1. Applications are invited for the Entrance Examination for admissionto Five Year LL.BCourse-2025 in the Government Law Colleges atThiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Thrissur andKozhikode.
2.Eligibility for Admission: (i)Nativity: Applicant shouldbe an Indian citizen of Kerala Origin. (ii)Age: The applicant shouldcomplete 17 years of age as on 31 st December 2008. (ii) Academic qualifications: Applicantshould have passed the Higher SecondaryExamination of the Board ofHigher Secondary Education, Kerala or anyother Examination recognizedby the Universities in Kerala as equivalentthereto, with a minimum of40% marks. Candidates seeking admission underSC/ST category shouldhave passed the qualifying examination with 35%marks. Candidates whoare appearing /have appeared for the qualifyingexamination this yearare also eligible to apply for the EntranceExamination subject to thecondition that they should produce the passcertificate of thequalifying examination at the time ofAdmission. 3. Entrance Examination: The Entrance Examination will beconducted at Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Thrissur and Kozhikode on29.06.2008 (Sunday).Itwill be of 3 hours duration and will consist of 200 MultipleChoiceQuestions. The Questions will cover General Knowledge, EnglishandAptitude for Legal Studies. 4. Application Forms: Application and Prospectus can bedownloaded from the official website of the Commissioner for EntranceExaminations, www.cee-kerala.org from 05.05.2008onwards. There will be separate Application forms for General and SC/STCandidates. 5. Application Fee:Demand Draft for Rs 600/-(for GeneralCategory) or Rs 300/-(for SC/STCategory as well as children ofinter-caste couples with father/motherbelonging to SC/ST, who are noteligible for SC/ST reservation) takenin favour of CEE A/C Payable atTrivandrum, should be sent along withthe Application. 6. Last date and time forreceipt of filled-in applicationforms: CompletedApplication with all the requireddocuments should be forwarded eitherby Registered post or by handdelivery so as to reach him before 5 pmon02.06.2008to, The Commissioner for EntranceExaminations, Housing Board Buildings, 5th Floor,Santhinagar, Thiruvananthapuram - 695001. Lateapplications including those brought after 5PM on 02.06.2008 (Monday)will not be accepted. The Commissioner forEntrance Examinations willnot be responsible for any postal delay.Incomplete, defective andwrongly addressed applications will besummarily rejected and nocorrespondence will be undertaken in thisregard. 7.Candidateswill neither be allowed to include any information in theapplicationform nor to submit any certificates / documents claimingreservation orany benefits, after the submission of the application,under anycircumstances. 8.Candidates mustnote that they have to obtain the required certificatesin the body ofthe downloaded application form itself, whereverspecified. Thecertificates that are attached separately in theapplication form willnot be considered under anycircumstances. 9.TheCentralized allotment to the course will be conducted afterthepublication of the results of the Entrance Examination.Individualintimation regarding the Centralized Allotment Process (CAP)will notbe sent to candidates. The details of CAP will be announcedlaterthrough leading news papers. 10. TheEntrance Examination and subsequentallotments will be based on thevarious provisions laid down in theProspectus for admission to 5 yearLL.B Courses in Government LawColleges, Kerala 2008, approved byGovernment. The Prospectus will beavailable in the Official web siteof the Commissioner for EntranceExaminations at cee-kerala.org. Candidates aredirected to go through the various provisions in the Prospectus beforesubmitting their applications.