Government of Maharashtrashall conduct a single Combined "Common Entrance Test" MHT-CET-2025for all Health Sciences, Engineering and Pharmacy degree courses for theacademic year 2025-2010. The Entrance Test will be held on Thursday,7th May 2025. Govt of Maharashtra has appointed Director, MedicalEducation and Research, Mumbai as "The Competent Authority for the MHT-CET-2025".The merit list of the above said examination will be utilized for admission in:
(1) Government/Municipal Corp/ GovernmentAidedCollegesof Health Sciences degree courses.
(2) Government/Government Aided/University Managed Colleges/University Departments/Autonomous Institutions/ Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (U.I.C.T.)and UnaidedPrivateColleges(those colleges who have given consent to participate in MHT-CET-2025)of Engineering & Pharmacy degree courses.
(3) BVSc & AH degree course.
For selection process there will beseparate Competent Authorities. For selection to Health Science degree courses,The Director, Medical Education and Research (DMER), Mumbai is theCompetent Education (DTE), Mumbai will be the competent authority. Theauthority for selection to BVSc & AH degree course is TheRegistrar, Maharashtra Animal and FisheriesScienceUniversity,Nagpur.
A single application form and three brochures (HealthSciences, Engineering and Pharmacy) will be made available
All the three brochures (health science, engineeringand pharmacy) are available on the websites of DMER ( and DTE ( and Thecost of the application form along with the three information brochures ofMHT-CET-2025 and examination fee is Rs. 700/- for open category and alloutside maharashtra candidates and Rs. 500/- for constitutionally reservedcategory candidates (belonging to maharashtra state only). This amount is notrefundable.
All candidates who for any reason whatsoever are notable to receive application forms through the school/Jr college should collectit from office of Divisional authority of his/her area by giving a DD in favourof "Competent-Authority, MH-CET, Mumbai" payable at Mumbai worth Rs. 700/- foropen category and all outside maharashtra candidates and Rs. 500/- forconstitutionally reserved category candidates (belonging to maharashtra state only)on any nationalized/scheduled commercial bank, but he/she has to submit itthrough his/her school/junior college (from where he/she studied 12th std.)
For candidates who have passed HSC or equivalent examfrom outside maharashtra state (OMS),
Important note only for engineering & Pharmacy degree courses
1. Outside maharashtra state (OMS) candidates arepermitted to appear for the MHT-CET 2025 in order to become eligiblefor admission to first year of: ● Four year full time degree courses in engineering/technology in *Unaidedprivate institutes who have given consent to participate in MHT-CET 2025 ● Four year full time degree course in pharmacy in Unaided private institutewho have given consent to participate in MHT-CET 2025
Note: (i) *Eligible OMS candidateswho are appearing for MHT-CET-2025 and seeking admission to engineeringdegree courses shall be considered eligible for admission against the institutelevel seats and the seats remaining vacant after completion of CAP, only inUnaided Private Colleges.
(ii) Eligible OMS candidates who are appearing for MHT-CET-2025and seeking admission to Pharmacy Degree course shall be considered eligiblefor admission during the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) rounds. Suchcandidate may also apply for admission against the institute level seats andthe seats remaining vacant after completion of CAP in Unaided Private Colleges.
2. Following type of candidates are exempted fromappearing for MHT-CET-2025 examination for admission toEngineering/Technology courses: (i) Foreign National/Foreign student/Person of Indian Origin (PIO)/Children ofIndian workers in the Gulf countries/Children of NRI (ii) Government of India Nominess (iii) Jammu & Kashmir migrant candidates
3. Following type of candidates are exempted fromappearing for MHT-CET-2025 examination for admission to Pharmacycourse: ● Foreign National/Foreign student/PIO/Children of Indian workers in the Gulfcountries/Children of NRI ● G.O.I. Nominees and Jammu & Kashmir migrant candidates are exempted fromappearing for the MHT-CET-2025 conducted by the Competent Authority ofGovt of Mahrashtra, subject to the approval from the Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment, New Delhi, for filling of the seats over & above thesanctioned intake. However, if the approval is not received before time, thesecandidates will be treated at par with OMS candidates and hence they areadvised to appear for MHT-CET-2025.
4. Candidates who are eligible to apply against theprovision of Jammu & Kashmir Migrant candidate as well as the MaharahstraState candidate are entitled to claimonly one type of seat i.e either maharashtra state seat or J&K migrant seatfor admission to engineering/ Technology/Pharmacy degree courses. Further ifthe candidate opts for maharashtra state candidature than he/she has to appearfor the MHT-CET-2025.
5. Separate notifications for the following types ofcandidates regarding the schedule of Admission process will be issued by theDirectorate of Technical Education, MaharashtraState, Mumbai, in themonth of May/June 2025.
● AIEEE qualified candidates seeking admission toengineering/technology degree courses in Unaided Institutes who have givenconsent to participate in CAP. ● J&K migrant candidates
For further details please refer MHT-CET-2025engineering/technology & pharmacy brochure.
Helpline Nos. ● For Engineering & Pharmacy Courses: 022-22626853/54 ● For Health Science Courses: 022-22620363/64 (Extn. 317/323), 22652257/59
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Declaration of Result (on or before) : 14-06-2009
Last date for representation regarding Verification of marks with Prescribed fees : Within Four Days of Declaration of Result
Declaration of Final Merit List (on or before) : 25-06-2009