Indian Institute of Technology Joint Admission Test
Exam Code
IIT JAT Exam Type
MCA Exam
IIT JAT Exam Frequency
Annual Exam
IIT JAT 2025 Exam
<div align="center"> <div style="width: 98%;" align="justify"> <p align="justify"><font size="1">JointAdmission Test (JAM)for Master of Computer Application(MCA), Masterof Sciences (M.Sc.) foradmissions in various IITs acrossthe country.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Fromthe Academic Session 2004 - 2005, IndianInstitutes ofTechnology havestarted conducting a Joint Admission testto M.Sc. (JAM)for admissionto M.Sc. and other post-B.Sc. programmes attheIITs.</font></p><p> <font size="1"><strong>IIT JAM 2009GeneralInformation:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(a)TheJAM-2009 is open to allnationals (Indian/Foreign). Candidatesseekingadmission to academicprogrammes covered under JAM-2009 need toappearin JAM-2009. There is noage restriction.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(b) Foreign nationals will berequired to satisfytheprevailing rules on the admission for foreignstudents of theAdmittingInstitute(s). For further details, they areadvised tocontact theAdmitting Institute(s)concerned.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(c)To apply for admission to a desired programme,acandidate is requiredto qualify in the corresponding Test Paperandalso satisfy the minimumeducational qualifications andeligibilitycriteria of theacademicprogramme.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(d) The candidates whohaveeither appeared or aredue to appear in the final examination oftheirqualifying degree in2009 are also eligible to appear in the Test.Onqualifying JAM-2009,such candidates can apply for provisionaladmissionsubject to thecondition that: </font></p><ol type="i"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">all parts of theirfinal examination shall be over by the date ofregistration of theAdmitting Institute, and</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1"> shall produce the proof ofhaving passedthequalifying degree with required eligibility, asspecified bytheAdmitting Institute, in the form of the final result onor before<strong>September30,2009.</strong></font></div></li></ol><p align="justify"><font size="1">(e) Admissions to variousacademic programmesatdifferent institutes will be made on the basis ofmerit in JAM-2009.Onthe basis of performance in the Test, for each TestPaper,separatemerit lists will be prepared for General, OBC(Non-creamy), SC,ST andPerson with Disability (PD) categorycandidates.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(f) Request for the change of category, withproperdocumentation, should reach the Organizing Instituteby<strong>February 10, 2009.</strong> Requests receivedafterthis date will not be accepted under anycircumstances.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(g) Candidates should note that mere appearanceinJAM-2009or being in the merit list of any Test Paperneitherguarantees norprovides any automatic entitlement foradmission.Qualified candidatesshall have to apply for admission as pertheprescribed procedure.Admissions shall be made in order of meritanddepending on the number ofseats available attheAdmittingInstitute(s).</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(h) Withregard to theinterpretation of theprovisions of any matter not coveredin thisInformation Brochure, thedecision of the Organizing Instituteshall befinal and binding on allthe partiesconcerned.<br></font></p><div class="pg_cont"><font size="1"><strong>IIT JAM2009Eligibility</strong></font> <p> <font size="1"><strong>MinimumEducational Qualifications for IITAdmission 2009:</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>M.Sc. AppliedGeology(IITB, IITR)/M.Tech. Geological Technology (IITR)/M.Sc.-Ph.D.DualDegree in Geological Sciences(IITKgp)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor's degree with Geologyas a subject forthreeyears/six semesters and any two subjects amongMathematics,Physics,Chemistry and Biological Science. The candidatemust haveMathematics at(10+2)level.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>M.Sc. AppliedGeophysics(IITB)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor'sdegree with both Physics and Mathematicsassubjects for two years andat least one of them as a subject forthreeyears.</font></p></div> <p><font size="1"><strong>M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree inGeophysics(IITKgp)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor's degree with twosubjects amongPhysics,Mathematics and Geology for at least twoyears/four semesterseach andthe remaining one for at least one year /twosemesters.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>M.Tech. GeophysicalTechnology(IITR)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor's degree withMathematics and Physicsassubjects and any one among the followingsubjects: Chemistry,Geology,Statistics, Electronics and ComputerScience.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>M.Sc. AppliedMathematics(IITR)/M.Sc.Industrial Mathematics and Informatics(IITR)/M.Sc.Mathematics (IITB,IITD, IITK, IITM)/M.Sc. Mathematics andComputing(IITG)/M.Sc.-Ph.D.Dual Degree inMathematics(IITKgp)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor'sdegree withMathematics as a subject for at least twoyears/foursemesters.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>M.Sc. Applied Statistics andInformatics(IITB)/M.Sc.Statistics(IITK)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor'sdegree with eitherMathematics or Statistics as a subject for at leasttwo years/foursemesters.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>M.Sc.Biotechnology (IITB,IITR)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor's degree in any branchof Science/Agriculture / Pharmacy / Veterinary / Engineering /Medicine(MBBS).</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>M.Sc. Chemistry (IITB, IITD,IITG, IITK, IITM,IITR)/M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree inChemistry(IITKgp)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor'sdegree with Chemistryas a subject for three years/six semesters andMathematics at (10+2)level.