NERIST(North Eastern Institite of Science & Technology ) Entrance Examination (NEE) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">NERIST NEE 2025 Exam Schedule</span><br><br>North Eastern Institute of Science & Technology [NERIST]<br>Nirjuli � 791109 Itanagar<br>Arunachal Pradesh<br>India<br><br>The NERIST Entrance Examination (NEE) is conducted for admission to Certificate, Diploma and Degree Programs. Three different examinations known as NEE-I,NEE-II and NEE-III are held to take admission at three different levels.<br><br>NERIST Entrance Examinations are conducted at various Centers located in the North Eastern States of India.<br>No. of seats:<br><br>&a...
NERIST(North Eastern Institite of Science & Technology ) Entrance Examination
Exam Code
NEE Exam Type
Engineering Exam
NEE Exam Frequency
Annual Exam
NEE 2025 Exam
<span style="font-weight: bold;">NERIST NEE 2025 Exam Schedule</span><br><br>North Eastern Institute of Science & Technology [NERIST]<br>Nirjuli � 791109 Itanagar<br>Arunachal Pradesh<br>India<br><br>The NERIST Entrance Examination (NEE) is conducted for admission to Certificate, Diploma and Degree Programs. Three different examinations known as NEE-I,NEE-II and NEE-III are held to take admission at three different levels.<br><br>NERIST Entrance Examinations are conducted at various Centers located in the North Eastern States of India.<br>No. of seats:<br><br> 1. Base (NEE-I) - 180<br> 2. Diploma (NEE-II) - 72<br> 3. Degree (NEE-III) -72.<br><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">NERIST NEE 2025 Eligibility Details</span><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Eligibility for NEEI 2025:</span><br><br>(i)<span style="font-weight: bold;">Maximum Age Limit:</span><br>19 years (24years for SC/ST/PH and 22years for OBC and female candidates) as on1st August, 2025<br><br>(ii)<span style="font-weight: bold;">Qualification:</span><br>Should have passed metric or Class-X examination of 10+2 system or an equivalent examination with Science and Mathematics. The candidate should have passed in Science and Mathematics respectively.<br><br>Candidates appearing in the above mentioned examination, but whose results area waited may also appear in the NERIST Entrance Examination.<br><br>Acertificateto this effect is to be obtained from the Principal of the school and must be attached with the application. In case, such candidate is selected, he/she must produce the original pass certificate and marks sheet at the time of his/ her admission. Other wise, his/her admission will automatically get cancelled.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Eligibility for NEE II2025:</span><br><br>(a)Maximum Age Limit:23 years (28 years for SC/ST/PH and 26 years for OBC and female candidates) as on 1st August ,2025.<br><br>(b)Qualification:<br>(i)For Engineering and Technology Stream<br><br>10+2PCM/ PCMB, 10+2 Vocational in Electronics/Farm Machinery &Equipment / Electrical / Refrigeration &Air-Conditioning /Automobile Technology/ Structure &Fabrication Technology/ Computer Science OR NERIST Certificate(E&T).Candidates with 10+2(Vocational)/ NERIST certificate holders are eligible for admission in Computer Science and Engineering Orin the irrespective branches.<br><br>10+2PCM/PCMBcandidate should have passed in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics separately.<br>(ii) <span style="font-weight: bold;">For Forestry stream</span><br><br>10+2 PCB/PCMB, 10+2 (vocational in Forestry/Horticulture) or NERIST Certificate (Forestry).<br><br>10+2PCB/PCMB candidates should have passed in Physics, Chemistry &Biology separately. Candidates appearing in the above mentioned examination, whose results are awaited, may also appear in the Entrance Examination. A certificate to this effect is to be obtained from the Principal of the school/ college and must be attached with the application. In case such a candidate isselected,he/she must produce the original pass certificate and marks sheet at the time of his/her admission. Otherwise, his/her admission will automatically get cancelled.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Eligibility for NEEIII 2025:</span><br><br>(a)Maximum Age Limit:40 years (45 years for SC/ST/PH and 43 years for OBC and female candidates).