SRMEEE Chemistry Syllabus Part 2 -Chemistry (35 Questions)
Unit 1:Some BasicConcepts in Chemistry Matter and its nature, Dalton's atomictheory;concept of atom, molecule, element and compound; physicalquantities andtheir measurements in chemistry, precision and accuracy,significantfigures, S.I. Units, dimensional analysis; laws of chemicalcombination;atomic and molecular masses, mole concept, molar mass,percentagecomposition, empirical and molecular formulae; chemicalequations andstoichiometry.
Unit2: States of Matter Classification of matter into solid,liquid and gaseous states.
Solid State:Classification ofsolids: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallicsolids, amorphous andcrystalline solids (elementary idea); Bragg's Lawand its applications;unit cell and lattices, packing in solids (fcc,bcc and hcp lattices),voids, calculations involving unit cellparameters, imperfection insolids; electrical, magnetic and dielectricproperties.
LiquidState:Properties of liquids - vapour pressure, viscosityand surface tensionand effect of temperature on them (qualitativetreatment only).
GaseousState:Measurable properties of gases; Gas laws-Boyle'slaw,Charle's law,Graham's law of diffusion, Avogadro's law, Dalton'slaw of partialpressure; concept of absolute scale of temperature; idealgas equation,kinetic theory of gases (only postulates); concept ofaverage, rootmean square and most probable velocities; real gases,deviation fromideal behaviour, compressibility factor, Van der Waalsequation,liquefaction of gases, critical constants.
Unit 3:ChemicalFamilies-Periodic Properties Modern periodic law and presentform of theperiodic table, s & p block elements, periodic trendsinproperties of elements, atomic and ionic radii, ionizationenthalpy,electron gain enthalpy, valence, oxidation states andchemicalreactivity.
Transitionelements-d-blockelements, inner transition elements-f-block elements.Periodic trendsin properties-ionization energy, electron affinityatomic radii, ionicradii and periodicity, lanthanides andactinides-generalcharacteristics.
Coordination Chemistry: Coordination compounds, nomenclature: terminology - Werner'scoordination theory. Applications of coordination compounds.
Unit 4:AtomicStructure Discovery of sub-atomic particles (electron, protonandneutron); Thomson and Rutherford atomic models and theirlimitations;nature of electromagnetic radiation, photoelectric effect;spectrum ofhydrogen atom, Bohr model of hydrogen atom-its postulates,derivation ofthe relations for energy of the electron and radii of thedifferentorbits,limitations of Bohr's model; dual nature of matter,De-Broglie'srelationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Elementaryideas of quantum mechanics, quantummechanical model of atom, itsimportant features, and 2, concept ofatomic orbitals as one electronwave functions; Variation of and 2 withr for 1s and 2s orbitals;various quantum numbers (principal, angularmomentum and magneticquantum numbers) and their significance; shapes ofs, p and d-orbitals,electron spin and spin quantum number; rules forfilling electrons inorbitals-Aufbau principle, Pauli's exclusionprinciple and Hund's rule,electronic configuration of elements, extrastability of half-filledand completely filled orbitals.
Unit 5:Chemical Bondingand Molecular Structure Covalent bonding: Concept ofelectronegativity,Fajan's rule, dipole moment; Valence Shell ElectronPair Repulsion(VSEPR) theory and shapes of simple molecules.
Quantummechanical approach to covalent bonding:Valence bond theory-Itsimportant features, concept of hybridizationinvolving s, p anddorbitals; resonance.
Molecular orbitaltheory-Its important features,LCAOs, types of molecular orbitals(bonding, anti-bonding), sigma andpi-bonds, molecular orbitalelectronic configurations of homonucleardiatomic molecules, concept ofbond order, bond length and bond energy.Elementary idea of metallicbonding. Hydrogen bonding and itsapplications.
