(c) EducationalQualifications:</strong></font></p> <ol type="i"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">For I.M.A. andOfficers� Training Academy-Degree of a recognised University orequivalent.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">For Naval Academy :B.Sc. (with Physics & Mathematics) or Bachelor ofEngineering.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">ForAir ForceAcademy : Degree of Recognized University (with Physics andMathematicsat 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering.</font></div></li></ol><p align="justify"><font size="1">Graduateswith first choice as Army/Navy/Air Force areto submit proof ofgraduation provisional certificates on the date ofcommencement of theSSB Interview at the SSB.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidateswho arestudying in the final year Degree course and have yet to passthe finalyear degree examination can also apply but they will berequired tosubmit proof of passing the degree examination to reach theArmyHQ/Rtg.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">CDSE Entry, WestBlock III,R K Puram, New Delhi-110066 in case of IMA/SSC first choicecandidatesand Naval HQ �DMPR� (I.O & R Section), Room No.204, �C� Wing, SenaBhawan, New Delhi-110011 in case of Navy firstchoice candidates andPO3(A)/Air Headquarters, �J� Block, Room No. 17,Opp. Vayu Bhawan,Motilal Nehru Marg, New Delhi-110011 in case of AirForce first choicecandidates by the following dates failing which theircandidature willstand cancelled :</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(i) For admissionto IMA, Naval and Air Force Academy on or before 13th November, 2009.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(ii) For admissionto Officer�s Training Academy, Chennai on or before 1st February, 2010.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatespossessing professional and technicalqualifications which arerecognised by government as equivalent toprofessional and technicaldegrees would also be eligible for admissionto the examination. </font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Inexceptional casesthe Commission may treat a candidate, who does notpossess any of thequalifications prescribed in this rule aseducationally qualifiedprovided that he possesses qualifications, thestandard of which in theopinion of the Commission, justifies hisadmission to the examination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>NoteI:</strong>Candidates, who have yet to pass their degreeexamination will beeligible only if they are studying in the final yearof degreeexamination.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Those candidateswho haveyet to qualify in the final year Degree Examination and areallowed toappear in the UPSC Examination should note that this is onlya specialconcession given to them. They are required to submit proof ofpassingthe Degree examination by the prescribed date and no requestforextending this date will be entertained on the grounds of lateconductof basic qualifying University Examination, delay in declarationofresults or any other ground whatsoever.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>NoteII:</strong>Candidates who are debarred by the Ministryof Defence from holding anytype of commission in the Defence Servicesshall not be eligible foradmision to the examination and if admitted,their candidature will becancelled.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>NoteIII:</strong>In the event of Air Force candidates beingsuspended from FlyingTraining for failure to learn flying, they wouldbe absorbed in theNavigation/Administration/Logistic Branch of the IAF.This will besubject to availability of vacancies and fulfilling thelaid downqualitative requirements (including 60% ingraduation).</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>(d)Physical Standards</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesmust be physically fit according to physicalstandards for admission toCombined Defence Services Examination (I),2009 as per guidelines giveninAppendix-V.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><span style="font-weight: bold;">IAF Officer's Exams IAF Women PilotTraineesExamination</span></font></p><div style="width: 98%;" align="left"><h4><font size="1">IAF Women Pilot TraineesExamination</font></h4><font size="1"><strong>Introduction:</strong></font><p align="justify"><font size="1">During the ninetiesIndian society saw an increasingdemands for greater participation ofwomen in all fields, includingDefence Services. In recognition of thedemand, the IAF initiated acase for obtaining the necessary sanctionfrom the government. In June1990, the Government of India approved thesanction of women in theofficer cadre of non-technical, ground DutyBranches, viz,administration and logistics.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Also, a number ofrepresentations were received fromqualified women pilots for openingthe doors of entry to the FlyingBranch of IAF. As a sequel to theenthusiasm generated, the IAFapproached the Government for a favourableconsideration of the case.In August 1992, the Government approved theinduction of women inFlying and Technical Branches on an experimentalbasis with a tenureranging from six to tenyears.</font></p><p style="font-weight: bold;" align="justify"><font size="1">IAF Officer's Exams - Indian Air Force (IAF) PilotsExamination</font></p><div style="width: 98%;" align="left"><h4><font size="1">IAF Pilots Examination</font></h4><p><font size="1"><strong>Introduction:</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Career in IAF as apilot is very challenging andrewarding one. After selection one istrained either as a Fighterpilot, or a Helicopter pilot, or a Transportpilot and are a part ofvarious peace and wartime missions. As agraduate, you can enter intothe Flying branch of Air Force through theAir Force Academy. It is oneof the most prestigious trainingestablishments of the Indian AirForce.</font></p><p style="font-weight: bold;" align="justify"><font size="1">IAF Aeronautical Engineering OfficersExamination</font></p><div style="width: 98%;" align="left"><h4><font size="1">IAF Aeronautical Engineering Officers Exam</font></h4><p><font size="1"><strong>Introduction:</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">In Indian Air-forceaeronautical engineering isdivided into two branches - mechanical andelectrical. AeronauticalEngineers in the Mechanical Branch areresponsible for aircraft and itsweapon system. They are concerned withthe operational readiness ofaircrafts.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">AeronauticalEngineers in the Electronic Branchmaintain most sophisticatedelectronic networks of communications fromground to air and vice versa.Engineers also install, maintain, operatedefence radar systems, otherelectronic gadgets, sophisticatedcomputers, maintain and operate otherground defenceelectronicsequipments.</font></p></div><div style="width: 98%;" align="left"><h4><font size="1">IAF Commissioned Officers Examination</font></h4><p><font size="1"><strong>Introduction:</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">The job of an IAFCommissioned Officer is alucrative one. As an officer in the Indian AirForce you strategize,lead and manage. The candidates are selectedthrough a national levelCivil Services IAF Officer�s Examination. Thisexam is basicallyconducted for recruitment of officers intoadministrative, logistic,education, accounts, meteorological and airtraffic branches of theIAF.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">After the selectionthe candidates go for rigoroustraining in diversified fields andenvironments. The training givesthem enough expertise to face anychallenges infuture.</font></p></div></div></div><p align="justify"> </p> </div></div> </div></div></div></div></div>