1 - Institute Name address and Web address:
VIT (Vellore institute of technology)
General Mailing Address Chennai Administrative Office
VIT University VIT University
Vellore - 632 014 New No.6 (Old No.W-73),
Tamilnadu, India Second Street,
Tel: 91-416-2243091 / 93 Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600040
Fax: 91-416-2243092 Tamil Nadu, India
91-416-2240411 Tel : 91-44-42016555
Fax : 91-44-26222555
Admissions Department
Admissions Officer
VIT University
Vellore - 632014
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel: 91-416-220 2125,
220 2157, 220 2168
Fax: 91-416-224 5544
91-416-224 0411
[email protected]
Web address
2. Year of estabilishment: 1984(As a self finance institute)
: 2001(University status by Govt. of India)
3. Branch offered:
* Bioinformatics
* Bio-Medical Engineering
* Biotechnology
* Chemical Engineering
* Civil Engineering
* Computer Science and Engineering
* Electronics and Communication Engineering
* Electrical and Electronics Engineering
* Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
* Information Technology
* Mechanical Engineering
* Energy Engineering
4. Mode of admission: VITEEE (VIT Engineering Entrance Examination)
5 - Institute Infra Structure:
Conference rooms, computing centers, Laboratories, Guest house & quarters, Library
6. Faculty: Institute is having very good faculty including Professors, readers, lecturers,
etc. VIT is also having faculty exchange program from other institute and universities.
7 - Institute Facilities
Sports & gym, Hostels, Swimming pool, Transport, Health services, Banks & ATM etc.
8- Placements: several national and MNC are visiting campus regularly. We can have a
look on the following graph. For more information you can visit the following link.