National Law School India University (NLSIU) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
<font size="1">National Law School of India University, (NLSIU) Bangalore is the firstIndian Law University established by a statute passed by KarnatakaLegislature in 1986. It became functional in 1988. It is the only LawSchool sponsored by the Bar Council of India with a view to raising thestandard of legal education in India. Leading lawyers, judges andacademicians have been associating with the Law School from the verybeginning and in this way, the NLSIU represents the unique partnershipamong the Bar, the Bench and the Academia.<br><strong>National Law School of India University - NLSIU Entrance Exam 2009...
<font size="1">National Law School of India University, (NLSIU) Bangalore is the firstIndian Law University established by a statute passed by KarnatakaLegislature in 1986. It became functional in 1988. It is the only LawSchool sponsored by the Bar Council of India with a view to raising thestandard of legal education in India. Leading lawyers, judges andacademicians have been associating with the Law School from the verybeginning and in this way, the NLSIU represents the unique partnershipamong the Bar, the Bench and the Academia.<br><strong>National Law School of India University - NLSIU Entrance Exam 2009</strong></font> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheNational Law School of India University (NLSIU) admission 2009 shall bebased exclusively on the performance in the Common Law Admission Test (<strong>CLAT</strong>). <br></font></p><p> <font size="1"><strong>Programs Offered by NLSIU:</strong></font> </p> <ul><li><p><font size="1">B.A.,LL.B. (Hons.): Five Year Integrated Course</font></p></li><li><p><font size="1">LL.M Program</font></p></li></ul><font size="1"><br></font><p> <font size="1"><strong>NLSIU Eligibility 2009 for B.A.,LL.B. (Hons):</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Tobe eligible for admission, a candidate should have passed the HigherSecondary School / Intermediate Examination (10+2) or its equivalentexamination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate (45% in case ofSC/ST/ OBC and persons with disability) and should be below 20 years ofage as on <strong>1st July, 2009 </strong>(22 years incase of SC/ST/OBC and persons with disability).</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesappearing or awaiting result of the qualifying examination can alsoappear in the test on condition that they produce proof of havingpassed the qualifying exam at the time of counseling.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thosewho do not clear the qualifying examination with the requisite marksare not eligible for admission. Candidates whose marks statement of thequalifying examination is not available at the time the Counselingarenoteligibleforadmission.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The University reserves the right to cancel the admission of any candidate in accordance with rules.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1"><strong>Note:</strong>Candidates who get compartment in any subject in the qualifyingexamination in that year are not eligible for admission for that year.</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>NLSIU 2009 Intake and Reservation for B.A..LL.B. (Hons.) Program</strong></font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>The intake capacity of B.A..LL.B. (Hons.) degree programme shall be 80 with the following break up:</strong></font></p> <table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">(a) General Category:</font></td><td><font size="1">55</font></td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">(b) Scheduled Caste:</font></td><td><font size="1">12 (i.e. 15%)</font></td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">(c) Scheduled Tribe:</font></td><td><font size="1">6 (i.e. 7.5%)</font></td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">(d) Persons With Disability (PWD):</font></td><td><font size="1"> 2</font></td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td><font size="1">(e) Foreign Nationals:</font></td><td><font size="1">5</font></td></tr></tbody></table> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Foreignstudents will be admitted directly on the basis of their performance inthe qualifying examination, overall academic record and command overEnglish language.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Preference will be givento the candidates from SAARC countries. Foreign students must applydirectly in the CLAT application form with supporting documents to thefollowing addresses on or before the closing date. </font></p><p><font size="1">The Registrar, <br> NLSIU Nagarbhavi <br> Bangalore - 560 242 </font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>NLSIU 2009 LL.M Program</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">NLSIUoffers two year LL.M. programme with specialization in Business Lawsand Human Rights Laws. This programme is designed essentially to equipstudents for academic careers. Keeping this objective in mind, thespecial emphasis is placed upon those subjects which are not normallytaught properly at LLB. level in Indian Law colleges.</font></p> <p><font size="1">NLSIU LLM Courses Structure</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">The LL.M. programme is based on the semester system. In the first semester, all the candidates study fourcompulsorysubjects:</font></p> <ol><li><p><font size="1">LawandSocialTransformationinlndia</font></p></li><li><p><font size="1">Indian Constitutional Law: The New Challenges</font></p></li><li><p><font size="1">Judicial Process</font></p></li><li><p><font size="1">Research Methodology</font></p></li></ol> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Inthe second and third semesters, the candidates pursue optional coursesdepending upon their specializations. In recent years, Tax Law,Intellectual Property Rights, the WTO, Environmental Law, CorporateGovernance, Commercial Arbitration etc have been offered as optionalseminar courses for Business Laws stream.</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>NLSIU Eligibility 2009 for LL.M Program</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Tobe eligible for appearing in the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) tothe two year LL.M. Degree Course, a candidate should have passed theLL.B. / B.L. Degree or an equivalent degree from a recognizedUniversity with not less than 55% marks in aggregate (50% in case of SC/ ST / OBC / Persons with Disability).</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesawaiting results of the qualifying examination can appear for the teston condition that they produce proof of having passed the qualifyingexamination with the prescribed marks at the time of counseling.</font></p> <p><font size="1"><strong>NLSIU 2009 Intake and Reservations for LLM Program</strong></font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Theannual intake is approximately twenty five students in eachspecialization. This intake is subject to reservations in favour ofScheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Persons with Disability.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thereis no separate quota for foreign students. Interested foreign studentsmay apply directly in the CLAT application form with supportingdocuments to the following addresson or before the closing date.</font></p> <p><font size="1">The Registrar, NLSIU,<br> Nagarbhavi,<br> Bangalore-560242.</font></p><font size="1"><br></font>