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KLEUniversity2024Physics Syllabus
Introduction andMeasurement:
What is physics, scope and excitement;Physics inrelation to science, society and technology, Need formeasurement, system ofunits -SI, fundamental and derived units.Dimensions and their applications.Orders of magnitude, Accuracy anderrors in measurements - random andinstrumental errors, Significantfigures and rounding off, Graphs,Trigonometric functions, simple ideasof differentiation andintegration.
Description of Motion in onedimension:
Objects in motion in one dimension.Motion is astraight line, unit and direction for time and positionmeasurement.
Uniform motion, its graphical representation andformulae,speed and velocity, relative velocity, Instantaneous velocity,uniformlyaccelerated motion, its velocity-time graph, position time graphandformulae. General relation between position and velocity,application touniformly acceleratedmotion. Acceleration in general one dimensional motion.
Description of Motion inTwo andThreeDimension:
Vectors and scalars, vectors in twodimensions,general-vector addition and multiplication by a real number,zero-vector andits properties. Resolution of vector in a plane,rectangular components. Scalarand Vector products. Motion in twodimensions, cases of uniform velocity anduniformacceleration-projectile motion, general relation amongpositionvelocity-acceleration for motion in a plane-uniform circularmotion. Motion ofobjects in three dimensional space.
Laws ofMotion:
Force and inertia, first law of motion.Momentum,second law of motion, impulse, some kinds of forces in nature,Third law ofmotion, conservation of momentum, rocket propulsion.Equilibrium of concurrent forces.Static and kinetic friction, laws offriction, rolling friction, lubrication,inertial and non-inertialframes.
Work, Energy andPower:
Work done by a constant force and by avariableforce, unit of work, kinetic energy, power, Elastic collisionin one and twodimensions, Potential energy, gravitational potentialenergy, and itsconversion to kinetic energy, potential energy of aspring. Different forms ofenergy equivalence, conservation ofenergy.
Center of mass of a two particlesystem, momentumconservation and center of mass motion. Center of massof rigid body, generalmotion of a rigid body, nature of rotationalmotion, rotational motion of asingle particle in two dimensions only,torque, angular momentum and itsgeometrical and physical meaning,conservation of angular moment of inertia,its physical significance,parallel axis and perpendicular axis theorem(statementsonly).
Acceleration due to gravity, onedimensionalmotion under gravity, two dimensional motions under gravity.Inversal law ofgravitation, inertia and gravitational mass, variationsin the acceleration dueto gravity of the earth, orbital velocity,geostationary satellites,gravitational potential energy near thesurface of earth, gravitationalpotential, escapevelocity.
Heat andThermodynamics:
Specific heat, specific heat atconstant, volumeand pressure of ideal gas, relation between them, firstlaw of thermodynamics.Thermodynamic state, equation of state andisothermal, pressure-temperaturephase diagram. Thermodynamic processes(reversible, irreversible, isothermal,adiabatic). Carnot cycle, secondlaw of Thermodynamics, efficiency of heatengines: Conduction,convection and radiation. Thermal conductivity, black bodyradiation,Wien's law, Stefan's law. Newton'slaw of cooling.
Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion(S.H.M.)and its equation of motion. Oscillations due to a spring,Kinetic energy andpotential energy in S.H.M., simple pendulum, physicalconcepts of forcedoscillations, resonance and damped oscillations.
Wave motion, speed of wave motion,principle ofsuper-positions, reflection of waves, harmonic waves(qualitative treatmentonly) standing waves and normal modes and itsgraphical representation. Beats,Doppler effect. Musical scale,acoustics of building.
Frictional electricity, charges andtheirconservation, elementary unit, Coulomb's law, dielectric constant,electricfield, electric field due to a point charge, dipole field anddipoles 1behavior in an uniform (2- dimensional) electric field, flux,Gauss's law insimple geometric, Conductors and insulator, presence offree charges and boundcharges inside a conductor, Dielectric(conceptonly), Capacitance (parallelplate) series and parallel, energy andcapacitor, high voltage generators,atmosphericelectricity.
Introduction (flow of current), sourcesofe.m.f.(cells: simple, secondary, chargeable), electric currentresistance ofdifferent materials, temperature dependence, thermistor,specific resistivity,color code of carbon resistance, Ohm's law,Kisrchoff's law, resistance inseries and parallel, series and parallelcircuits, Wehetston's bridge,measurement of voltages and currentspotentiometer.
Thermal and Chemical Effects ofCurrents:
Electric power, heating effects ofcurrent,chemical effects and law of electrolysis, simple concepts ofthermoelectricity,thermocouple.
