Formerly Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (TIET) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
<font size="1"><strong>Thapar University (TIET) 2008</strong></font> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheMCA program duly sponsored by UGC, aims at producing human resourcesfor software industry as increasing applications of computers in almostall areas of human endeavor has led to a vibrant industry withconcurrent rapid change in technology.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thestudents with MCA degree are absorbed as software professionals,solution developers, system analysts in most reputed national andmulti-national comp...
Formerly Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology
Exam Code
TIET Exam Type
MCA Exam
TIET Exam Frequency
Annual Exam
TIET 2025 Exam
<font size="1"><strong>Thapar University (TIET) 2008</strong></font> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheMCA program duly sponsored by UGC, aims at producing human resourcesfor software industry as increasing applications of computers in almostall areas of human endeavor has led to a vibrant industry withconcurrent rapid change in technology.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thestudents with MCA degree are absorbed as software professionals,solution developers, system analysts in most reputed national andmulti-national companies and other industrial/service organizationsworking in the field of information technology.</font></p><p> <font size="1"><strong>Mode of Program:</strong></font> </p> <ul><li><font size="1">Regular Mode</font></li><li><font size="1">Distance Education Mode</font></li></ul> <p> <font size="1"><strong>Regular Mode</strong></font> </p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>Duration of the Program:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">TheProgram is spread over a period of three years consisting of sixsemesters. The students study courses for five semesters at theUniversity and do a Software Development Project (SDP) in the sixthsemester in top national and multi-national companies like TCS, Wipro,Infosys, DCM, Cadence, Hughes, etc.</font></p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>Number of Seats:</strong> 120</font></p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>Distribution of Seats:</strong></font> </p> <table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr valign="top"> <th><font size="1">General</font></th> <th><font size="1">SC/ST</font></th> <th><font size="1">Physically <br>Handicapped</font></th> <th><font size="1">Total</font></th> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td align="center"><font size="1">86</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">30</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">4</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">120</font></td> </tr> </tbody></table> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesfrom physically handicapped category are required to produce theMedical Certificate from the Chief Medical Officer of the Districtconcerned, which should indicate the extent of disability in support oftheir claim. Minimum 40% disability is required to be eligible underthis category.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Further, the aboveprovisions will be subject to the decision of the Admission Committeeof the University whether such a candidate would be able to pursue thestudies at the University with the specific disability. The decision ofthe Admission Committee in this regard shall be final.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Ifsufficient number of candidates belonging to SC/ST or PhysicallyHandicapped category in above table are not available, the unutilizedseats will be filled up by candidates belonging to General category asper entrance examination merit.</font></p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>Distance Education Mode</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Thisprogramme is also spread over a period of three years consisting of sixsemesters. The students study courses for five semesters and do asoftware development project in the sixth semester in theInstitution/Industry recognized by TU. The objective of the programmeis to provide an opportunity to those students who want to upgradetheir studies/ knowledge through distance education as well as forthose who are working in any organization. The main thrust in theprogramme will be to polish the professional aptitude of the studentsthrough lectures by the experts in their respective fields.</font></p> <table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr valign="top"> <th><font size="1">General</font></th> <th><font size="1">SC/ST</font></th> <th><font size="1">Physically <br>Handicapped</font></th> <th><font size="1">Total</font></th> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td align="center"><font size="1">43</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">15</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">2</font></td> <td align="center"><font size="1">60</font></td> </tr> </tbody></table> <p> <font size="1"><strong>TIET 2008 Eligibility Criteria:</strong> ( For both Regular and Distance Education Mode)</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">RecognisedBachelors degree of minimum 3 years duration in any discipline withMathematics atleast at 10+2 school level and has also qualified in theEntrance Test to be conducted by the University. OR</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">RecognisedBachelor's Degree of minimum 3 years duration in any discipline withMathematics as one of the subjects and has also qualified in theEntrance Test to be conducted by the University.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesdue to appear in the qualifying examination are also eligible to appearin the Entrance Examination. Such candidates will be placedprovisionally in the merit list. They will not be considered foradmission if they fail to submit proof of passing the qualifyingexamination at the time of counselling for admission.