Aligarh Muslim University MBA Syllabus 2012
A.Environmental Awarness :
* Objective : To test candidates' awareness of the developments in the political, social, technological and economic environments both in the Indian and International contexts.
* Contents : Characteristics of Indian economy, basic economic indicators, industrial, trade, fiscal, budgetary and monetary policies, Indian banking system and its functioning, awareness about corporate sector, Indian and international trade, economic agreements, changes in political, technological and cultural environments.
B. Comprehension and Verbal Ability Test :
* Objective : To test a candidate's skill of quick comprehension and verbal ability � both of which reflect a person's ability to understand facts faster than his / her peers and also his / her skill in organising thoughts and expressing them in a clear manner.
* Contents : Comprehension at paragraph and sentence level, identification of mistakes; grammar and usage; Vocabulary � word formation, synonyms, antonyms, pairing of words, analogies, sentence structure and construction, active and passive voice, prepositions, completion of sentences, etc.
C. Quantitative and Numerical Ability :
* Objective : To judge candidates' ability to use the fundamental and standard procedure in arithmetic, algebra, geometry and other branches of mathematics and to ascertain logical thinking, accuracy and speed in applying the basic skills of mathematics.
* Contents : Elementary Arithmetic � percentage, ratio, proportion time and distance, relative speed, time and work, interest, stocks, shares and discount, rules of divisibility, HCF and LCM, power, exponents and roots; Elementary algebra � algebraic equations; Elementary geometry � angle, line, polygon, solids, cylinders, perimeter, volume, circles, tangent to circle, sphere, etc.; linear and quadratic equations; Basics of trigonometry and coordinate geometry.
D. Reasoning and Intelligence :
Objective : To assess the logical and reasoning capabilities of the candidate i.e. the ability to comprehend, evaluate, and deduce in a logical manner.
Contents : This may include verbal reasoning and verbal analogy, letter series, number series, coding and decoding, logical diagrams, and syllogism, etc.
MBA Entrance Exam Question Bank CD
E. Analysis and Interpretation of Data :
Objective : To test the ability to interpret a given set of data for decision making or similar applications. It assess the awareness of methods used in representing data and various techniques in analysis and interpretation of data.
Contents : Sets � Union and intersection; frequency and class intervals, cumulative frequencies, and various types of graphic diagrams used in interpretation; Basic of probability; and Permutation and combination.