Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
<h1 style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1">TNEA- Notification</font></h1><p style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><font size="1">Applications are invited for the unified single window admissionfor first year B. E. / B. Tech. Degree Programme 2008 to the UniversityDepartments of Anna Universities, Government and Government AidedEngineering Colleges and for the seats surrendered by the Self �Financing Engineering Colleges.</font></p><h1 style="...
<h1 style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1">TNEA- Notification</font></h1><p style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><font size="1">Applications are invited for the unified single window admissionfor first year B. E. / B. Tech. Degree Programme 2008 to the UniversityDepartments of Anna Universities, Government and Government AidedEngineering Colleges and for the seats surrendered by the Self �Financing Engineering Colleges.</font></p><h1 style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1">1.<strong> InPerson</strong><br></font></h1><p style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1"> Candidates can obtain the <strong>applicationform</strong>in person from the centres detailed below by payingRs.500/- (Rs.250/-in case of SC/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu)towardsregistration fee, by cash/demand draft<br></font> </p><p style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1">2.<strong> ByPost</strong><br><strong>Application forms can alsobe obtained by post</strong>from the Secretary, Tamil NaduEngineering Admissions (TNEA), AnnaUniversity Chennai, Chennai - 600025 by sending a letter ofrequisition along with a Demand Draft forRs.650/- (Rs.400/- in case ofSC/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu)and an address label writtenin capital letters to which the applicationis to be mailed.</font> </p> <p style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1"><br> 3. <strong>ThroughWebsite</strong><br> The candidates can also registerthrough internet by logging on to<em>www.annuniv.edu/tnea2008</em>.After entering therequired information in the application form, pressthe submit button,then take a printout, affix a photograph and affixthe signature at theappropriate spaces provided. The printoutapplication along with theregistration fee in the form of a D.D. only(SC/ST candidates belongingto Tamil Nadu have to enclose an attestedxerox copy of CommunityCertificate also) should be sent along with allthe enclosures by speed/ registered post to the address given below.</font></p> <p style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1"><br> 4. <strong>SpecialReservations</strong><br>Candidates seeking admission underSpecial reservation category shouldenclose separate special reservationapplication along with mainapplication together with DD for Rs.100/-for each special reservationswith an attested xerox copies of relevantdocument. The applicationsunder Sports Quota should be submitted alongwith all documents only inperson.</font></p><p style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1">5. <strong>Submission of filled inapplications</strong><br>Candidates have to send the filledin application along with anattested xerox copies of Mark Sheet(s) andan attested xerox copies ofall other relevant certificates, to TheSecretary, Tamil NaduEngineering Admissions 2008, Anna UniversityChennai, Chennai - 600 025<strong>on or before 26.05.2008 (5.30p.m.)</strong></font> </p><p style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1"><br> All Demand Drafts should be drawn infavour of �<strong>The Director, Admissions, Anna UniversityChennai</strong>�payable at Chennai, drawn on any Nationalised /Scheduled bank dated onor after 09.05.2008. Candidates are instructedto write name andaddress on the reverse side of the DemandDraft.</font></p> <p style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" class="style18" align="justify"><font size="1"><br>SC/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Naduwho wants to availregistration fee concession (Rs.250/-) in Person orby Post shouldproduce xerox copy of the permanent community certificateobtained fromcompetent authority.<br> For Minimum EligibilityMarks and other details visit <strong>Anna UniversityChennai</strong> website http://www.annauniv.edu/tnea2008Telephone No. 044 � 22203609, 22203619.</font></p> <font size="1"><br><br></font>