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Google finally introduces its social feature +1
Article Posted On Date : Friday, April 1, 2011
Google finally introduces its social feature +1
Bangalore: Google has finally announced its previously rumored social feature called +1 that will show up in search results to let users recommend links and stories. The new feature can be used to bring content from Google News and other sources into a real-time personalized news feed. Google says by clicking +1 on a webpage or ad you find useful, these +1's will then start appearing in Google's search results. Google explained that these recommendations will come from people you know, linking the feature to the long-described layered approach Google is taking with social. If you do not have a significant amount of Google contacts, you can see "how many people across the web have +1'd" something. Explaining the new feature in its blog, the company said it will use many signals to identify the most useful recommendations, including things like the people you are already connected to through Google. Google said it will soon incorporate other signals, such as your connections on sites like Twitter, to ensure your recommendations are as relevant as possible. You can also get to know who you're connected to and how by visiting the "Social Circle and Content" section of the Google Dashboard. Widgets