Magnetic Effect ofCurrents:
Oersted's observation, Biot-Savart'slaw(magnetic field due to a current element), magnetic field due astraight wire,circular loop and solenoid. Force on a moving charge in auniform magneticfield(Lorentz force), cyclotron (simple idea), forcesand torque on currents ina magnetic field, forces between two currents,definition of ampere, movingcoil galvanometer, ammeter andvoltmeter.
Bar magnet (comparison with asolenoids), linesof force, torque on a bar magnetic field, earth'smagnetic field, tangentgalvanometer, vibration magnetometer, para, diand ferromagnetism (simpleidea).
Electromagnetic InductionandAlternatingCurrents:
Induction e.m.f., Faraday's Law, Lenz'slaw,induction, self and mutual inductance, alternating currents,impedance andreactance, power in a.c., electrical machines and devices(transformer,induction coil, generators, simple motors, choke andstarter).
Electromagnetic Waves(QualitativeTreatment):
Electromagnetic oscillations, somehistory ofelectromagnetic waves (Maxwell, Hertz, Bose, Marconi)Electromagnetic spectrum(radio, micro-waves, infra-red, optical,ultraviolet, x-rays, alpha, beta andgama rays) including elementaryfacts about their uses and propagation,properties of atmosphere withrespect to various parts ofelectromagneticspectrum.
Ray Optics and OpticalInstruments:
Ray optics as a limiting case of waveoptics,reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, opticalfiber, curvedmirrors, lenses, mirror and lens formulae, Dispersion by aprism, spectrometerand spectra-absorption and emission, scattering,rainbow, Magnification andresolving power, telescope (astronomical),microscope.
Electrons andPhotons:
Discovery of electron,e/m for anelectron,electrical conduction in gases, particle nature of light,Eienstein'sphotocelectric equation, photo cells.
Atoms, Molecules andNuclei:
Rutherford model of the atom, Bhormodel, energyquantization, hydrogen spectrum, composition of nucleus,atomic masses,isotopes, size of nucleus, radioactivity, Mass energyrelation, nuclear fissionand fusion, nuclearholocaust.
Solids and SemiconductorDevices:
Crystal structure - Unit cell, single,poly andliquid crystal (concepts only) Energy bands in solids,conductors, insulatorsand semi-conductors, PN junction, diodes,junction transistor, diode asrectifier, transistor as a amplifier, andoscillator, logic gate andcombination of gates.
KLE University2024ChemistrySyllabus
Atoms Molecules andChemicalArithmetic:
Measurement in Chemistry (significantfigures, SIunit, Dimensional analysis). Chemical classification ofmatter (mixtures,compounds and elements, andpurification).
Law of chemical combination and Dalton's Atomic theory.Atomic Mass (moleconcept, determination of chemical formulas). Chemicalequation (balancing ofchemical equation and calculations using chemicalequations).
Elements, their Occurrenceandextraction:
Earth as a source of elements, elementsinbiology, Elements in sea, extraction of metals (metallurgicalprocess,production of concentrated ore, production of metals andtheirpurification).Mineral wealth of India, Qualitative' test ofmetals.
States ofMatter:
Gaseous state (measurable propertiesofgases,Boyle's Law, Charles 'Law and absolute scale of temperature,Avogadro'shypothesis, ideal gas equation, Dalton's law of partialpressure). Kineticmolecular theory of gases (the microscopic model of agas, deviation formidealbehavior).
The solid state (classification ofsolids X-Raystudies of crystal lattices and unit cells, packing ofconstituent particles incrystals).Liquid state (Properties of liquids,Vapour pressure, SurfaceTension,Viscosity).
Constituents of the atom (Discovery ofelectron,nuclear model of the atom). Electronic structure of atoms(nature of light andelectromagnetic waves, atomic spectra, Bhor's modelof Hydrogen atom, Quantummechanical model of the atom, electronicconfigurations of atoms,Aufbauprinciple).
Chemical Families-PeriodProperties:
Mendeleev's Periodic Table, ModernPeriodic Law,Types of elements (Representative elements-s and p blockelements, inner transitionelements-d inner transition element-f-blockelements).Periodic trends inproperties (Ionization energy, electron,affinity, atomic radii, valence,periodicity in properties ofcompounds).
Bonding and MolecularStructure:
Chemical bonds and Lewis structureshapes ofmolecules (VSEPR Theory).Quantum theory of the covalent rbond(Hydrogen andsome other simple molecules, carbon compounds,hybridization, Boron andBeryllium compounds).
Coordinate covalent bond (Ionic bond as anextreme case ofpolar covalent bond, ionic character of molecules and polarmolecules.Bonding in solid state (Ionic, molecular and covalentsolids,metals).Hydrogen bond,Resonance.
