HTML clipboardThere are four different frequencies that GSM phones operate on. It is important to purchase a phone operating on the frequencies for the service provider you use. If you purchase your phone from your cell phone company, you should have no problem matching your phone to your provider's frequency. However, issues arise when trying to use a GSM phone internationally or purchasing your phone online.
Dual-Band Phone
Purchasing a dual band phone will operate either at GSM-900 and GSM-1800, or GSM-850 and GSM-1900. Meaning your phone will either work for the United States standard, or the European standard. However will not work for both.
Tri-Band Phone
Tri-band phones are a step up from a dual band phones; operating on three of the four GSM frequencies. Making it ideal for people who frequently travel. Switch the SIM card in your GSM phone, to a card for the area you are in, and your GSM phone will work internationally. Typically a tri-band phone will operate on the United States Standard, or European Standard. Additionally it will work on one of the frequencies for the opposite standard. If this is primarily a United States phone, it is important to select a phone operating on GSM-850 and GSM-1900 frequencies, and the European frequency for the provider you have selected. Tri-band phone provide great flexibility, however exclude an entire frequency on the GSM band. For complete working international phone, purchase a Quad-band phone.
Quad-Band Phone
Quad-band phones operate on four different GSM frequencies. Typically, GSM-900, GSM-1800, GSM-850 and GSM-1900. These phones can be taken almost anywhere GSM service is offered, and with the proper SIM card will provide adequate calling from the country you are in.