NationalDefence Academy Examination (I) - NDA Syllabus
2009- Page2
Paper | Subject | Code No | MaximumMarks |
I | Mathematics | 01 | 300 |
1. Algebra:
Concept of a set,
operationsonsets, Venn diagrams. De Morgan laws. Cartesian
product,relation,equivalence relation.
Representationof real
numbersona line. Complex numbers - basic properties, modulus,argument,
cuberootsof unity. Binary system of numbers. Conversion ofa number
indecimalsystem to binary system and vice-versa.
Arithmetic,GeometricandHarmonic progressions. Quadratic
equations withrealcoefficients.Solution of linear inequations of two
variablesbygraphs. Permutationand Combination. Binomial theorem
anditsapplication. Logarithms
2. Matrices
Typesof matrices, operations
onmatrices Determinant of amatrix, basicproperties of
determinant.Adjoint and inverse of a squarematrix,Applications -
Solution of asystem of linear equations in twoor threeunknowns by
Cramer's rule andby MatrixMethod.
Anglesand their measures
indegrees and in radians.Trigonometrical ratios.Trigonometric
identitiesSum and differenceformulae. Multiple andSub-multiple angles.
Inversetrigonometricfunctions. Applications -Height and distance,
4. Analytical Geometry of two
Coordinatesystem. Distance formula.Equation of a line invarious forms.
Anglebetween two lines. Distanceof a point from aline. Equation of a
circlein standard and in generalform. Standardforms of parabola,
ellipse andhyperbola. Eccentricityand axis of
Point in athreedimensionalspace, distance between two
points. Direction Cosinesanddirectionratios. Equation of a plane and a
line in various forms.Anglebetweentwo lines and angle between two
planes. Equation ofasphere.
5.Differential Calculus:
Conceptof a real
valuedfunction- domain, range and graph of a function.Composite
functions,one to one,onto and inverse functions. Notion oflimit,
Standard limits- examples.Continuity of functions - examples,algebraic
operations oncontinuousfunctions. Derivative of a functionat a point,
geometricaland physicalinterpreatation of a derivative -applications.
Derivativesof sum,product and quotient of functions,derivative of a
function withrespectof another function, derivativeof a composite
function. Secondorderderivatives. Increasing anddecreasing functions.
Applicationofderivatives in problems of
IntegralCalculus and Differentialequations:
Integrationas inverse
ofdifferentiation, integration bysubstitution and byparts,
standardintegrals involving algebraicexpressions,trigonometric,
exponentialandhyperbolic functions. Evaluation ofdefinite integrals
-determination ofareas of plane regions bounded bycurves -applications.
Definition oforderand degree of a differentialequation,formation of
a differentialequation by examples. General andparticularsolution of a
differentialequation, solution of first orderand firstdegree
differential equationsof various types - examples.Applicationin
problems of growth anddecay.
7. VectorAlgebra:
Vectorsin two and
threedimensions, magnitude and directionof a vector. Unitand null
vectors,addition of vectors, scalarmultiplication of vector,scalar
product ordot product of two-vectors.Vector product and crossproduct of
twovectors. Applications-work doneby a force and moment ofa force, and
ingeometrical problems.
8. Statistics andProbability:-
data, Frequency distribution,cumulative frequencydistribution -examples
Graphical representation -Histogram, PieChart, FrequencyPolygon -
examples. Measures of Centraltendency -mean, median andmode. Variance
and standard deviation -determinationand comparison.Correlation
Probability:Random experiment,outcomes and associatedsample
space, events,mutually exclusive andexhaustive events,impossible and
certainevents. Union and Intersectionof events.Complementary,
elementary andcomposite events. Definition ofprobability- classical and
statistical- examples. Elementary theoremsonprobability - simple
problems.Conditional probability, Bayes'theorem -simple problems.
Randomvariable as function on a samplespace. Binomialdistribution,
examplesof random experiments giving riseto Binominaldistribution.
| Subject
| Code No
| Maximum
Marks |
II | General Ability Test | 02 | 600 |
Part�A� | English | | 200 |
Part�B� | GenralKnowledge | | 400 |
Thequestion paper inEnglishwill
be designed to test the candidate�sunderstanding of Englishandworkman
like use of words. The syllabuscovers various aspects like:Grammar and
usage, vocabulary,comprehension and cohesion inextendedtext to test the
The questionpaper on General
Knowledge will broadlycoverthe subjects : Physics,Chemistry, General
Science, SocialStudies,Geography and
The syllabus givenbelowisdesigned to indicate the scope of
these subjects includedinthispaper. The topics mentioned are not to be
regarded asexhaustiveandquestions on topics of similar nature not
specificallymentioned inthesyllabus may also be asked. Candidate�s
answers areexpected toshowtheir knowledge and intelligent understanding
Section�A� (Physics)
PhysicalProperties and Statesof
Matter, Mass, Weight,Volume, Density andSpecific Gravity, Principleof
Archimedes, PressureBarometer.
