Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam (VITEEE) 2025 - Exam Notifications, Exam Dates, Course, Questions & Answers, Preparation Material.
VIT is the first University in India accredited by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) (formerly Institute of Electrical Engineers IEE) and the Energy Institute (EI), both from UK. VITUniversity offers 12 academic streams that you can choose from for your B.Tech programmed.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">B.Tech. Programs Offered:</span>(Duration -4years)<br><br> 1. Bioinformatics<br> 2. Bio-Medical Engineering<br> 3. Biotechnology<br> 4. Chemical Engineering<br> ...
Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam
Exam Code
VITEEE Exam Type
Engineering Exam
VITEEE Exam Frequency
Annual Exam
VITEEE 2025 Exam
VIT is the first University in India accredited by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) (formerly Institute of Electrical Engineers IEE) and the Energy Institute (EI), both from UK. VITUniversity offers 12 academic streams that you can choose from for your B.Tech programmed.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">B.Tech. Programs Offered:</span>(Duration -4years)<br><br> 1. Bioinformatics<br> 2. Bio-Medical Engineering<br> 3. Biotechnology<br> 4. Chemical Engineering<br> 5. Civil Engineering<br> 6. Computer Science & Engineering<br> 7. Electronics & Communication Engineering<br> 8. Electrical & Electronics Engineering<br> 9. Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering<br> 10. Information Technology<br> 11. Mechanical Engineering<br> 12. Mechanical & Energy Engineering<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">VITEEE 2025 Eligibility:</span><br>A pass in10+2 or its equivalent with a minimum average of 60% of marks in Physics, Chemistry& Mathematics or Biology (PCM /PCB)<br><br>A pass in 10+2 or its equivalent with 50%averagemarks in Physics, Chemistry &Mathematics or Biology (PCM /PCB) for<br><br>Candidates belonging to SC/ST<br>Students hailing from Jammu & Kashmir and from the North Eastern States of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Sikkim, Nagaland, Mizoramand Arunachal Pradesh.<br><br>Physics, Chemistry& Mathematics (PCM) candidates are eligible for all the programmed.<br><br>Physics, Chemistry& Biology (PCB)candidates are eligible only for B.Tech. Bioinformatics &Biotechnology programmed.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">VITEEE Admission Procedure</span><br><br>The main brochure and the information brochure for the B.Tech.programme-2025,along with the necessary enclosures which include the Application Form and a printed self-addressed envelope, can be obtained against cash payment of Rs.750/- from the various post offices as mentioned in the VIT website:<br><br>Candidates can obtain the application form in person from the VIT University at Vellore or from the following addresses by handing over a Demand Draft for Rs.750/- drawn in favor of "VITUniversity", payable at Vellore.<br><br>Candidates can also obtain the application form through post by sending a Demand Draft for Rs.750/-drawnin favor of" VITUniversity", payable at Vellore, with a covering letter addressed to" Admissions Officer", VIT University,Vellore-632014,requesting for the application form and indicating their complete postal address.<br><br>On receipt of the DD, the application form with the enclosures will be sent by post. The postal charges will be borne by the Institute. Candidates should write their name and address on the reverse of the DD.