Maharashtra MCA Entrance Exam (MAH MCA CET) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
Common Entrance Test for Admission to First Year of <strong>MCA Course</strong> for the Year 2009-2010.<br>Candidtaes seeking admission to AICTE apporved full time <strong>MCA Course</strong> are hereby informed the Common Entrance Test (CET) will be conducted as per the Schedule given below:<br>Applications are invited for MAH MCA CET 2009 for admission to First Year of three-year Full Time Post Graduate Degree Course in MCA in the Government, University Managed, University Departments and Unaided Institutes in the Maharashtra State.<br><p align="justify"> <strong>Eligibilit...
Common Entrance Test for Admission to First Year of <strong>MCA Course</strong> for the Year 2009-2010.<br>Candidtaes seeking admission to AICTE apporved full time <strong>MCA Course</strong> are hereby informed the Common Entrance Test (CET) will be conducted as per the Schedule given below:<br>Applications are invited for MAH MCA CET 2009 for admission to First Year of three-year Full Time Post Graduate Degree Course in MCA in the Government, University Managed, University Departments and Unaided Institutes in the Maharashtra State.<br><p align="justify"> <strong>Eligibility Criteria for appearing to Maharashtra MCA CET 2009:</strong></p> <p><strong>Age limit:</strong> There is no age limit for admission to first year of three year post graduate degree course in MCA</p> <p align="justify">Candidate should have passed with minimum of 45% marks in aggregate ( 40% marks in aggregate in case of candidates of backward class categories belonging to Maharashtra State only) in Bachelor�s degree/Master�s Degree in any discipline recognised by the Association of Indian Universities.</p> <p align="justify">Appeared for the final year examination of Bachelor�s/Master�s degree in any discipline recognised by the Association of Indian Universities.</p> <p align="justify">Passed with any Bachelor's degree of minimum three years duration in any discipline AND passed in any Post Graduate degree course of minimum two years duration recognized by the Association of Indian Universities in any discipline with minimum 45% marks in aggregate* (40% in case of candidates of backward class categories belonging to Maharashtra State only) and having studied Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subjects at 10+2 level or higher level examination. OR </p> <p align="justify">Passed with any Bachelor's degree of minimum three years duration in any discipline AND Appeared** for the final year examination of any Post Graduate degree of minimum two years duration in any discipline recognised by the Association of Indian Universities.</p> <p align="justify">Such candidates can be considered for provisional admission subject to passing the Post Graduate Degree exam with minimum of 45% marks in aggregate (40% in case of candidates of backward class categories belonging to Maharashtra State only) and having studied Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subjects at 10+2 level or higher level examination. </p> <p><strong>Note:</strong></p> <ul><li><p align="justify">* Aggregate marks means the grand total of marks obtained by the candidate in subjects based on which the class declaration is made in the particular University from which the candidate is passing the qualifying examination. </p></li><li><p align="justify">**Candidates appeared for final year degree examination (Graduation/Post Graduation) fulfilling the remaining eligibility criteria will be offered provisional admission subject to the condition that they will pass and submit the results of the examination with the required percentage of marks on or before 25th September 2009. In case, such candidate fails to produce the results of the final year examination on or before 25th September 2009, then admission offered to such candidate automatically stands cancelled and the fees (tuition, development and other fees) paid by the candidate of the academic year 2009-10 will be forfeited. </p></li><li><p align="justify">Candidate is advised to ensure before applying for the CET and the admission to the MCA programme in a particular University that he/she is eligible for admission to the programme as per the relevant Eligibility Rules of that University. </p></li><li><p align="justify">The candidates who have passed Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS), Bachelor of Science (Computer/Information Technology) degree courses are not required to fulfill the requirement of having studied Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subjects at 10+2 level or higher level examination. </p></li><li><p align="justify">For the Maharashtra State Type A candidates the Home University shall be decided on the basis of place of passing the Bachelors degree examination (rule No 3.1).The place of passing Post Graduate degree, if any, will not be considered for deciding the Home University of the candidate. </p></li></ul><br><p>The various stages of MAH MCA CET 2009 and Centralized Admission Process (CAP) are as follows:</p> <p><strong>Stages (I-IV) of MAH-MCA-CET 2009</strong></p> <p><strong>Stage I- Sale of MAH-MCA-CET 2009 Information Brochure</strong></p> <ul><li><div align="justify">Information Brochure along with "MAH-MCA-CET 2009 Kit" for the aspiring candidates will be available at the identified in selected cities in India as mentioned in the Notification and website, against the payment of the application processing fees.</div></li></ul><br><ul><li> <div align="justify">It is mandatory for the candidates to procure the information brochure along with "MAH-MCA-CET 2009 Kit" from the identified post offices.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">The application form processing fees is Rs. 750/- for Maharashtra State (General Category) candidates, OMS and J&K Migrant candidates whereas Rs. 550/- for reserved category candidates belonging to Maharashtra State (i.e. Candidates having relevant backward class Caste Certificate and other applicable certificates issued by Maharashtra State authorities). This fee is to be paid in cash at the identified post offices during the contact hours of the respective post offices. This fee is non refundable and non transferable under any circumstances.