Bangalore University BCom students, who were in a catch-22 situation over their 5th semester exam dates clashing with that of Chartered Accountant (CA) examination, can heave a sigh of relief. After receiving complaints from many colleges, the varsity has decided to postpone the BCom exam from November 17 to November 30. Both examinations were scheduled on November 17."The CA examination was clashing with a paper of 5th semester, BCom. Some 32 colleges from across the state wrote to us saying clashing of the dates will prevent students from appearing for the CA examination. The test will now be held on November 30, which is the last day for the semester examination," said BC Mylarappa, registrar, BU.BCom student of Mahila Samaja College, Kolar, was the one who'd requested the varisty to reschedule the semester examination date. "I was confused about which exam to write. If I skip the semester one, I will end up losing a year. It will also prevent me from appearing for competitive examinations, including the civil services."