<br>The admission to Degree Module in engineering is made in the following disciplines/branches:-<br>i) Agricultural Engineering<br>ii) Civil Engineering<br>iii)Computer Science & Engineering<br>iv) Electrical Engineering<br>v)Electronics & Communication Engineering<br>vi)Mechanical Engineering<br><br>Diploma holders in the allied discipline/branches as listed in the appendix are also eligible to apply. For admission through NEE-III, a candidate must have passed the 3-year Diploma course from any Government recognized polytechnic in the respective or allied discipline/branch with60%marks considering the aggregate marks of all the three years, or NERIST Diploma Module. Those appearing in Final year of three year diploma course may also appear in NEE-III for consideration of provisional admission. All provisional admissions will stand cancelled if proof of having passed the final examination with above mentioned percentage is not submitted by the date of counseling. If an applicant is found ineligible at a later date even after admission, his/her admission will be cancelled. All admissions will be subject to verification of facts from the original certificates/documents of the candidates.<br><span style="font-weight: bold;">NERISTNEE 2025 Examination Scheme</span><br><br>NEE-I Consisting of one paper of 150 marks and three hours duration will be conducted at various centers located in the eight states of North East. All questions will be of objective type with multiple choice answers. For every wrong answer to a question 25% (�th) of the marks carried by the question will be deducted from the aggregate marks obtained by the candidate.<br><br>NERIST NEE-I 2025 Scheme of Examination<br><br>The question paper shall consist of four sections. The subjects and distribution of marks shall be as given below:<br>Section A(Physics) 25marks, 25 questions of 1 mark each<br>Section B(Chemistry) 25marks, 25 questions of 1 mark each<br>Section C(Biology) 25marks, 25 questions of 1 mark each<br>Section D(Mathematics)<br>75marks 25 questions of 1mark each,<br>25questions of 2 marks each.<br><br>NEE-II Consisting of one paper of 150 marks and three hours duration, will be conducted at various centers located in the eight states of North-East. All questions will be of objective type with multiple choice answers. For every wrong answer to a question 25% (�th) of the marks carried by the question will be deducted from the aggregate marks obtained by the candidate.<br><br>NERIST NEE-II 2025 Scheme of Examination<br><br>There shall be three different question papers for the two streams (i) 10+2PCM/PCB/PCMB, (ii) 10+2 Vocational (Technology)and(iii)10+2Vocational (Forestry).<br><br>(i)Pattern of question paper for 10+2 PCM/PCB/PCMB candidates seeking admission to Diploma Module in Engineering/Technology or Degree Module in Forestry:<br><br>The question paper shall consist of four sections viz. Sections A, B, C and D. Section A, B and C shall have to be attempted by all candidates seeking admission to technology stream.<br><br>Section A, B and D shall have to be attempted by all candidates seeking admission to forestry stream.<br><br> (ii) Pattern of question paper for 10+2 Vocational candidates seeking admission to Diploma Module in Engineering/Technology:<br><br>The question paper shall consist of two sections, viz,. Section A and Section-B. Section A will consist of three subsections: A-1, A-2 andA-3 and the questions will be common for all the trades/vocations.<br><br>The subjects and distribution of marks shall be as given below:<br><br>A-1(Physics):<br>20marks 10 questions of 1 mark each<br>5questions of 2 marks each<br>A-2 (Chemistry):<br>20marks 10 questions of 1 mark each 5 questions of2marks each<br>A-3(Mathematics):<br>30 marks 10 questions of1mark each 10 questions of 2 markseach<br><br>10questions of 2 marks each Section B will consistof two sub sections:B-1 and B-2.<br><br>Questions of sub sectionB-1 will be common for all vocations/trades. Questions of sub-sectionB-2 will pertain to the relevant vocation/trade. The subjects and distribution of marks shall be as given below:<br><br>B1: Common Engineering Sciences: 30 marks:20questions of 1 mark each 5 questions of 2markseach<br>B2:Vocational subject 50 marks: 20 questions of 1 mark each 15 questions of 2 marks each<br><br>(iii)Pattern of questions paper for 10+2 Vocational candidates seeking admission to Degree Module in Forestry: The question paper shall consist of two sections viz. Section A and Section B. Section A will consist of three sub sections: A-1, A-2 and A-3.<br><br>The subjects and distribution of marks in Section A shall be as given below:<br><br>A-1(Physics)<br>20marks 10 questions of 1 mark each<br>5questions of 2 marks each<br>A-2:(Chemistry)<br>20marks 10 questions of 1 mark each<br>5questions of 2 marks each<br>A-3:(Biology)<br>30marks 10 questions of 1 mark each<br>10questions of 2 marks each<br><br>Section B will consist of two sub sections, viz., B-1and B-2.<br><br>B1: Common Biology Sciences<br>30marks 20 questions of 1 mark each<br>5questions of 2 marks each<br>B2: Vocational subject Forestry/Horticulture,<br>50 marks 20 questions of1mark each<br>15 questions of 2 marks each<br><br>Note: The questions of Physics and Chemistry shall be the same for 10+2Vocational(Technology)and 10+2 Vocational (Forestry) candidates.