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">J & K Migrant candidate aspiring to apply for OMS seats also is required to pay Rs. 1500/- as total fees and procure two Kits from the post office. Such candidates are required to submit only one application form as J&K Migrant Candidate and will be required to select the choice as interested to apply for OMS seat.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">Candidates will receive Receipt of Payment of fees from Post Office titled as "candidate's copy". Candidates are required to produce the receipt of the payment of fees at the time of confirmation of submission of CAP application form for admission (during stage-V) at the ARC and therefore the candidates are instructed to carefully preserve the receipts of the payment for further use.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">All the information printed in the brochure will also be available on the website for browsing, downloading and printing.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">MAH-MCA-CET 2009 Kit contains the Application ID, Password, important instructions for the submission of online application form. Candidates are advised to read the instructions carefully before submitting the application form.</div> </li></ul> <p> <strong>Stage II- Registration for MAH-MCA-CET 2009</strong> </p> <ul><li> <div align="justify">The candidate is required to read the information brochure carefully.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">Aspiring candidates are required to register their name online on the website for "MAH-MCA-CET 2009" for which the Application ID and password supplied in the Kit shall be required.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">The instructions to the candidates are provided in the Kit.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">The candidate is required to submit online application through Internet at home, cybercafe or at the designated facilitation center.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">Candidates are required to pay Rs.50/- in cash separately as facilitation charges at the ARC- cum-facilitation center.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">Candidate is required to fill up the personal details, qualification details and option for CET Center.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">The candidate is required to paste the recent Photo and put signature on the space provided on the sheet. This sheet is provided in the kit. The sheet is to be scanned and the image is to be uploaded on the website as per given guidelines.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">The candidate has to verify the correctness of the information filled. In case of any correction, the candidate can do it online before confirmation.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">The candidate is required confirm the Registration as per guidelines given in Kit.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">Candidate will not be able to change the information after the confirmation of registration.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">The Online system shall generate the Hall Ticket for CET bearing Name of candidate, the Photo and Signature of the Candidate, CET Center &Venue and such other details.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">OMS candidates who wish to apply for admission through CAP only on the basis of score of AIMCET 2009 against OMS seats will have to compulsorily register for CET. However the Hall Ticket for CET shall not be issued to such candidates. Such candidates can take a printout of the submitted application form for future reference.</div> </li></ul> <p> <strong>Late Registration:</strong> </p> <p align="justify">Late registration facility is provided to those aspiring candidates who could not confirm for CET within schedule time. This facility is for:</p> <p align="justify">1. The candidates, who have already procured Information brochure along with MAH-MCA-CET 2009 Kit and failed to register-such candidates can confirm online application form by paying additional late fees of Rs. 1000/- in cash at SIMSREE, Churchgate, Mumbai</p> <p align="justify">2. The candidates, who have not so far procured Information brochure and MAH-MCA-CET 2009 Kit-such candidates need to procure Information Brochure (Rs. 1150/Rs.950) and pay additional late fees of Rs. 1000/- in cash at SIMSREE, Churchgate, Mumbai on the dates declared in the Notification.</p> <p align="justify">3. Such Candidates will be allotted a CET center situated only in Mumbai.</p> <p> <strong>Stage-III - Appearing for the MAH MCA CET 2009</strong> </p> <ul><li> <div align="justify">Candidates are also required to read the instructions given in the Hall Ticket carefully.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">Candidates will appear for MAH MCA CET 2009 written examination at the designated venue as mentioned in the Hall Ticket.</div> </li></ul> <p> <strong>Stage-IV- Declaration of CET 2009 result and issue of score card</strong> </p> <ul><li> <div align="justify">The provisional result of CET will be declared on website of DTE.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">The score card will be dispatched to the permanent address of the candidate mentioned in the application form by ordinary post.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">The duplicate score card will be issued on payment of fee Rs. 200/-, only through the Institute wherein the candidate has taken the admission.</div> </li></ul> <p> <strong>Stages (V-XI)</strong> - of the Centralised Admission Process (CAP):</p> <p align="justify"> <strong>Stage V</strong>- Updation and Confirmation of "Application Form for Admission" at ARC IMPORTANT: Failure to confirm the online application form at the ARCs will make candidate's claim for the admission through CAP to MCA course as NULL & VOID and such candidate's name will not appear in the Merit List(s).</p> <p> <strong>Stage-VI</strong> - Display of Merit List</p> <p> <strong>Stage-VII</strong> - Submission and confirmation of online option form for CAP Round I and II</p> <p> <strong>Stage-VIII</strong> - Display of Allotment, Rules of Reporting to the "Respective Institutes" and confirmation of the admission of CAP ROUND-I.</p> <p> <strong>Stage-IX</strong> - Submission and confirmation of online option form for CAP Round-IIEligible Candidates</p> <p> <strong>Stage-X</strong> - Display of Allotment, Rules of Reporting to the "Respective Institutes" and confirmation of the admission of CAP ROUND-II.</p> <p> <strong>Stage-XI</strong> - CAP Round III- Counseling round of Admission</p><br>