National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology anditsaffiliated Institutes constantly endeavor to impartHospitality,knowledge, skills, concepts and techniques in the rightenvironment forthe students to learn and emerge as global HospitalityService providers
NCHMCT 2025 Mininmum Qualification *Should have passed +2 stage of 10+2 system orequivalent examination inany stream with English as one of thesubjects. Those appearing in 10+2or equivalent examination can alsoappear in JEE 2009 for beingconsidered on provisional basis. *Provisional admissions will standcancelled if proof of having passedthe qualifying examination (10+2 orits equivalent) is not submitted tothe allotted Institute at the timeof admission. *Admissions will besubject to verification of facts from the originalcertificates/documents to be produced by the candidates at the time ofadmission inInstitute.
*Even after admission to an Institute, if anapplicant is at a later datefound ineligible on account of havingsubmitted false information ortestimonials or for having suppressedany material information, his/heradmission will be cancelled and thefee paid will also be forfeited.Decision of National Council regardingthe eligibility shall befinal.
List ofapproved qualifying examinations for IndianStudents *Plus two level examination in the 10+2 pattern ofSenior Secondaryeducation of any recognized Central/ State Board, suchas Central Boardof Secondary Education, New Delhi and Council forIndian SchoolCertificate Examination, New Delhi. * Intermediate or two-year Pre-UniversityExamination conducted by a recognized Board/ University. * General Certificate Education (GCE) Examination(London/ Cambridge/ Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level. * High School CertificateExamination of the Cambridge University. *Any Public School/ Board/ University Examination inIndia or in foreigncountries recognized by the Association of IndiaUniversities asequivalent to 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondaryeducation. * H.S.C. VocationalExamination. *Senior Secondary SchoolExamination conducted by the National OpenSchool with a minimum of fivesubjects including English as one of theSubjects.
NCHMCT 2025 Age Limit *For candidates from General, OBCand Physically Handicapped categoriesupper age limit is 22 years as on1.7. 2009, only those whose date ofbirth falls on or after July 01,1987are eligible. In the case ofScheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribecandidates upper age limit is 25years as on 1.7.2009, only those SC /ST candidates whose date of birthfalls on or after July 01, 1984 willbe eligible. *Date of birth asrecorded in the Secondary Education Board/Pre-University Certificate isthe only authentic proof that will beaccepted. At the time ofcounseling, this certificate must be producedin original as a proof ofage, failing which the candidate will not beconsidered for provisionaladmission. NCHMCT 2025 Physical Fitness *All qualified candidates will have to submit aphysical fitnesscertificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner inthe prescribedformat given in this Brochure at the time of admission.
Important Notesfor filling up of NCHMCT JEE 2025 Application Form: Read the instructions carefully before filling theNCHMCT JEE 2009 Application Form. DO NOT: scribble,smudge, cut, tear or wrinkle the Application Form or put any straymarks anywhere on the Application Form. Paste onlyrecent passport size photograph withdate printed. Photograph more than3 months old shall not be accepted.Do not staple it. (Keep two morecopies of the same photographhandy) Yourname, address and signature should be in black ball penonly. Pleasenote that your name, yourparent's/ guardian's name and your date ofbirth should exactly be sameas given in your High school or your firstBoard/ Pre-UniversityExaminationCertificate. Allcolumns in the Application Form should be completed only in Englishletters. Incomplete Application Form or ApplicationFormfilled in a language other than English will not be accepted.Don'tforget to note down the Application Form number for anyfuturereference or correspondence with National Council. Also keepaphotocopy of the filled in Application Form for your futurerecord/reference.
Mailingyour Filled NCHMCT JEE 2025 ApplicationForm: * How,where and by when to send your completedApplication Form Duly completedApplication Form, along withAcknowledgement Card and Admit Cards(intriplicate), should be sent toin the pre-addressedenvelope. JEE-CELL of NCHMCT, A-34, Sector62, Noida-201301" * Do notstaple or paste the Acknowledgement Card and Admit Cards with theApplication Form. * Ensure that theApplication Form is not folded.Sealed envelope containing filled inApplication Form, AcknowledgementCard & Admit Cards be sentthrough Registered Post/ Speed Post onlynot later than 8th April 2009.(Application sent through privatecourier services will not beaccepted). * Applications mailed byRegistered Post/ Speed Postafter 8th April, 2009 shall also not beaccepted. (Please indicate codeand name of the center of your choicefor the written test in theappropriate boxes given in the envelop, alsotick the check listindicated on the envelop). * Acknowledgement Card Write your ApplicationFormnumber in the space provided in the Acknowledgement Card. Alsowriteyour name and complete postal address in capital letters with PINCodein the appropriate place. The Council will post theAcknowledgementCard immediately on receipt of your completedApplication Form.
NCHMCT JEE 2025 ExamPattern SNo | Subject | No. of Question | Duration | i | Reasoning and LogicalDeduction | 30 | 3.00 Hours | ii | Numerical Ability and Scientific Aptitude | 30 | iii | Service andHospitality Aptitude | 30 | iv | General Knowledge &Current Affairs | 30 | v | English Language | 80 |
Language of Question Paper: Marking Scheme for JEE WrittenTest: *Foreach question you will be awarded on mark if you have darkened onlyonebubble corresponding to the correct answer. In case you havenotdarkened any bubble, you will be awarded zero mark for thatquestion.There will be negative marking to the extent of half mark fordarkeninga wrong bubble.There will be no negative marking for AptitudeforService Sector. Merit List: *All India merit list of candidatesshall be prepared with a unique rankon the basis of marks secured inthe Written Test as well as otherfactors i.e. marks obtained in Englishcomponent, Service Aptitudecomponent and age of thecandidate. Result of WrittenTest: *Result of Written Test shall be announced on the web site of theNational Council in the First week of June, 2009. Allotment of seats throughDe-Centralized/ Centralized Counseling: *National Council shall arrangeCounseling at State capitals where IHM/SIHM are located, the places canbe deleted or added as per facilitiesavailable at the Counselingcenters. The details shall be displayed /circulated on or beforeannouncement of result of JEE-2009 (WrittenTest) in the website or atthe time of Written Test. Refund of Fee after taking admissionat the allotted Institute: *In case of withdrawal within a month from the dateof admission at theallotted Institute, 50% of the deposited fee shallbe refunded by theconcerned Institute. No fee will be refunded if,admission is withdrawnafter 30 days from the date of admission on anyground except cautionmoney. MeritScholarships and Financial Assistance for SC candidates*National Council has institutedMerit Scholarships Scheme with the helpof Industry for meritoriousstudents who obtain Ist, IInd and IIIrdposition on All India basis inCouncil's Annual Examination in the Istyear, IInd year and IIIrd yearof the course. *National Council alsoprovides Financial Assistance to the tune of Rs.20,000/- in a year toone of the most deserving Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidate whofulfill eligibility criteria as perstated guidelines given by NationalCouncil for Hotel Management &CateringTechnology. * There will beno feesconcession for candidates belonging to Scheduled Case/Scheduled Tribe.Such candidates can however avail financial assistancefrom theirrespective State Governments for which the concernedInstitute willissue studentship certificate indicating fee receivedfrom thestudent. Commencement of Academic Session: *Academic Session 2009-2010 will commence from 21st July,2009 in all the affiliatedinstitutes. Inter-Institute Transfer/Migration: *Institute once allotted at the time of Counsellingwill be final. TheNational Council does not allow inter-institutetransfer or migrationon any ground during the entire duration ofcourse. As such, no requestfor transfer or migration will beentertained.