<br><br>NEE-III Consisting of one paper of 150 marks and three hours duration will be conducted at various centers located in the eight states of North East. All questions will be of objective type with multiple choice answers.<br><br>For every wrong answer to a question, 25% (�th) of the marks carried by the question will be deducted from the aggregate marks obtained by the candidate.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">NERISTNEE-III 2025 Scheme of Examination</span><br><br>The question paper shall consist of four sections. The subjects and distribution of marks shall be as given below:<br><br>Section A (Physics):25marks 25 questions of 1markeach<br>Section B(Chemistry): 25 marks 25 questions of 1 mark each<br>Section C(Mathematics): 25 marks 25 questions of 1 mark each<br>Section D(Branch subject): 75 marks 25 questions of 1 mark each<br>25 questions of 2 marks each<br><br>Question of sections A, B & C will be common for all candidates.<br><br>Questions of section-D will pertain to the relevant branch of engineering/technology.<br><span style="font-weight: bold;">NERIST NEE 2025 Application Form</span><br><br>Application Form cumin formation Brochure can be obtained from Main post offices located at district head quarters of all eight north eastern states and also from the GPO located at North Bengal, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, Patna, Lucknow and New Delhi w.e.f.01-12-2025 to 30-01-2025 @Rs.100/- perform.<br><br>Alternatively forms may also be obtained from the Directorate of Higher/Technical Education of all N.E. states between same period and same cost as stated above.<br><br>Application form cum information brochure can also be down loaded from NERIST Website: by adding Rs.100/- extra long with requisite examination fee.<br><br>Details of Bank Draft: Examination fee of Rs.650/- (Rs. 300/- for SC/ST/handicapped candidates) must be paid along with the completed application in the form of crossed demand draft.<br><br>Those who have downloaded the brochure and application form from internet should pay Rs.750/-(Rs.400/- for SC/ST/PH Candidates) along with the submission of filled in application form. The demand draft should be drawn in favor of 'Director, NERIST' payable at SBI NIRJULI (Code No. 9535).Please ensure that the draft is not defective in any way. The fee shall not be refunded in any case.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Declaration by the Applicant</span><br><br>This must be signed with date by the applicant and countersigned with date by applicant's Parent /Legal Guardian. Other wise, the application will be treated as incomplete and rejected.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">NERIST NEE Reservation of Seats:</span><br><br>Out of the total number of seats in each of the modules for directadmission,80%of seats are reserved for the candidates of the eight states of the North East (10% each) as states' quota. 7% of the seats are filled up from the students of North East on merit. 10% of the seats are filled by the candidates from rest of the States under All India (AI) quota. 3%ofthe seats are reserved for physically handicapped candidates with40-75%locomotor disability.<br><br>This must be signed with date by the applicant and counter signed with date by applicant's Parent /Legal Guardian, other wise the application will be treated as in complete and rejected.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">How to send NERIST NEE 2025ApplicationForm:</span><br><br>The completed application form along with all the enclosures should be sent by Registered Post/Speed Post. Hand delivery of applications is not accepted. You should firmly tie or staple together the Application Form, Bank draft, acknowledgement card, self-addressed envelope and other enclosures to,<br><br>Member Secretary(NEE),<br>North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology,<br>P.O. NIRJULI, Arunachal Pradesh, PIN - 791109<br><br>The application form along with these enclosures should properly be folded and sent in the envelope marked 'Application Form' sent to you along with the Application Form and Information Brochure.<br><br>Original Certificates should not be sent but only true copies of these certificates duly attested (with official seal)must be enclosed with the completed application form. The attestation should be done by the Head of the Institution in which the applicant is currently studying/last attended or by a Class-I Gazetted Officer, if not currently studying.<br><span style="font-weight: bold;">For more information please call at 0360-2257401-10 Extn-6314/6008/6019.</span>