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Using Stringstreams in C++
Article Posted On Date : Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Using Stringstreams in C++
HTML clipboard Variety is the spice of life; if you could see the same things each day, drink the same coffee, meet the same people, eat the same things, life would be absolutely boring. The drawback of this, on the other hand, is that coordinating such variety can be a big challenge. Copied from the multiplicity in our world, we have a significant diversity of types within the C++ programming world. This is not always a good thing. This article will explain how to tackle this challenge with help from streams and the STL class. Many beginner coders, in fact, struggle with the conversions from one type to another. Probably the most troublesome problem turns out to be adding numbers of type integer and float to the std class string.
If you've always cursed this process, I invite you to continue reading this article. Even if you haven't, sit back, relax, and observe a solution that is simpler to write and maintain than the ones you may have used inside C (itoa, atoi, and others) until now.
This article is the ninth part of a series about streams in C++. Therefore, if you lack some general knowledge about this or the STL class string, I strongly encourage you to search for and read one or more of my articles about this published here on the Developer Shed Network under the names: Introduction to Streams, Basic IO in C++ or The String STL Class.
Today we will see how we can combine the power of the stream and the advantages of the STL class string together to make conversion of objects inside the C++ a seamless and trivial task.
As you may already recognize the benefits of streams as an easy way to read and write data with just the use of the insertion and extraction operator (<< and >>), the profit from strings is obvious: they offer an array of chars that does not need buffer management.
Working with streams to handle files has proven to be an efficient and comprehensible approach for all new programmers. You could read in any value with just the extraction operator and print anything, and in the background, the stream took care of the type of the input/output.
This is a safer and faster method than the old one existing inside the scanf, as you could no longer cause inconsistency issues between the values you passed as an argument for printing and what you specified to be inside the formatting string. For that reason, the question came up as to why you should create a new file to benefit from this.
A stream created inside the memory poll could assure that you can use all of that with some improved performance as compared to a proper file on the disk. The result of this is now known inside the C++ language as the stringstream class.
Using It for Input:
HTML clipboard You will find the class defined/declared inside the stringstream header; thus, to use it, first you need to include the sstream , while adding the "using namespace std; " line will surely make it more enjoyable to write by letting you write less and produce more. There are three types of stringstream. First, we have one used only for output, one used with only input, and one combining the "muscles" of both input and output. Declare them as follows:
ostringstream outMemStream; // output
istringstream inMemStream; // input
stringstream memoryStream; // both in and out
If UNICODE is your daily bread, then you only need to append a "w" char to the beginning (prefix) to form the wide character counterparts of the upper ones, namely the w ostringstream (for out), w istreangstream (for in) and w stringstream (for both).
Now let us look for some way to use this. Suppose you want to read a whole line of integers, and once that is done, calculate their sum. Reading in one member after the other is not a good solution, as the cin will stop for each white space (including the new line as well).
If we are talking about line reading, the most useful function remains the getline, so we should call it for help somehow. We may just read in a line, but how will we extract the numbers from it? This is where the stringstream comes in.
Each stringstream is in fact a stream if, resulting in a couple of advantages. For instance, you can take a stringstream and open it only for output. Moreover, there is another definition of the constructor that allows you to pass on a string as the first argument; this will fill the content of the string, the buffer.
This is perfect for us. Just get the input and put it inside the stream; after that, read it out of the stream one by one and total it. This gives us something close to this:
#include <iostream> // for accessing the console
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string input;
getline(cin, input);
stringstream memString(input, ios_base::in);
// == istringstream memString(input, ios_base::in);
double summ = 0;
double temp;
while (memString >> temp)
summ+= temp;
cout<< summ << endl;
return 1;
In fact, once you construct the stream it will behave just like a file stream, with the exception that this is automatically constructed inside the memory poll. It's a perfect solution for when you need a temporary container/buffer in which to store your data, and you can also extract it from there later on.
No wonder the program works flawlessly:
HTML clipboard
HTML clipboard 1.234 2.48 3.206
Press any key to continue . . .
HTML clipboard For Output :
HTML clipboard We saw in the previous example how we could use a stringstream for input, so what is the point of using one for output? "Where can we use it?" You may ask. Before we venture into this, let me tell you that when you insert new members into a stream, if you want to extract them from there later or just make it more readable, you must add white spaces inside the stream.
These white spaces delimit the members inside a stream by default. In addition, everything we learned about streams applies here, such as the manipulators and the insertion/extraction process for your own custom-made class. If you are not familiar with either one of these concepts, go to my profile (click on my name at the top of this page), where you can easily find the list of my already-published articles. You should have no problem locating the ones where I deal with these concepts.
You can request an old style char* pointer to the strings buffer with the member function str(). Dumping all of your data inside a stringstream and calling a single print at the end is perfectly maintainable:
ostringstream memoryStream;
int number = 10;
double dnubmer = 10.122;
string text = "nalfa";
memoryStream << number << ' ' << dnubmer << text;
cout << memoryStream.str() << endl;
Remember that a white space separates each item, and that print is an effect of this. No additional white space is added automatically during or after the insertion process. All this is left for you to do, if need be. The str() member function returns, in fact, a character sequence of exactly what you inserted in the string, nothing more and nothing less.
