A Bold Vision
IPsoft is a managed services provider delivering IT infrastructure services to businesses worldwide. Our clients, who rely on us for a wide range of IT solutions, receive improved services and realize major cost savings.
IPsoft was founded in 1998 by a group of New York University faculty and staff members who had a bold vision: to optimize IT through expert-system driven technology. IPsoft President and CEO Chetan Dube envisioned an IT infrastructure managed by expert systems, not people. His aim was to automate the mundane chores and allow engineers to focus on higher-level tasks and innovations. The idea, in a manner of speaking, was to �clone engineers� brains.�
IPsoft has managed to do just that, through our cutting edge technology, our commitment to customer service and our global scope.
� Our automated systems are transforming the face of IT management: 56 percent of all client issues are resolved without human intervention.
� We are truly a global enterprise: With offices on three continents, we work for clients around the world and provide services everywhere from Algeria to Australia, China to Chile, Japan to Jordan.
� We are widely recognized as the uncontested leader in managed services: Today, one in every 20 Fortune 1000 companies is an IPsoft client. In twelve years of operational history, we have not lost a single client to another vendor, a track record that is unmatched by other comparable providers.