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>M.Sc.Physics (IITB, IITD, IITG, IITK, IITM,IITR) / M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degreeprogram in Physics (IITB, IITK,IITKgp)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor's degree with Physicsas a subject foratleast two years/four semesters and Mathematics for atleastoneyear/two semesters.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>M.Sc.-Ph.D. DualDegree program in Energy(IITB)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor's degree with any oneofChemistry,Mathematics and Physics for two years/four semesters, andanyone ofthe remaining two subjects for at least oneyear/twosemesters.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>Master of ComputerApplications [MCA](IITR)</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Bachelor's degree withMathematics as a subjectforat least one year for annual systemcandidates/at least two papersofMathematics for semester systemcandidates. </font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>Eligibility Requirements for AdmissioninIIT:</strong></font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">JAM-2009qualified candidatesshall have to fulfill the following eligibilitycriteria for admissionsin IITs.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Atleast 55% aggregate marks (taking into accountallsubjects, includinglanguages and subsidiaries, all years combined)forGeneral/OBC Categorycandidates and at least 50% aggregate marks(takinginto account allsubjects, including languages andsubsidiaries, allyears combined) forSC/ST and PD Category candidatesin thequalifyingdegree.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">For candidates withlettergrades/CGPA (instead ofpercentage of marks), the equivalentpercentageof marks will bedecided by the admittinginstitute(s).</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">At the time of admission, all admittedcandidateswill haveto submit a physical fitness certificate from aregisteredmedicalpractitioner in the prescribed form. At the timeofregistration, theadmitted candidates may have to undergo aphysicalfitness test by amedical board constituted by theAdmittingInstitute.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">In case a candidate is notfoundto be physicallyfit to pursue his/her chosen course of study,his/heradmission maybecancelled.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>Note:</strong></font></p><ol type="i"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">It will entirely betheresponsibility of the candidate toprove that he/she satisfiestheminimum educational qualifications andeligibilityrequirementsforadmissions.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1"> The Admitting Institute hasthe right tocancel, atany stage, the admission of a candidate who isfoundadmitted to acourse to which he/she is not entitled, beingunqualifiedor ineligiblein accordance with the ordinances andregulationsinforce.</font></div></li></ol><font size="1"><br></font><div class="pg_cont"><font size="1"><strong>IIT JAM 2009 Pattern of TestPapers</strong></font><p align="justify"><font size="1">Test Papers for Biotechnology andComputerApplications willbe fully Objective Type. These Test Papershave to beanswered in anObjective Response Sheet (ORS) by darkeningappropriatebubbles usingblack HB pencil. Since the ORS will beevaluated byelectronic means, itis imperative that the instructionsgiven on theORS are carefully readand followed by thecandidates.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">All other Test PaperswillbeObjective-cum-Subjective Type. There will bea"question-cum-answerbooklet" for each of these six Test Papers.Answersto variousquestions are to be given at appropriate placesinthe"question-cum-answer booklet" itself. No supplementary sheetwillbeprovided. In each of these six Test Papers, out of thetotalmarksassigned to the Test Paper, objective and subjectivequestionswillcarry weightages of 30% and 70%,respectively.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">The Objective type questions in all the TestPaperswill havefour choices as possible answers, of which, only onewill becorrect.There will be negative marking for wrong answers totheObjective typequestions in all the Test Papers. For wrong answer toanobjective typequestion, candidates will get negative 1/3 (negativeonethird) of themaximum marks assigned tothatquestion.</font></p><p><font size="1"><strong>Note:</strong></font></p><ol type="a"><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Use of logarithmictables/calculator of any kind/ cellularphone/ pager/ electronicgadgets isNOT permitted during the Test.Further, the candidates arenot allowedto keep calculators, cellularphones, pagers or electronicgadgets intheir possession at the timeofexamination.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">All answers to the subjectivetypequestions must bewritten in blue/ black/ blue-black ink only.Sketchpen, pencil or inkof any other colour should notbeused.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Themedium for all the TestPapers will beEnglishonly.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Use ofunfair means by acandidate inJAM-2009, whether detected at the time ofTest, evaluationor at anyother stage, will lead to cancellation ofhis/her candidatureand alsodebar him/her from appearing in JAMinfuture.</font></div></li><li><div align="justify"><font size="1">Disclosure of identity in anyform,e.g., writingroll number or name inside thequestion-cum-answerbooklet, making anykind of distinguishing marks,etc., may lead todisqualification ofthecandidate.</font></div></li></ol><font size="1"><strong>Number ofTest Papers Allowed:</strong>A candidate can appearin either oneor two Test Papers, subject to therestrictions imposedby the TestSchedule and on payment of requisiteadditional fee for thesecond TestPaper, if applicable. Candidatesdesiring to appear in twotest papersmust ensure, from the TestSchedule, that there is no clashof timeschedule for the chosen testpapers. </font></div> </div></div>