HTML clipboard The West Bengal University of Technology (WBUTech) came into existence on August 5, 2000. It started functioning with the assumption of office of the first Vice Chancellor on January 15, 2001 as a sequel to the promulgation of the West Bengal University of Technology Act 2000; under the West Bengal Act XV of 2000 passed by the West Bengal Legislature and published in the Calcutta Gazette (Extraordinary) vide Publication dated july 20, 2000. The Act contemplates a General Council (GC), an Executive Council (EC), an Academic Council (AC), Finance Committee and an Advisory Council as its regulatry and advisory bodies. His Excellency, the Governor of the state of West Bengal would be the ex-officio Chancellor of the University. Currently, the University is functioning through an Advisory Committee constituted by the Chancellor under the advice of the Government of West Bengal, as per necessary transitory provisions of the Act.