Carbons and itscompounds:
Elemental carbon, carbon compounds,Inorganiccompounds of carbon (Oxides of carbon, halides, carbides).Organic compounds,Nomenclature of organic compounds (Hydrocarbons,functional groups).Some commonorganic compounds (Alkanes, Alkenes,Alkyles, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones,Halides, Acids, Nitro compoundsand amines).
Energy changes during a chemicalreaction.Internal energy and Enthalpy (Internal Energy, Enthalpy,Enthalpy changes,Orginof Enthalpy change in reaction, Hess's low ofconstant heat summation,numerical based on these concepts).Heats ofreactions (heat of neutralization,heat of combustion, heat effusion andvaporization).Sources if energy(Conservation of energy sources,pollution associated with consumption offuels. The sun as the primarysource).
What decides the direction of a spontaneouschange in achemical reaction? (An elementary idea of free energy change).Whyenergy crisis if energy is conserved in nature.
Chemical Equilibrium:
Equilibria involving physicalchanges(solid-liquid-gas equilibria, equilibrium involving dissolutionof solid inliquids, gases in liquids, general characteristics ofequilibrium involvingphysical processes). Equilibria Involving chemicalsystems (the law of chemicalequilibrium, the magnitude of theequilibrium constant, numericalproblems).Effect of chaining conditionsof systems at equilibrium (change oftemperature, change ofconcentration, effect of catalyst-Le Chat liar'sprinciple).
Equilibria involving ions (ionization ofelectrolytes, weakand strong electrolytes, acid-base equilibrium, variousconcepts ofacids and bases, ionization of water, pH, solubility product,numericalbased on these concepts).
Oxidation and reduction as an electrontransferprocess. Redox reactions in aqueous solution-electro chemicalcells. EMF of agalvanic cell. Dependence of EMF on concentration andtemperature (nearestequation & numerical problems based on it).Electrolysis, Oxidation numbers(Rules for assigning oxidation number,redox reactions in terms of oxidationnumber and nomenclature).Balancing of oxidation-reduction equations.
Rates of ChemicalReactions:
Rate of reaction: Instantaneous rate ofareaction and order of reaction. Factors affecting rates of reaction(factorseffecting rate of collisions encountered between the reactantmolecules, effectof temperature on the reaction rate, concepts ofactivation energy, catalysis).Effect of light on rates of reactions.Elementary reactions as steps to morecomplex reactions. How fast arechemical reactions.
Chemistry of HeavierMetals:
Iron (occurrence and extraction,compounds ofiron, oxides, halides, sulphides, sulphate, alloy andsteel. Copper, silver,and gold (occurrence and extraction's propertiesand uses, compound -sulphides, halides, and sulphates, photography).
Zinc and Mercury (occurrence and extraction,properties anduses, compound-oxides, halides, sulphides and sulphates). Tinand Lead(occurrence and extraction, properties, uses,compounds-oxides,sulphides, halides).
Structure and Shape(s) ofHydrocarbons:
Alkanes (structure, isomerism,conformation)
Stereo Isomerism and chairality (origin ofchairality,optical relation, recemicmixture).
Alkenes (isomerism includingcis-trans).
Arenes (structure of benzene,resonancestructure, isomerism inarenes).
Preparation and PropertiesofHydrocarbons:
Sources of Hydrocarbons (origin andcompositionof coal and petroleum; Hydrocarbons from coal and petroleum,cracking andreforming, quality of gasoline- octane number, gasolineadditives). Laboratorypreparation of alkanes (preparation fromunsaturated hydrocarbons, alkylhalides and carboxylicacids).
Laboratory preparation of alkenes (preparationfromalcohols, alkyl halides).
Laboratory preparation of alkyles(preparationfrom calcium carbide andacetylene).x
Physical properties of alkanes (boiling andmelting points,solubility and density).
Reactions of hydrocarbons 9 (oxidation,addition,substitution and miscellaneous reactions).
KLE University2024BiologySyllabus
The LivingWorld
Nature and Scope of Biology. Methods ofBiology.Our Place in the universe. Laws that governs the Universe andlife. Level oforganization. Cause and effect relationship. Being alive.
What does it mean? Present approach to understandlifeprocesses: Molecular approach; life as an expression of energy;steadystate and homeostasis; self duplication and survival, adaptation;death as apositive part of life. An attempt to define life in theabove.
Origin of Life and its maintenance. Origin anddiversity oflife. Physical and chemical principles that maintain lifeprocesses, theliving crust and interdependence. The positive and negativeaspects ofprogress in biological sciences. The future of the livingworld,identification of human responsibility in shaping our future.Cell as a unit oflife.
Small bimolecules; water, minerals,mono andoligosaccharides, lipids, amino acids, nucleotides and theirBiology, cellularlocations and function. Macromolecules in cells-theirBiology, Cellularlocation and functional significance. Polysaccharides,proteins and nucleic acids.Enzymes; chemical nature, classification,mechanism in action-enzyme complex,allosteric Modulation (brief),irreversible activation, Biomembrance.
