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Arena Animation (Arena Multimedia), Mumbai
Find precise and comprehensive information on Arena Animation (Arena Multimedia) located in the city of Mumbai. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Arena Animation is the pioneer in animation and multimedia education with a global network of centres. Eleven years of experience. 2,00,000 professionals trained so far. These are just a few of the things Arena Animation is all about. Arena?s success in the mission of supplying top-quality professionals to the booming animation and multimedia industries is well-known. Arena alumni are employed with leading companies in the fields of animation, graphic designing, web designing, advertising, gaming, audio-video editing, special effects, filmmaking, e-learning, etc.
Arena Animation Academy Specialist Programme (AAASP) - Arena Multimedia Specialist Programme (AMSP) - Diploma in Animation Engineering - Professional Certifcate in Web Designing (PCWD) - Short-term courses * 2D Animation * 3D Animation with Maya * Advanced 3D Animation with Maya * Audio - Video Editing * Authoring TBT * Basic Graphics & Sketching * Basics of 3D Animation * Character Animation with Motion Builder * Character Design and Animation * Course in CAD * Course in Digital Architecture & Interior Design * Course in Digital Design Visualisation & Walkthrough * Creating Illustrations * Creating Illustrations - I * Creating Illustrations - II * Digital Fx * Digital Graphics & Animation * Drawing & Animation with ToonBoom * Games Development * Image Magic * Interactive Multimedia Authoring & Programming * Interactive Web Designing * Media Publishing * Print & Publishing * Video Streaming and Editing * Visual Fx * Web Animation with Flash * We