Unit6:Chemical Energetics Energy changes during a chemicalreaction, internalenergy and enthalpy, internal energy and enthalpychanges, origin ofenthalpy change in a reaction, Hess's law of constantheat summation,numerical, based on these concepts. Enthalpies ofreactions (enthalpyof neutralization, enthalpy of combustion, enthalpyof fusion andvaporization).
Unit 7:ChemicalThermodynamics First law of thermodynamics-Concept of work,heatinternal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity, molar heat capacity;Hess'slaw of constant heat summation; enthalpies of bonddissociation,combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phasetransition,hydration, ionization and solution.
Secondlaw of thermodynamics-Spontaneity ofprocesses; DS of the universe andDG of the system as criteria forspontaneity, DGo (Standard Gibbsenergy change) and equilibriumconstant.
Unit8:Solutions Different methods for expressingconcentration ofsolution-Molality, molarity, mole fraction, percentage(by volume andmass both), vapour pressure of solutions and Raoult'slaw-ideal andnon-ideal solutions, vapour pressure-composition, plotsfor ideal andnon-ideal solutions; colligative properties ofdilutesolutions-relative lowering of vapour pressure, depression offreezingpoint, elevation of boiling point and osmotic pressure;determinationof molecular mass using colligative properties; abnormalvalue of molarmass, Van't Hoff factor and its significance.
Unit 9:ChemicalEquilibrium Meaning of equilibrium, concept of dynamicequilibrium.Equilibria involving physical processes: Solid-liquid,liquid-gas andsolid-gas equilibria, Henry's law, general charactericsof equilibriuminvolving physical processes.
Equilibria involving chemicalprocesses:Law of chemical equilibrium, equilibriumconstants (Kp and Kc) andtheir significance, significance of DG and DGoin chemical equilibria,factors affecting equilibrium concentration,pressure, temperature,effect of catalyst; Le Chatelier'sprinciple.
Ionicequilibrium:Weak and strong electrolytes, ionization ofelectrolytes, variousconcepts of acids and bases (Arrhenius,BrOnsted-Lowry and Lewis) andtheir ionization, acid-base equilibria(including multistageionization) and ionization constants, ionizationof water, pH scale,common ion effect, hydrolysis of salts and pH oftheir solutions,solubility of sparingly soluble salts and solubilityproducts, buffersolutions.
Unit10:Electrochemistry Electrolytic and metallicconduction, conductance inelectrolytic solutions, specific and molarconductivities and theirvariation with concentration: Kohlrausch's lawand its applications.
Electrochemicalcells-Electrolytic and Galvaniccells, different types of electrodes,electrode potentials includingstandard electrode potential, half-celland cell reactions, emf of agalvanic cell and its measurement; Nernstequation and its applications;relationship between cell potential andGibbs' energy change; dry celland lead accumulator; fuel cells;corrosion and itsprevention.
Unit11:Surface Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics andCatalysisAdsorption-Physisorption and chemisorption and theircharacteristics,factors affecting adsorption of gases onsolids-Freundlich and Langmuiradsorption isotherms, adsorption fromsolutions.
Catalysis-Homogeneous andheterogeneous, activity and selectivity of solid catalysts, enzymecatalysis and its mechanism.
Collidalstate-Distinction among true solutions,colloids and suspensions,classification of colloids-lyophilic,lyophobic; multi molecular,macromolecular and associated colloids(micelles), preparation andproperties of colloids-Tyndall effect,Brownian movement,electrophoresis, dialysis, coagulation andflocculation; emulsions andtheir characteristics.
Rate of reaction,instantaneous rate of reaction andorder of reaction. Factors affectingrates of reactions-factorsaffecting rate of collisions encounteredbetween the reactant molecules,effect of temperature on the reactionrate, concept of activationenergy, catalyst.
Ratelawexpression. Order of a reaction (with suitable examples). Units ofratesand specific rate constants. Order of reaction and effectofconcentration (study will be confined to first order only). Theoriesofcatalysisadsorption theory-some of important industrial processusingcatalysts.
