Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association (KRLMPCA CET) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
<font size="1">Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional CollegesAssociation Established primarily to guide the students belonging tominority group, language or religion, for admissions to professionalcourses like Medical, Dental & Engineering in its memberinstitutions.<br><strong>Karnataka Religious Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association CET 2008</strong></font> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Karnataka Minority Professional Colleges Entrance Test for <strong>Admission to Medical, Dental and Engineering Minority Col...
Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association
Exam Code
Engineering Exam
KRLMPCA CET Exam Frequency
Annual Exam
<font size="1">Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional CollegesAssociation Established primarily to guide the students belonging tominority group, language or religion, for admissions to professionalcourses like Medical, Dental & Engineering in its memberinstitutions.<br><strong>Karnataka Religious Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association CET 2008</strong></font> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Karnataka Minority Professional Colleges Entrance Test for <strong>Admission to Medical, Dental and Engineering Minority Colleges of Karnataka.</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">KRLMPCA- Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional CollegesAssociation of Karnataka will conduct the Entrance Exam in May 2008 foradmission to the Minority Quota seats in the minority Medical, Dentaland Engineering Colleges in Karnataka on the lines of COMEDK and KCET.Brochures and Application will be issued from 3rd or 4th week of March2008.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Medical / Dental:</strong> Candidates shouldhave passed II PUC /10 + 2 or equivalent with Physics, ChemistryBiology and English with 50% marks in aggregate in PCB.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Engineering:</strong>Candidates should have passed II PUC / 10 + 2 or equivalent withPhysics, Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with Chemistry / BioTechnology / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics as optionalsubjects with English as one of the languages of study and obtained anaggregate of minimum 45% in the optional subjects.</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>Number of Seats:</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Allotmentof seats will be on the basis of merit determined by ranking secured inUG ET 2008 conducted by the Association. Entrance Test will be forMaximum marks of 60 in each subject. Candidate securing less than 50%of marks in the UG ET will not be eligible for admission and hence willnot be included in Rank List. Candidates securing 50% of the marks orabove in the UG ET will be ranked according to the marks secured bythem in the UG ET. In respect of candidates securing equal marks theywill be ranked inter-se according to their age, older in age beingranked above the younger.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Note:</strong> Detailed address of the examination centers would be made available on the admission ticket.</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>KRLMPCA CET 2008 Exam Pattern:</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thequestion papers of the UG ET 2008 will be mostly based on the First andSecond PUC syllabi prescribed by the Department of Pre-UniversityEducation of Karnataka State.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Each questionpaper will be Multiple Choice Type. The candidates have to mark thecorrect answers on the OMR Answer sheets using BLUE OR BLACK BALL POINTPEN ONLY.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">THERE WILL BE NO NEGATIVEMARKING IN RESPECT OF WRONG ANSWERS BUT MARKS WILL NOT BE AWARDED INRESPECT OF THE MULTIPLE ANSWERS MADE BY CANDIDATES ON THE OMR ANSWERSHEETS. The candidates are allowed to carry home the replica of the OMRAnswer paper.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The ANSWER KEYS will beuploaded on 12th May, 2008. The candidates can file their objections,if any, by post ONLY addressed to Chief Examiner on or before 5.00 pmof 15th May, 2008 in respect of any published answer key along with allthe supporting documents. Objections received by the Chief Examinerwill be placed before the Expert Committee, whose decision will befinal in this regard.</font></p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>KRLMPCA CET 2008 Test Centers:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheCandidates should select one of the following centers which would bethe center for the Test and it should be entered on the ApplicationForm:</font></p> <ul><li><font size="1">Bangalore</font></li><li><font size="1">Mangalore</font></li><li><font size="1">Raichur</font></li><li><font size="1">Gulbarga</font></li><li><font size="1">Delhi</font></li><li><font size="1">Ahmedabad</font></li></ul><font size="1"><br></font><div class="pg_cont"> <font size="1"><strong>KRLMPCA CET Application Form:</strong></font> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Downloaded Applications should accompany with a DD of Rs.1000.00 in favour of KRLMCPA payable at Bangalore.</font></p> <p><font size="1">All the filled applications should be sent to the following address:</font></p> <p><font size="1">The Chief Examiner<br> Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association<br> Flat No. 143, 'SURYAMUKHI' Garden Apartments<br> #21, Vittal Mallya Road<br> Bangalore 560 001, India<br><strong>Phone:</strong> (91) 80-4112 1233</font> </p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidates should download the Admission Tickets byentering his / her application number from the Association�s websiteand produce it at the time of Entrance Test. The downloading ofADMISSION TICKET would be allowed from 29h April, 2008 onwards from thewebsite of the Association.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Nocorrespondence will be entertained. Any change in the date or venue ofthe Entrance Test will be notified on the website of the Association.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Results would be put on the website. No result would be displayed at the examination centers.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Requestfor retotalling or revaluation of OMR sheets will not be entertained asvaluation and the subsequent scoring is on scanning method.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Those Candidates who secure a MINIMUM OF 50% IN KRLMPCA � UG ET 2008 are eligible for counseling.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Ranksecured in the KRLMPCA UG ET 2008 is the basis for allotment of seats.No marks are assigned for counseling. Candidates eligible should bringwith them all marks cards and certificates in original along with oneset of Xerox copy for scrutiny at the time of counseling.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The candidates should ensure that full address is written in the space provided in the application form legibly.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">A set of photocopy of the Application should be retained by the candidates for further clarification, if any.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">While submitting the filled application form, do not enclose any certificate / Marks card.</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>KRLMPCA CET 2008 Calendar of Events:</strong></font></p> <p><table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr valign="top"> <th><font size="1">Events</font></th> <th><font size="1">Date</font></th> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><font size="1">Issue of Applications</font></td> <td><font size="1">29.03.2008 to 21.04.2008</font></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><font size="1">Last date of receipt of filled in Application</font></td> <td><font size="1">22.04.2008</font></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><font size="1">Download ing of Admission Ticket</font></td> <td><font size="1">29.04.2008 onwards</font></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> <font size="1"><strong>Date of Entrance Test</strong></font> </td> <td> <font size="1"><strong>11.05.2008 (Sunday)</strong></font> <p><font size="1">Physics: 9.30 am to 10.40 am <br>Chemistry: 11.10 am to 12.20 am <br>Biology: 1.00 am to 2.10 am <br>Maths: 2.30 am to 3.40 am</font></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><font size="1">Publication of key answer in the website</font></td> <td><font size="1">12.05.2008</font></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><font size="1">Last day for receipt of challenges if any</font></td> <td><font size="1">15.05.2008</font></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><font size="1">Announcement of Results</font></td> <td><font size="1">15.06.2008</font></td> </tr> </tbody></table></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>Contact Address:</strong></font></p> <p><font size="1">Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association <br>Flat No. 143, 'SURYAMUKHI' Garden Apartments <br>#21, Vittal Mallya Road <br>Bangalore 560 001, India <br><strong>Main:</strong> (91) 80-4112 1233 <br><strong>Fax:</strong> (91) 80-4112 1266 <br><strong>Email :</strong> [email protected], [email protected] <br><strong>Website:</strong> <a href="http://www.winentrance.com/winwin.asp?collegeid=http://www.kmca.info/" title="http://www.kmca.info/" style="font-weight: normal; color: green;">http://www.kmca.info/</a></font>