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Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College (RJ College), Mumbai
Find precise and comprehensive information on Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College (RJ College) located in the city of Mumbai. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College aims catering to the academic excellence of the students, and providing them with facilities to develop their other inherent talents. Under the guidance of dedicated and devoted teachers, the students are able to achieve academic excel�lence at the University Examinations. The College is efficiently managed by the Hindi Vidya Prachar Samiti through the Principal and her team of Vice Principals and Junior College Supervisor. They are ably assisted by devoted and courteous non-teaching staff. For the overall development of the students, various Associations conduct de�bates, elocutions,essays competition, quiz etc. The Gymkhana provides appropriate facilities for students in indoor games and to participate in various sports both at the collegiate and inter collegiate level. R.J. College was accredited with Four Star Status by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), an autonomous body sponsored by University Grants Commission(U.G.C.).
Opp Railway Station, Ghatkopar(West)-400086, Mumbai, Maharashtra Opp Railway Station, Ghatkopar(West)-400086, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mumbi unversity
Mumbi unversity
Course Details
Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com) Bachelor of Science(B.Sc) Master of Arts(M.A.) Master of Science(M.Sc) M.Phil/Ph.d(Arts) UGC career oriented Add on coursesBachelor of Arts(B.A.) Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com) Bachelor of Science(B.Sc) Master of Arts(M.A.) Master of Science(M.Sc) M.Phil/Ph.d(Arts) UGC career oriented Add on coursesBachelor of Arts(B.A.) Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com) Bachelor of Science(B.Sc) Master of Arts(M.A.) Master of Science(M.Sc) M.Phil/Ph.d(Arts) UGC career oriented Add on courses
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