We offer coaching sessions to students pursuing BCA, B.Sc, B.Com, BBA, MBA, MCA, M.Sc, B.E., B. Tech, M.E., M. Tech, M.S, etc. The training is also offered to housewives, retired personnel.
For corporates, our Corporate Training Division (CTD) offers On�site programs or weekend programs at the venue of convenience.
* For schools and colleges, tailor designed programs on the above are offered at BEST PRICES.
We also assist school and college students in developing science and engineering projects.
We offer trainings for the following subjects on Information Technology: -
Languages like C with Data Structures and Object Oriented Programming System (OOPS) with C++, Integrated Development Environment (IDE�s) such as Visual Basic, VB.Net, C#, Web Technology HTML, Visual Basic Script, Active Server Pages, ASP.Net, Database, MS � Access, SQL SERVER, ORACLE (Only Back End Operations such as � SQL Queries and PL/SQL Programming).
* We conduct training on Embedded Systems. * We undertake academic projects for EEE, ECE, EIE, CSE, CSIT.