</font></p><div align="center"> <div class="pg_cont"> <font size="1"><strong>TIET 2008 Admission Procedure</strong></font> <p> <font size="1"><strong>Admission Procedure</strong> ( For both Regular and Distance Education Mode)</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesshould apply for admission on the prescribed form which is suppliedwith the Prospectus, duly filled in their own handwriting, latest bystipulated dates.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Admission to Masterof Computer Applications Programme (for both Regular and DistanceEducation Mode) will be made by the same Admission Committee appointedby the Chairman, Senate.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Theadmission against the sanctioned number of seats in each mode will bemade on the basis of merit based on the Entrance Examination (whichwill be same for both the modes) to be conducted by the University atPatiala and Delhi Centres.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidates called for interview (for both modes) ona particular date shall report at 9.00 A.M. in the Auditorium of theUniversity. A candidate who reports late will be offered seat, ifavailable, at that time.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">If acandidate does not receive the admit card by 04.6.2008, he/she shouldcontact the Admission Cell of the University (0175-6419165) for issueof duplicate admit card. He/she should bring with him/her one passportsize photograph.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">A candidate whoeither does not seek admission on a particular date as percounseling/admission schedule or fails to attend counselling will alsobe eligible for admission in order of merit in the subsequent round ofadmission as per counselling/ admission schedule.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Candidatesmust be medically fit and must bring along with them a medical fitnesscertificate signed by Gazetted Medical Officer at the time of admissionon the prescribed proforma as per Annexure-IV failing which they willnot be considered for admission.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">All candidates must produce certificate of migration within a month of enrolment.</font></p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>Refund of Fee</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">Incase a student leaves the University after the second (final)Counselling, he/she will be refunded only the Institute security,caution money and alumni fee.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">All outstanding dues will, however, be adjusted/recovered before such refund is made.</font></p> <p> <font size="1"><strong>TIET 2008 Application Form:</strong></font> </p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">1.The application form complete in all respects should reach theRegistrar by 5.00 P.M. on or before 26.5.2008. However the applicationform can be submitted by 5.00 P.M. upto 2.6.2008 with late fee.Incomplete application forms and those received after the prescribeddate will not be entertained under any circumstances. Nocorrespondence/enquiry from such candidates shall be entertained. Theform can be down loaded from the website ( and must beaccompanied by a crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- (Non-Refundable) inaddition to the examination fee of Rs 1000/- (Non-Refundable) drawn infavour of Registrar TU, payable at Patiala.</font></p><font size="1"> 2.Application must be accompanied by a crossed Bank Draft of Rs. 1000/-as Examination fee drawn in favour of the Registrar, Thapar University,Patiala and payable at Patiala, and </font><div align="justify"><font size="1">(a) One passport size photograph pasted on the application form in the space provided for the purpose.</font></div> <div align="justify"><font size="1">(b) Two passport size photographs pasted on the entrance examination admit card for the purpose.</font></div> <div align="justify"><font size="1">(c)If a candidate wishes to claim an advantage of belonging to ScheduledCaste/Tribe, he/she is required to submit certificate as per format inannexure II.</font></div> <p><font size="1">3. Entrance Examination (Same for both Regular and Distance Education Mode)</font></p> <p><font size="1">The entrance examination consists of one paper of three hours duration consisting of following sections:</font></p><p><font size="1"> (i) Mathematics <br> (ii) Computer Awareness (iii) General Knowledge /Analytical Ability</font></p><div align="center"> <div class="pg_cont"> <font size="1"><strong>TIET 2008 Selection Procedure</strong></font> <p> </p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(i)The inter-se merit of the candidates securing equal marks in theentrance examination will be determined with the following criteria.</font></p> <div align="justify"><font size="1">(a) Candidate senior in age shall rank higher in order of merit.</font></div> <div align="justify"><font size="1">(b)In the case of a tie in age also, a candidate getting higher percentageof marks in the qualifying examination shall rank higher in order ofmerit.</font></div> <p align="justify"><font size="1">(ii) The Admission Committeewill prepare a merit list of candidates on the basis of theirperformance in the Entrance Examination. Candidates in the merit listwill be called for interview. The candidates will be required toproduce original certificates, marks sheets, degree and other documentsat the time of interview. In all cases the decision of the AdmissionCommittee shall be final and binding on the candidates.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="1">(iii) The Admission Committee reserves the right todisqualify any candidate at any stage if it is found that the candidatedoes not fully meet any of the eligibility requirements/ there ismisrepresentation of the facts.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font size="1">5.Each candidate of both the modes will be supplied Entrance ExaminationCard as an authority for admission to the examination centre. Thecandidate shall be admitted to the examination only on production ofthe same.</font></p> </div> </div><p><font size="1"><br></font></p> </div> </div>