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A new Hub for Software Testing
Article Posted On Date : Thursday, May 26, 2011
A new Hub for Software Testing
Software Testing jobs in UAE is in demand but vigorous work to do. It involves the process of executing a program, software, or system in order to identify design defects or errors. It basically involves three operations: verification, error detection, and validation. In verification, the tester checks the software vis-�-vis quality requirements set by software companies. In error detection, the tester intentionally initiate errors in order to test if the software will processes as it should do. In validation, the tester looks into attempting to check if the system is really appropriate to the needs of the intended users. These operations imply the purpose of software testing. First is to improve quality in adherence to design and usage requirements. Being correct and accurate can be the minimum quality requirements. Second is to verify and validate. This serves as the heart of software testing because the tester judges the quality of different products under the same set of specifications. Hence, this involves interpretation of actual testing results. Third is to estimate reliability. Results can be used as statistical samples or experimental trials in order to estimate reliability of the software. To note, reliability of the software is important as it implies the actual capability of the software to do its intended functions. Most defects in software are design errors and not simply manufacturing defects� which can be a lot more difficult to identify and manage. Oftentimes, these defects can be very intractable especially if the software has moderate to large size and has complex processes. Nonetheless, because of this complexity, design defects are mostly inevitable. Hence, Software Testing jobs in UAE involves various types of expertise and experience. Some of the expertise necessary include but not limited to software and hardware engineering, quality control and assurance, and knowledge in software functionality, engineering, and adaptability. Engineering expertise can be crucial as testing may not only be limited to software but also the accompanying hardware. Quality control and assurance is also important in achieving functional, engineering, and adaptability requirements as needed by the intended user. There is an underlying emphasis on adaptability because the software tester should also consider maintenance and upgrading capabilities of the software at hand. These capabilities are particularly important to many clients as technology development in today's world can be very fast and dynamic. Upgrading existing software and programs can be very much cheaper than installing new software every now and then. Lastly, creativity is also expected from a tester as software testing is also an art. Software testing can be an endless process so the tester should be creative enough to immediately come up with solutions and to maximize the efficacy of the various tools and methods used during the testing procedures. Furthermore, there are various tools and methodologies available to facilitate software testing. Automation is one of the recent and most widely practiced strategies. Hence, Software Testing jobs in UAE can provide a wide range of opportunities to learn in various fields. The Process of SOFTWARE TESTING Software Testing jobs in UAE is increasingly becoming in demand in the Middle East region and neighboring areas. Software testing has long been one of the most vital operations of software companies. They constantly need to test and check the functionality and reliability of their programs. Thus, it is the primary purpose of software testing to estimate reliability or the ability to execute supposed function of the software at hand. Additional functions include improvement of the software based on the problems encountered during reliability estimation and the validation and verification of the accuracy of the software in reference to its purpose. Validation and verification is critical in software testing as these identify the aptitude of the software to perform both its basic and advanced functions smoothly. In essence, Software Testing jobs is executing the program, identifying if there is a problem, and as much as possible, fixing the problem. This problem can be as simple as manufacturing defects or as complicated as design inefficiency. Software Testing jobs focus on complicated design inefficiencies. Such inefficiencies can be very hard to manage or even identify. Sometimes, the entire process of designing the software may be repeated again and again so as to identify where and what went wrong. Vast knowledge on engineering is necessary for Software Testing. The tester is expected to be knowledgeable both of hardware and software engineering as the two are hardly separable. Equally important for Software Testing is quality control and assurance. This encompasses the ability of the tester to be efficient in a wide array method in order to make sure that the software fits the needs of the end users. On the side, creativity is also a supportive characteristic because the tester needs to be resourceful, imaginative, and risk-taking. Like any other testing processes, The process begins but never really ends. Thus, the tester should be keen and imaginative on how the process can be made efficient so that each stage can contribute to the improvement and upgrading of the entire software. Though the process needs to be scientific, step-by-step, and goal-oriented, there should also be a room for discovery and imagination. More often than not, Software Testing jobs involves the client or the end user. Software companies may consult their clients regarding certain stages in the testing process. They accept suggestions, comments, and additional inquiries so as to make the process more participative. With this scheme, the tester can have more information regarding the necessary functions of the software. Input from the clients guides the tester in quality control, reliability estimation, and upgrading the software. Likewise, this also saves time and effort. After all, no matter how advanced the software is, it is useless if not operational and helpful for the end users. Testers are vigilant in making the software user-friendly and suitable to the expertise of the end-users too. Widgets