Fluid mosaic model of membrane in transportrecognition ofexternal information (brief).Structutl orgainsation of the cell;lightand electron microscopic views of cell, its organelles andtheirfunctions; Nucleus mitochondria chloroplasts, endoplasmicreticulum. Golgicomplex, Lysosomes, microtubules, cell wall, cilia, andflagella, vacuoles,cell inclusion. A general account of cellularrespiration.
Fermentation, biological oxidation (a cycleoutline),mitochondrial electron transport chain, high energy bonds andoxidativephosphorylation, cell reproduction; Process of mitosis andMeiosis.
Diversity oflife:
Introduction: The enormous variety oflivingthings, the need for classification to cope with this variety,taxonomy andphylogeny; shortcomings of a two kingdom classification asplants and animals;a five kingdom classification. Monera, Protista,Plantae, Fungi and Animalia.The basic features of five kingdomclassification, modes of obtainingnutrition-autorophs and heterotrophs.Life styles; producers. consumers anddecomposers, Unicellularity andmulticellularity phylogentic relationships.
Conceptsof species, taxon and categorieshierarchical levels of classification;binomial nomenclature; principles ofclassification and nomenclature;identification and nature of viruses andbacteriophages and organismskingdom Moera-archeabacteris-life in extremeenvironments, Bacteria,actinomycetes, Cyanobacteris.
Examples to illustrate autotrophicandheterotrophic life style; mineralizer - nitrogen fixers; Monera incyclingmatter, symbiotic forms; disease producers. KingdomProtisa-Eucaryon,Unicellular organisms; development of flagella andcilia; beginning of mitosis;syngamy and sex. Various lifestyles shownin the major phyla.
Evolutionary precursors of complex lifeforms.Diatoms, dinoflagellates, slime moulds, protozons; symbioticforms. Plantskingdom-complex autotrophs,red brown and green algae;conquest ofland,bryophytes,ferms.gymnosperms andangiospherms.Vasculrization;developmentof flower, fruit and seed,Kingdom fungi-lower fungi (Zygomycetes)higher fungi;(Ascomycetes andBasidiomycetes, the importance of fungi Decomposers;parasiticsforms;lichens and mycorrhizae,animal kingdom-animal body pattern andsymmetry,the development of body cavity in invertebrate,vertebratephysia.
Salient feature with reference to habitat andexamples ofphylumporifera, coelenterata, helminthas, annelids,mollusca,arthropoda, ethindoerms, chordata - (classes fishesamphibians, reptiles, birdsand mammal) highlighting majorcharacters.
Organism andEnvironment:
Species: Origin and concepts ofspeciespopulation: interaction between environment and populationcommunity,interaction between different species, biotic stability,changes in thecommunity-succession, Ecosystem; Interaction betweenbiotic and abioticcomponents; major ecosystems, Man madeecosystem-Agroecosytem.
Biosphere; flow of energy, trapping ofsolarenergy, energy pathway, food chain, food web, biogeochemicalcycles, calciumand sulphur, ecological imbalance and its consequences.Conservation of naturalresources; renewable and non-renewable (inBrief).Water and land management,wasteland development.
Wild life and forest conservation; causes fortheextinction of some wild life, steps taken to conserve the remainingspecies,concepts of endangered species-Indian examples, conservation offorest; Indianforests, importance of forest, hazards of deforestation,aforestation.Environment pollution; air and water pollution, sources,major pollutants ofbig cities of our country, their effects and methodsof control, pollution dueto nuclear fallout and waste disposal, effectand control ,noise pollution;sources andeffects.
Multicellularity: Structure and Function- PlantLife Formand function. Tissue system in flowing plants; meristematicandpermanent. Minerals nutrition - essential elements, major functionsofdifferent elements, passive and active uptake of minerals. Modes ofnutrition,transport of solutes and water in plants, Photosynthesis;photochemical andbiosynthetic phases, diversity in photosyntheticpathways, photosyntheticelectron transport and photophosphorylation,photorespiration.Transpiration andexchange ofgases.
Stomatal mechanism. Osmoregulation in plants,waterrelations in plants cells, water potential. Reproduction anddevelopmentin Angiosperms plants; asexual and sexual. Structure andfunctions of flower:development of male and female gametophytes inangiosperms, pollination,Fertilization and development of endosperms,embryo seed and fruit.Differentiation and organ formation. Planthormones and growth regulation;Action of plant hormones in relation toseed dormancy and germination, apicaldominance, senescence andabscission.
Applications of synthetic growth regulators. Abriefaccount of growth and movements in plants, rhotomorphogenesis inplantsincluding a brief account ofphytochrome.