Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test (MP PET) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
<strong>Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test - MP PET 2008</strong> <p align="justify">TheMadhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board conducts State levelPre-Engineering Test MP PET (or PEPT/PAT) for admission to Bachelors inEngineering, Pharmacy, Dairy, Agriculture, and Forestry. The Candidatesare eligible for admission to Government Engineering Colleges, PrivateEngineering Colleges, and Autonomous Institutions in Madhya Pradesh.</p><p> <strong>MP PET 2008 Eligibility:</strong> </p> <p align="justify"><strong>Age Limit:</strong> Not more than 21 yea...
<strong>Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test - MP PET 2008</strong> <p align="justify">TheMadhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board conducts State levelPre-Engineering Test MP PET (or PEPT/PAT) for admission to Bachelors inEngineering, Pharmacy, Dairy, Agriculture, and Forestry. The Candidatesare eligible for admission to Government Engineering Colleges, PrivateEngineering Colleges, and Autonomous Institutions in Madhya Pradesh.</p><p> <strong>MP PET 2008 Eligibility:</strong> </p> <p align="justify"><strong>Age Limit:</strong> Not more than 21 years on October 1 of the year of admission (relaxable by 3 years in case of SC/ST).</p><p><strong>Domicile Requirements:</strong></p> <p>1. The candidate is a Citizen of India.</p> <p align="justify">2.The candidate has been educated in an educational institution locatedin M.P. for at least three consecutive years during the five yearsperiod from the year of examination.</p> <p align="justify">3. The candidate is a bonafide resident of M.P.</p> <p align="justify">4. The candidate is a son or daughter of</p> <ul><li> <div align="justify">Anemployee or a pensioner of the Government of M.P. or an employee of theGovernment of M.P. who died while in service of these State or anofficer of the All India Services borne on the cadre of M.P.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">ACentral Government employee including employee of DefenceEstablishments, employee of Post & Telegraph Dept. or the Railwaysor an employee of a public sector undertaking posted and stationed inM.P. on or before January 1, of the year of examination till the dateof admission.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">A person settled in M.P. under any resettlement scheme sanctioned by the Government of India or the State Government of M.P.</div> </li></ul> <strong>MP PET 2008 Educational Qualification</strong> <p align="justify">Candidatesshould have passed or appeared for the following examinations withMathematics, Physics and Chemistry as main subjects:</p> <ul><li>12th Class Examination of 10+2 scheme of Higher Secondary Board, Madhya Pradesh.</li><li> Any equivalent or higher examination conducted by a recognized Board or a recognized university.</li><li>Those who have passed final year Diploma in any Engineering branch ofMadhya Pradesh Board of Technical Education Bhopal / Rajiv GandhiTechnical University, Bhopal. </li></ul> <strong>MP PET Exam Pattern</strong> <ul><li> The Test is held usually in the month of May.</li><li> It consists of objective type multiple choice questions in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (300 marks each).</li><li> Syllabus for the PET is same as that of Higher Secondary Exam.</li><li> Medium of the exam is English.</li><li> Candidates appearing for B.Arch course would have to appear for an Aptitude test.</li></ul><br><p align="justify">Application form andInformation Brochure for Entrance Test can be purchased in cash fromthe office of Professional Examination Board or any of the StateEngineering Colleges.</p> <p align="justify">The applicationform can also be obtained by post. An A/C Payee Bank Draft in favor ofController, Professional Examination Board at Bhopal should be sent tothe Board Office.</p> <p>Director <br>Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) <br>Satpura Bhavan, IVth Floor, <br>Bhopal-462004 <br> <strong>Phone:</strong> (O)5203801 (R)2430865 <br> <strong>Fax:</strong> 2552219 <br> <strong>Email:</strong> [email protected]</p> <p> <strong>Reservation of Seats:</strong> </p> <p align="justify">ScheduledCast, Scheduled Tribe and other Backward Classes (except Creamy Layer):Reservation of Seats have been made in Engineering Colleges declaredautonomous by the State Government of M.P.; in Government aidedEngineering Colleges; MACT, Bhopal M.P. Quota and Autonomous and Selffinancing institutions.</p> <p align="justify">Reservationfor military personals, freedom fighters, female candidates, physicallyhandicapped etc is also available as per the rules and regulations ofgovernment.</p> <p> <strong>NRI Quota Seats</strong> </p> <p align="justify">TheNRI Quota Seats are for Candidates whose mother/father is NRI. TheCandidate should have passed qualifying examination (12th classExamination of 10+2 scheme) securing minimum 45% marks in Physics,Chemistry and Maths subjects taken together. Candidates have to submittheir application in the form prescribed by the concerned Institutionsdirectly to these Institutions along with the following Certificates:</p> <ul><li> <div align="justify">Proofin the form of Mark-Sheet of 12th Class of 10+2 scheme or equivalentmain examination having passed in first attempt. Candidate passing/appearing in the supplementary Examination are not eligible foradmission.</div> </li><li> <div align="justify">Certificatefrom the Indian Diplomatic Mission or Chancellery or High Commissionfrom the concerned foreign country should show that the father / motherof the candidate are NRI in that country.</div> </li></ul> <p> <strong>Foreign Nationals / PIO's</strong> </p> <p align="justify">Underthese rules to All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)approved all Institutions / University Departments running TechnicalCourses for engineering, architecture graduate degree, will be given15% seats in excess of the approved admission capacity to admit foreignNationals / Persons of Indian Origin (PIO�s). These excess seats willbe exclusively for foreign students and under no circumstances� seatsremaining vacant will be allotted to anyone other than foreignnationals of Indian Origin. Foreign National / Persons of Indian Originadmitted through Indian Cultural Associated Council or Government ofIndia in the form of committee to AICTE approved Institutions will allbe considered under this 15% limit. Admission in these categories willbe done after inviting applications and preparing the merit list on thebasis of the marks obtained by eligible candidates.</p>