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business ownership in IT
Article Posted On Date : Monday, October 8, 2012
business ownership in IT
The third phase of growth for the Indian software industry is the transition from product ownership to the increased responsibility and accountability that comes with business unit ownership. Business units operating from India with profit and loss responsibility represent a significant shift for the industry. That shift can create a sense of management empowerment, and business ownership and act as a huge motivating factor for the Indian software industry. For Adobe, that transition occurred when we acquired Macromedia in 2005 and were faced with reorganizing our rapidly expanding operations. It was an opportune time to leverage our maturing Indian management team and further invest in our India operations by creating a business unit. Today, India is the home of one of Adobe's business units as well as our largest research and development facility outside San Jose - providing product development talent for a multitude of product teams. For many companies, assigning full responsibility for setting product and go-to-market strategies, product management and development in India represents a leap of faith. We took that leap and we continue to evolve and push the envelope daily - in our Indian operations and around the world. One thing is clear - earning a "seat at the table", like all other Adobe business units, has created a great byproduct in that it plays an important role in our ability to attract and retain some of the best talent in India. Widgets