We strongly believe that attracting, retaining and promoting women is critical to the success of our company. It's why we have more than 60,000 women contributing to an environment that's rich in diversity, acknowledges each individual's uniqueness and promotes respect, personal achievement and stewardship.
Accenture has created unique programs to support our women in their career development and progression, including:
� Flexible Work Arrangements: supports the unique needs of professionals in the workplace, encouraging a balance between work and personal priorities.
� Maternity Returners Program: helps ease the transition for new parents back into the workforce by providing career guidance and support for finding ideal re-entry roles.
� Women's Mentoring Programs: pairs female executives with senior executive mentors, includes virtual workshops and provides networking tips to help ensure the advancement of women at Accenture.
� Accenture Women's Network: A global internal website connects women across the company with one another and provides access to resources available both at Accenture and externally. The online forum offers women a place to share experiences, advice and insights.
� International Women's Day: Every year Accenture people come together on March 8th to celebrate International Women's Day, to learn about the positive impact women are having on the world and Accenture. Participants enjoy exchanging ideas about women, inclusion and their impact on the global economy and Accenture's business, and join in on local events. This global celebration provides a venue for networking, building vital skills, and addressing issues that face women in the workplace and beyond.
� We also provide training for diversity awareness, as well as courses directed toward developing our women leaders. In the Developing High-Performing Women course, for example, female role models help managers evaluate requirements to reach the next stage in their careers. To date, more than 550 women from 23 countries have participated in the program.
� In our local offices, employee resource groups drive initiatives and programs to support women at the location and help them build strong networks, both within Accenture and with the broader community. There are local women's networking groups in Austria/Switzerland/Germany, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, India, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Latin America, Norway, the United Kingdom and India.
� For the seventh year, Working Mother's magazine has included Accenture in the "100 Best Companies for Working Mothers." We have also received the Catalyst Award, which honors innovative approaches taken by companies towards a diverse environment. More on awards we have received.
"Having an inclusive workforce is part of what makes Accenture a special place, and the commitment to inclusion, diversity and advancing the careers of women at Accenture is one of our top priorities."�William D. Green, Chairman & CEO