Unit12:Purification and Characterisation of OrganicCompoundsPurification-Crystallization, sublimation,distillation,differentialextraction and chromatography-principles andtheirapplications.
Qualitativeanalysis-Detection of nitrogen, sulphur,phosphorus and halogens.Quantitative analysis (basic principlesonly)-Estimation of carbon,hydrogen, nitrogen, halogens, sulphur,phosphorus.
Calculations ofempirical formulae and molecular formulae; numerical problems inorganic quantitative analysis.
Unit 13:Some BasicPrinciples of Organic Chemistry Tetravalency of carbon;shapes of simplemolecules-hybridization (s and p); classification oforganic compoundsbased on functional groups: -C=C-,-C?C- and thosecontaining halogens,oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur; homologous series;isomerism-structuraland stereoisomerism.
Nomenclature (Trivial and IUPAC)
Covalent bond fission- Homolytic andheterolytic: free radicals, carbocations and carbanions;stability of carbocations and free radicals, electrophiles andnucleophiles.
Electronicdisplacementin a covalent bond-inductive effect, electromeric effect,resonance andhyperconjugation. Common types of organic reactions-Substitution,addition, elimination and rearrangement.
Unit 14: HydrocarbonsClassification, isomerism, IUPAC nomenclature, general methods ofpreparation, properties and reactions.
Alkanes-Conformations: Sawhorse and Newmanprojections (of ethane); mechanism of halogenation ofalkanes.
Alkenes-Geometricalisomerism; mechanism of electrophilicaddition:
additionofhydrogen, halogens, water, hydrogen halides (Markownikoff's andperoxideeffect); ozonolysis, oxidation, and polymerization.
Alkynes-Acidiccharacter; addition of hydrogen,halogens, water and hydrogen halides;polymerization. Aromatichydrocarbons - nomenclature, benzene-structureand aromaticity;mechanism of electrophilic substitution: halogenation,nitration,Friedel-Craft's alkylation and acylation, directiveinfluence offunctional group in monosubstituted benzene.
Unit 15:OrganicCompounds Containing Oxygen General methods of preparation,properties,reactions and uses. Alcohols: Identification of primary,secondary andtertiary alcohols; mechanism of dehydration.
Phenols:Acidic nature,electrophilic substitution reactions: halogenation,nitration andsulphonation, Reimer-Tiemann reaction. Addition to>C=O group,relative reactivities of aldehydes and ketonesEthers:Structure.
Aldehyde andKetones:Nature of carbonyl group;Nucleophilic-Nucleophilic addition reactions(addition of HCN, NH3 anditsClemmensen); acidity of-hydrogen, aldolcondensation, Cannizzaroreaction, Haloform reaction; Chemical tests todistinguish betweenaldehydes and Ketones. Carboxylic acids: Acidicstrength and factorsaffecting it.
Unit16:Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen General methodsof preparation,properties, reactions and uses. Amines: Nomenclature,classification,structure, basic character and identification ofprimary, secondary andtertiary amines and their basic character.Diazonium salts: Importancein synthetic organic chemistry.
Unit 17:PolymersGeneral introduction and classification of polymers, generalmethods ofpolymerization-addition and condensation, copolymerization;natural andsynthetic rubber and vulcanization; some important polymerswithemphasis on their monomers and uses - polythene, nylon, polyesterandbakelite.
Unit18:Bio Molecules Carbohydrates-Classification: aldosesand ketoses;monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), constituentmonosaccharides ofoligosacchorides (sucrose, lactose, maltose) andpolysaccharides(starch, cellulose, glycogen).
Proteins-ElementaryIdea of-amino acids, peptidebond, polypeptides; proteins: primary,secondary, tertiary andquaternary structure (qualitative idea only),denaturation of proteins,enzymes.
Vitamins-Classificationandfunctions. Nucleic acids-Chemical constitution of DNA andRNA.Biological functions of nucleic acids.
