Uttar Pradesh technical University Satae Entrance Exam (UPTU SEE) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
<p class="mainbody style150"><font size="1"><strong>ELIGIBILITY TO APPEAR IN SEE-UPTU: 2009.</strong></font></p> <ol class="style150"><li class="style158"><font size="1">Foradmission to first year of B.Tech./ B. Pharm / BHMCT/ BFAD candidatemust have passed recognized Board / University as given in informationbrochure of SEE- UPTU 2009.</font></li><li class="style158"><font size="1">Foradmission to first year of B. Arch., a candidate must have passedintermediate examination of U.P. Board or 10+2 lev...
Uttar Pradesh technical University Satae Entrance Exam
Exam Code
UPTU SEE Exam Type
MCA Exam
UPTU SEE Exam Frequency
Annual Exam
UPTU SEE 2025 Exam
<p class="mainbody style150"><font size="1"><strong>ELIGIBILITY TO APPEAR IN SEE-UPTU: 2009.</strong></font></p> <ol class="style150"><li class="style158"><font size="1">Foradmission to first year of B.Tech./ B. Pharm / BHMCT/ BFAD candidatemust have passed recognized Board / University as given in informationbrochure of SEE- UPTU 2009.</font></li><li class="style158"><font size="1">Foradmission to first year of B. Arch., a candidate must have passedintermediate examination of U.P. Board or 10+2 level examination or itsequivalent from any recognized board / University; securing minimum 50%marks in aggregate is compulsory and optional subject as given ininformation brochure of SEE-UPTU- 2009.</font></li></ol> <p class="style150"><font size="1"> </font></p> <p class="mainbody style150"><font size="1">Acandidate possessing three years diploma in Architecture (10+3)recognized by Central / State Govt. is also eligible for admission tofirst year of B.Arch only, provided the candidate has passed theDiploma examination securing minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Suchcandidates will have to appear in the entrance examination for firstyear of B. Arch papers (paper 2 & 6) mentioned above </font></p> <ol class="style150"><li class="style158"><font size="1">For admission to first year of MBA, candidate must have passed three years degree course from any recognized university. </font></li><li class="style158"><font size="1">Foradmission to first year of MCA, candidate must have passed three yearsdegree course from any recognized University with Mathematics at 10+2level or at bachelor degree level. </font></li><li class="style158"><font size="1">Foradmission to second year (Lateral Entry) of b. Tech., the candidatemust have passed three years Diploma in Engineering course; securingminimum 60% marks in aggregate or three years B.Sc degree withmathematics as one subject; securing minimum 60% marks in aggregate asper details provided in the brochure. </font></li><li class="style158"><font size="1">Foradmission to second year (lateral entry) or B. Pharm., the candidatemust have passed Diploma in Pharmacy Course; securing minimum 60% marksin aggregate.</font></li><li class="style158"><font size="1">Thecandidates appearing in the qualifying examinations are also eligibleto appear in state entrance Examination-2009 subject to the conditionthat they must fulfill the eligibility criteria at the time ofcounseling. </font></li><li class="style158"><font size="1">Thedetails of admissions for NRI and Kashmiri migrants will be publishedlater, in the month of May, 2009 according to the norms to be laid downby the Govt. of U.P./ AICTE. </font></li><li class="style158"><font size="1">State Govt. has permitted 10% of total sanctioned seats available in <strong>Private Institutions</strong> to be filled on merit by <strong>All India Level candidates</strong>subject to the eligibility conditions given in the brochure throughUniversity counseling under the reservation policy of state Govt. ofU.P. </font></li><li class="style158"><font size="1"><strong>Thisadmission test in open the the candidates who have passed thequalifying examination from any institution located in U.P. or whoseparents (Father or Mother) are domicile of U.P. AND 10% seats of AllIndia level candidates as provided in Sl. No. 9 above. </strong></font></li></ol><font size="1"><br></font><p class="mainbody style150"><font size="1"><strong>SCHEME OF ENTRANCE EXAMINATION:</strong>The candidate opting for different courses will be required toundertake written test in following papers on the dates specifiedbelow: </font></p> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="538"><tbody><tr> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="78"><p class="style158" align="center"><font size="1"><strong>Date of Exam</strong></font></p></td> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="165"><p class="style158" align="center"><font size="1"><strong>Course</strong></font></p></td> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="81"><p class="style158" align="center"><font size="1"><strong>Paper Code</strong></font></p></td> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="360"><p class="style158" align="center"><font size="1"><strong>Subjects</strong></font></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="78"><p class="style158"><font size="1">18.04.09</font></p></td> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="165"><p class="style158"><font size="1">B.H.M.C.T./B.F.A.D <br> MBA<br> M.C.A.<br> B.Tech. (Second year <br> Lateral entry) </font></p></td> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="81"><p class="style158"><font size="1">7<br> 8<br> 9<br> 10/11/12</font></p></td> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="360"><p class="style158"><font size="1">Aptitude test for General Awareness <br> Aptitude test for M.B.A <br> Aptitude test for M.C.A<br> Aptitude test in Engg. (Diploma)/Pharmacy (diploma)/ B.Sc. (Graduate) </font></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="78"><p class="style158"><font size="1">19.04-09</font></p></td> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="165"><p class="style158"><font size="1">B.Tech.<br> B.Tech. (Bio Technology) <br> B.Tech. (Ag. Engg.) <br> B. Pharm. <br> B.Arch. </font></p></td> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="81"><p class="style158"><font size="1">1 and 2<br> 1 and 2 or 3<br> 4 and 5<br> 1 and 2 or 3<br> 2 and 6</font></p></td> <td class="style150" valign="top" width="360"><p class="style158"><font size="1">Physics & Chemistry: and Mathematics Phys. & Chem.; and Mathematics or Biology AG I & AG II; and AG III<br> Phys. & Chem. And Mathematics or Biology Mathematics and Aptitude Test (Arch.)</font></p></td></tr></tbody></table>