10 10.122
Press any key to continue . . .
Be aware that this stream is not error safe. Just as a stream will put its fail flag on once you try to read a text inside an integer, this will do the same. So watch out and whenever an error can occur, check it with the flag() member functions, and if it is small, reset it with the clear().
To prove this, look over the code below and the output. No change was made during the extraction once we managed to call an invalid operation.
stringstream memoryStream;
int number = 10;
double dnubmer = 10.122;
string text = "alfa ";
memoryStream << text << number << ' ' << dnubmer ;
cout << memoryStream.str() << endl << "nExtraction:n";
//reset the values
number = 0;
dnubmer = 0;
memoryStream >> number;
memoryStream >> text;
memoryStream >> dnubmer;
cout << number << endl << text << endl << dnubmer << endl;
alfa 10 10.122
Press any key to continue . . .
HTML clipboard F ree Automatic Conversion:
HTML clipboard We've arrived at the part we've been waiting for: the conversion. C++ performs implicit conversion with some basic types, such as long to double and signed to unsigned or base* to derived* (pointer cast); however, it requires explicit conversion in the case of transforming a string to a string/sequence of characters.
There have been countless functions made just for this task, and even more once the wide character made its place in the world. The usage of this is somewhat worrying, as it offers no buffer overflow protection (you're in big trouble if the allocated space is too little and you are wasting memory if you are exaggerating). The type safety is also weak, because you could just define one in the format string and give another type.
Using this eventually leads to a source of constant bug possibility inside your application. All the while you are also offering a security hole, as a foreign program could sense the volatile property of the buffer and start to "play with it ." Generally, it is a good idea to avoid the stdio library and all of its functions; use instead the sstream.
If you were paying close attention during the previous pages, you can figure out the solution on your own, but let me explain it nevertheless. The buzz is that stringstreams perform automatic low-level conversion while inserting a new value.
The place at which this is most probable is inside a char sequence. The opposite occurs once you extract a new value from the stream (consequently converting the text into what it can -- number, double, int, etcetera, or throwing an error by setting the fail flag if this is possible for text to number). If you are interested in this, just flip the extraction lines in the previous page as follows:
memoryStream >> text;
memoryStream >> dnubmer;
memoryStream >> number;
Moreover, observe that the int has been cast into double and the double into int:
alfa 10 10.122
Press any key to continue . . .
The stream will allocate for it as much memory as it needs, so feel free to add to it; it will destroy the object once that is released/destroyed. In order to prove this part of the article with examples, I decided to write a little cast function with templates that turned out like this (see below).
#include <iostream> // for accessing the console
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template<typename castTo, typename from>
castTo cast( from item)
stringstream temp;
castTo result; //call default constructor to initialize
temp << item;
temp >> result;
return result;
int main()
string text;
double number = 2.234;
cout <<setprecision(3) << number
<< " is not "<< cast<string>(number) << endl;
return 1;
The print part looks like this:
2.23 is not 2.234
HTML clipbHTML clipboard Variety is the spice of life; if you could see the same things each day, drink the same coffee, meet the same people, eat the same things, life would be absolutely boring. The drawback of this, on the other hand, is that coordinating such variety can be a big challenge. Copied from the multiplicity in our world, we have a significant diversity of types within the C++ programming world. This is not always a good thing. This article will explain how to tackle this challenge with help from streams and the STL class. Many beginner coders, in fact, struggle with the conversions from one type to another. Probably the most troublesome problem turns out to be adding numbers of type integer and float to the std class string.
If you've always cursed this process, I invite you to continue reading this article. Even if you haven't, sit back, relax, and observe a solution that is simpler to write and maintain than the ones you may have used inside C (itoa, atoi, and others) until now.
This article is the ninth part of a series about streams in C++. Therefore, if you lack some general knowledge about this or the STL class string, I strongly encourage you to search for and read one or more of my articles about this published here on the Developer Shed Network under the names: Introduction to Streams, Basic IO in C++ or The String STL Class.
Today we will see how we can combine the power of the stream and the advantages of the STL class string together to make conversion of objects inside the C++ a seamless and trivial task.
As you may already recognize the benefits of streams as an easy way to read and write data with just the use of the insertion and extraction operator (<< and >>), the profit from strings is obvious: they offer an array of chars that does not need buffer management.
Working with streams to handle files has proven to be an efficient and comprehensible approach for all new programmers. You could read in any value with just the extraction operator and print anything, and in the background, the stream took care of the type of the input/output.
This is a safer and faster method than the old one existing inside the scanf, as you could no longer cause inconsistency issues between the values you passed as an argument for printing and what you specified to be inside the formatting string. For that reason, the question came up as to why you should create a new file to benefit from this.
A stream created inside the memory poll could assure that you can use all of that with some improved performance as compared to a proper file on the disk. The result of this is now known inside the C++ language as the stringstream class.
Using It for Input Widgets