Unit 19:Chemistry inEveryday Life Chemicals in medicines- Analgesics,tranquilizers,antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials,antifertility drugs,antibiotics, antacids.
Antihistamins-theirmeaning and common examples.Chemicals in food-preservatives,artificial sweetening agents-commonexamples. Cleansing agents-Soapsand detergents, cleansingaction.
SRMEEE Biology Syllabus Part4: Biology (50 Questions)
Unit I:Taxonomy ofAngiosperm Types of classifications -Artificial, Natural,Phylogenetic -Biosystematics - Binomial Nomenclature - Herbaria andtheir uses -Bentham and Hooker's classification of plants - FamiliesMalvaceae,Solanaceae - Euphorbiaceae, Musaceae and EconomicImportance.
UnitIII: Cell Biology and GeneticsChromosomes - Structureand types - genes and genome - Linkage andcrossing over - Gene mapping- recombination of chromosomes - mutation- chromosomal aberration - DNAas genetical material - Structure of DNA- replication of DNA -Structure of RNA and its type.
Unit IV:BiotechnologyRecombinant DNA Technology - Transgenic plants andmicrobes - planttissue culture and its application - Protoplasmicfusion - single cellprotein.
UnitV:Plant Physiology Photosynthesis - Significance - siteof photosynthesis- photochemical and biosynthetic phases - electrontransport system -cyclic and non cyclic photophosphorylation - C3 andC4 pathway -photorespiration - factor affecting photosynthesis - modeof nutrition- autotrophic - heterotropic - saprophytic - parasiticandinsectivorous plants - chemosynthesis - respiration - mechanismofglycolysis - kreb'scycle - pentose pathway - anaerobic respiration-respiratory quotient - compensation point - fermentation - plantgrowth- growth regulators - phytohormones - auxin - gibberellins -cytokinins- ethylene and abscisic acid - photoperiodism andvernalisation.
UnitVI:Biology in Human Welfare Food production - breedingexperiments -improved varieties and role of biofertilizer - cropdiseases and theircontrol - biopesticides - genetically modified food -biowar -biopiracy - biopatent - sustained agriculture and medicinalplantsincluding microbes - Economic importance food yielding (rice) -Oilyielding (groundnut) fibre yielding (cotton) and timber yielding(teak)
Unit I:Human PhysiologyNutrition - introduction - carbohydrates - proteins -lipids - vitaminsmineral - water - Balanced diet - calorie value -(ICBM standard )-obesity - Hyperglycemia - hypoglycemia -malnutrition. Digestion -enzymes and enzyme action - Brief account offollowing - Dental caries -Root canal therapy - pepticulcer-Hernia-Appendicitis - Gallbladderstone - Liver cirrhosis -Hepatitis.
Bones and Joints (Major types)fractures -Dislocations - Arthritis - Rickets and Osteomalasia -orthopaedies -Gout. Muscles - muscle action - muscle tone - RigorMortis - muscle pull(hernia) isometric and aerobic exercises (bodybuilding) myastheniagravis.
Respiration- Process ofpulmonary respiration - inspiration Expiration - Exchangeof gases atalveolar level - control of respiration - pneumonia -pleurisy -Tuberculosis - Bronchitis - Breathing exercise.
Circulation- Functioning of heart origin andconduction of heart beat - Artificialpacemaker - coronary blood vesselsand its significance - myocardialinfraction - Angina pectoria -Angiogram - angioplasty and coronarybypass surgery - Atherosclerosis -heart attack - heart block - ECG andEcho Cardiography-heartvalves-Rheumatic heart disease (RHD)ICCU-arterial and venoussystems-Blood pressure-pulse rate-hearttransplantation- Resuscitationin heart attack (First aid) Bloodcomponentsfunctions-plasma-corpuscles-bloodclotting-anticoagulants-Thrombosisembolism-blood related diseases likepolycythemia-Leukemia-Lymph fluid.
