In a Software Developer Interview, be prepared to:
1. Demonstrate software development technical mastery. In other words, you are expected to answer a number of open ended software developer questions very well. Some of these software developer questions will be on how you will go about performing a task or writing a feature or on programming languages or web development or database design and development or on writing SQL queries or on SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).
The interviewer will be comparing your answers to that of their team members. In other words, you are being benchmarked with the rest of the team. It is just not about write or wrong questions, but more about how you answer it ... your thinking. They want to understand how you solve problems because software development is really about solving rpoblems.
2. Be prepared to offer code samples. These days may not even get a software developer interview without including links to code samples on your programming resume or links to the best websites you've worked on or something that demonstrates hands-on software development experience.
3. Team / Communication Skills: You will be evaluated on your team skills and your ability to get along with everyone else in the team. Some interviewers will go as far as asking you probing personal questions just to see if they can get under your skin easily.
4. Problem Solving Skills: Depending on the seniority of the position you are interviewing for, you will be evaluated on your leadership skills, critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills
5. Hands On Experience: You will be evaluated on how much hands-on software development experience you have. You will need to mention the size and complexity of the projects you've worked on and how long you have used different types of technology.
Software Development in largely about technical mastery. So, your biggest opportunity will be in how well you can code. Don't be passive about this ... be extremely aggressive in showing of your coding skills.