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Understanding the differences in the term and whole life insurance
Article Posted On Date : Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Understanding the differences in the term and whole life insurance
HTML clipboard If you have decided to take up life insurance policy you will be left with lot of choices.The two major choices will be whole life insurance and term life insurance. Understanding the distinction between both will give you an edge in choosing the best policy that suits you. Now your job is made easy. All you have to do is simply read this article.The article covers
Differences between term and whole life insurance Best uses of term and whole life insurance When should you take term life insurance? When should you take whole life insurance? There are two major categories of life insurance namely term life insurance and permanent life insurance. Permanent life insurance is also known as cash value life insurance policy. Whole life insurance is a subcategory of permanent insurance and one of the popular forms of permanent life insurance policy. If you are struggling to make a choice between term and whole life insurance the following differences may help you in aligning your needs by considering the different advantages and features of the desired policy. Some of the differences between term and whole life insurance are as follows: Policy Prices The first and foremost difference between these two policies is price. The premiums are fixed and well distributed as far as term life insurance is concerned as the periods are definite. Due to these reasons term life insurance rate tends to be cheap in terms of premium payment. In many cases the insured survives during the period of term insurance. Therefore the insurance company sees no risks in insuring this sort of policies. They will have no trouble in repaying the whole amount when the policy matures. For these reasons the company even goes for a uniform premium rate and increases it only when the policy is renewed as far as term life insurance policy is concerned. However the chances of risks are high as far as a whole life insurance policy is considered. Since the period of insurance equals the whole life of the individual the insurance company bears greater risks especially when the person gets old. Therefore they charge high premiums so that they are not burdened when it comes to the question of paying the policy amount in case of a premature death or any other valid circumstances. Coverage Returns become an important issue as far as insurance is considered. Insurance is currently becoming a profitable investment option and consumers are vying among policies not only for death protection financial security and other benefits but also for regular monetary benefits. The nature of term life insurance policy paves no room for gaining returns. You are assured of getting the fixed amount on the maturity of a policy if you pay the premiums regularly in a term life insurance. You will not be able to enjoy any other benefits during the course of the policy or after its expiry. This is another reason for collecting a standard premium. The reasons for raising the premium rates during policy renewal are to meet the raising insurance maintenance costs as far as term life insurance policy is concerned. However on the other hand if you choose to insure your life in a whole life insurance policy you will get returns. The money you pay as premiums will be invested in stock markets or other financial instruments. You will get returns as per the terms and conditions of your policy. This enables you to make money even while you pay the premiums for the policy unlike the term insurance policy where you get only the policy amount and that too only after the expiry of the policy period. Widgets