Physiological Co ordinationSystem:
Brain-functioningof differentregions-memory-sleep-stroke-Alzheimer'sdisease-meningitis-Brainfever-conditionedreflexelectroencephalography-Right brain left brainconcept-spinalcord-functioning-reflex action-CSF-chemicalcoordination-pituitary(Hormones of adenohypophysis and theirregulation) Thyroid-parathyroidhormones-insulin and glucogon-Hormonesof adrenal cortex and medulla-Reproductive hormones-problems related tosecretion, nonsecretion of hormones.
Receptor Organs:
Eye-Focussingmechanism and photo chemistry ofretina-shortsightedness-Longsightedness-Optometry-Retinopathy- cataract-Lensreplacement- Nectalopia-Eye infection-conjunctivities-Glucuoma-Eyecare-Ear-Hearing mechanism-organ of corti-Hearing impairments andaids-Noise pollution and its importance-skin-melanin functions- Effectofsolar radiation/UV Skin grafting-Dermatitis-Tongue-Gustatoryreception.
Ureotelism-urea-Biosynthesis(ornithinecycle)Nephron- ultrafiltration-tubular reabsorption andtubularsecretion-Renal failure-Dialysis kidney stone formationkidneytransplantation-Diabetes.
Reproductive System:
Brief account of spermatogenesis andoogenesis-menstrual cycle-in vitro fertilization-Birthcontrol
Unit II:Microbiology
Introduction-Historyof medical microbiology-Theinfluence of Pasteur, Koch andLister-Virology-structure Geneticsculture and diseases-AIDS and itscontrol-Bacteriology structure,Genetics and diseases-protozoanmicrobiology-Diseasesoriented-pathogenecity of micro organism-antimicrobial resistancechemotherapy.
Unit III:Immunology
Innateimmunity (Non specific)- anatomicalBarriers-Physiologicalbarriers-phagocytic barriers Lymphoidalorgans-Thymus- Bursa offabricius-Peripheral Lymphoidorgans-Lymphnodes-Spleen-antibodiesimmuno globulins-regions ofpolypeptidechain-Transplantation immunology-classification ofgrafts-Genetic basisof organ transplantimmune systemdisorder.
Unit IV: ModernGenetics
Introduction-scope-HumanGenetics KaryotypingChromosome gene mapping-Recombinant DNA technologyand segmenting-genetic diseases - Human genome project-cloning-Transgenic organisms-Genetically modified organism(GMO)-Genetherapy-Bio informaticsapplication DNA Sequencing and proteinstructure-Biologicaldatabase.
Unit V: EnvironmentalScience
Humanpopulation and explosion-issue-Global WarmingCrisis - Green houseeffect - Ozone layer depletion- waste management-Biodiversityconservation (Biosphere reserve) Government andnon-governmentalorganization involved-Energy crisis and environmentalimpact-povertyand environment-Freshwater crisis andmanagement.
Unit VI: AppliedBiology
Livestockandmanagement Dairy-Breed of cattle-Miltch breed-Drought breedDualpurpose-common diseases and control-Exotic and crossbreeds-Techniquesadapted in cattle breeding.
Poultry-Farmingtechniques- Breeds- Farming method -poultry diseases-Economic valuePisciculture-fish farming- Edible fishesof Tamil Nadu.
Medicallabtechniques-stethescope-sphygmomonometer Haemocytometer-urinesugaranalysis-ECG-PQRST Wave CT Scan-Endoscopic (Laproscopic)techniquesartificial pace maker-Auto analyzer.
Unit VII:Theories ofEvolution Lamarckism-Darwinism-Neodarwimsm/Modern conceptof naturalselection- species of concept-origin of species andisolatingmechanism.
UnitII:Plant Anatomy Tissues and Tissue System - anatomy ofmonocot and Dicotroots - anatomy of Monocot and dicot stem and anatomyof dicot leaf.