Find precise and comprehensive information on Apeejay College of Fone Arts located in the city of Jalandhar. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Apeejay College of Fine Arts has come a long way ever since its inception in 1975 under the aegis of Apeejay Education Society with Dr. Stya Paul as its revered Chairman. This institution is poised to conquer new heights and achieve landmarks in all activities. Disseminating quality education, developing overall personality of the students, incorporating holistic and pragmatic approach towards education and including high moral values are a few of the objectives the institution vows to achieve.
Apeejay College of Fine Arts was setup with the primary objective to promote the art and culture of India. Accordingly the subjects like painting, sculpture, Indian classical music and dance were started to fulfil the need of the hour. In the era of globalization, with tremendous development in different sectors, various professional job oriented courses of diversified nature were commenced. Our vision is to prepare the students to meet the fast changing challenges of globalization.