Motionof objects, Velocity
andAcceleration, Newton�s Lawsof Motion, forceand Momentum,
Parallelogramof forces, Stability andEquilibrium ofbodies, Gravitation,
elementaryideas of work, Power andEnergy.
Effects of Heat, Measurement
oftemperature and heat,change of State and Latent Heat, Modes
oftransference ofHeat.
Sound waves and
theirproperties, Simple musicalinstruments.
Rectilinear propagation
ofLight, Reflection andrefraction. Spherical mirrors and
Natural and Artificial Magnets,
Properties of aMagnet,Earth as a Magnet.
CurrentElectricity,conductors and Non-conductors, Ohm�s Law,Simple
ElectricalCircuits,Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects ofCurrent,
MeasurementofElectrical Power, Primary and Secondary
DefenceAcademy Examination (I)- NDA Syllabus 2009 - Page1
General Principles in
theworking of the following:
SimplePendulum, Simple
Pulleys,Siphon, Levers, Balloon,Pumps, Hydrometer,Pressure Cooker,
ThermosFlask, Gramophone,Telegraphs, Telephone,Periscope,
Telescope,Microscope, Mariner�sCompass; LighteningConductors, Safety
Physicaland Chemical changes.
Elements, MixturesandCompounds, Symbols,formulae and simple Chemical
Equations, LawofChemical Combination(excluding problems). Properties of
Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen,
NitrogenandCarbondioxide, Oxidation
Acids,bases andsalts.
Carbon -
Fertilizers - Natural
Material used in thepreparation of substances like
soap,Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints,Safety Matches,
Elementary ideas about theStructure of Atom,
Atomic,Equivalent and Molecular Weights,Valency.
Section �C�
Difference between the
livingand non-living.
Basis of Life -
Cells,Protoplasms andTissues.
Growth and Reproduction
inPlants andAnimals.
Elementary knowledge of
humanBody and its importantorgans.
Common Epidemics, their
Food - Source of Energy for
man. Constituents offood,Balanced Diet.
The Solar System - Meteors
Achievements of
Section �D� (History,Freedom
A broad survey of IndianHistory, with emphasis on
Freedom Movement
Elementary study of IndianConstitution
Elementary knowledge ofFiveYear
Plans of India.
Panchayati Raj,Co-operativesand
Community Development.
Sarvodaya,NationalIntegration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of
forcesshaping the modern world; Renaissance,
ExplorationandDiscovery; Warof American Independence. French
Revolution,IndustrialRevolution andRussian Revolution. Impact of
Science andTechnology onSociety.Concept of one World, United Nations,
Panchsheel,Democracy.Socialismand Communism. Role of India in
Section �E�
TheEarth, its shape andsize.Lattitudes and Longitudes,
Concept of time.International DateLine.Movements of Earth and their
Origin of Earth. Rocks andtheirclassification; Weathering -
Mechanical and Chemical,
Ocean Currents and
Atmosphereand itscomposition;Temperature and Atmospheric
Pressure, PlanetaryWinds,cyclones andAnti-cyclones; Humidity;
Condensation andPrecipitation;Types ofClimate. Major Natural regions of
RegionalGeography ofIndia - Climate, Natural
vegetation.Mineral and Powerresources;location and distribution of
Important Sea ports andmainsea,
land and air routes of India. Main items of Imports andExports
Section �F� (CurrentEvents)
Knowledge of Important
eventsthat have happened in India inthe recent
Current importantworldevents.
Prominent personalities - both
Indian andInternationalincluding those connected with cultural
Outof maximum marks
assignedtopart �B� of this paper, questions onSections �A�, �B�, �C�,
�D�,�E�and �F� will carry appoximately 25%,15%, 10%, 20%, 20%
and10%weightages respectively.
Inaddition to the
interviewthecandidates will be put to IntelligenceTests both verbal
andnon-verbal,designed to assess their basicintelligence. They will
alsobe put toGroup Tests such as groupdiscussions, group planning,
outdoorgrouptasks, and asked to givebrief lectures on
Allthese tests are intended to
judge the mental calibre ofacandidate. Inbroad terms, this is really an
assessment of not onlyhisintellectualqualities but also his social
traits and interestsincurrent affairs.