U.P.Technical University State Entrance Examination (UPTU SEE) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
Uttar Pradesh technical University, Lucknow is conducting State Entrance Examination (SEE UPTU:) for admission to degree courses in <strong>Engineering(B.Teach.) / Pharmacy (B.Pharm.)/ Architecture (B.Arch.) / Hotelmanagement (BHMCT)/ fashion & Apparel Design Technology (BFAD) andPost Graduated Courses MCA/ MBA</strong> of Govt. Aided and unaided institutions affiliated to U.P. Technical university for the academics.<br><p class="mainbody style150"><strong>ELIGIBILITY TO APPEAR IN SEE-UPTU: 2009.</strong></p> <ol class="style150"><li class="style158">...
U.P.Technical University State Entrance Examination
Exam Code
UPTU SEE Exam Type
Engineering Exam
UPTU SEE Exam Frequency
Annual Exam
UPTU SEE 2025 Exam
Uttar Pradesh technical University, Lucknow is conducting State Entrance Examination (SEE UPTU:) for admission to degree courses in <strong>Engineering(B.Teach.) / Pharmacy (B.Pharm.)/ Architecture (B.Arch.) / Hotelmanagement (BHMCT)/ fashion & Apparel Design Technology (BFAD) andPost Graduated Courses MCA/ MBA</strong> of Govt. Aided and unaided institutions affiliated to U.P. Technical university for the academics.<br><p class="mainbody style150"><strong>ELIGIBILITY TO APPEAR IN SEE-UPTU: 2009.</strong></p> <ol class="style150"><li class="style158">Foradmission to first year of B.Tech./ B. Pharm / BHMCT/ BFAD candidatemust have passed recognized Board / University as given in informationbrochure of SEE- UPTU 2009.</li><li class="style158">Foradmission to first year of B. Arch., a candidate must have passedintermediate examination of U.P. Board or 10+2 level examination or itsequivalent from any recognized board / University; securing minimum 50%marks in aggregate is compulsory and optional subject as given ininformation brochure of SEE-UPTU- 2009.</li></ol> <p class="style150"> </p> <p class="mainbody style150">Acandidate possessing three years diploma in Architecture (10+3)recognized by Central / State Govt. is also eligible for admission tofirst year of B.Arch only, provided the candidate has passed theDiploma examination securing minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Suchcandidates will have to appear in the entrance examination for firstyear of B. Arch papers (paper 2 & 6) mentioned above </p> <ol class="style150"><li class="style158">For admission to first year of MBA, candidate must have passed three years degree course from any recognized university. </li><li class="style158">Foradmission to first year of MCA, candidate must have passed three yearsdegree course from any recognized University with Mathematics at 10+2level or at bachelor degree level. </li><li class="style158">Foradmission to second year (Lateral Entry) of b. Tech., the candidatemust have passed three years Diploma in Engineering course; securingminimum 60% marks in aggregate or three years B.Sc degree withmathematics as one subject; securing minimum 60% marks in aggregate asper details provided in the brochure. </li><li class="style158">Foradmission to second year (lateral entry) or B. Pharm., the candidatemust have passed Diploma in Pharmacy Course; securing minimum 60% marksin aggregate.</li><li class="style158">Thecandidates appearing in the qualifying examinations are also eligibleto appear in state entrance Examination-2009 subject to the conditionthat they must fulfill the eligibility criteria at the time ofcounseling. </li><li class="style158">Thedetails of admissions for NRI and Kashmiri migrants will be publishedlater, in the month of May, 2009 according to the norms to be laid downby the Govt. of U.P./ AICTE. </li><li class="style158">State Govt. has permitted 10% of total sanctioned seats available in <strong>Private Institutions</strong> to be filled on merit by <strong>All India Level candidates</strong>subject to the eligibility conditions given in the brochure throughUniversity counseling under the reservation policy of state Govt. ofU.P. </li><li class="style158"><strong>Thisadmission test in open the the candidates who have passed thequalifying examination from any institution located in U.P. or whoseparents (Father or Mother) are domicile of U.P. AND 10% seats of AllIndia level candidates as provided in Sl. No. 9 above. </strong></li></ol><strong>details with Information Brochure is available at website <a href="http://www.uptu.nic.in/">www.uptu.nic.in</a>. </strong><br>