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Home » Colleges » Babu Banarsi Das Institute Of Technology, Ghaziabad, UP
Babu Banarsi Das Institute Of Technology, Ghaziabad, UP, Lucknow |
Find precise and comprehensive information on Babu Banarsi Das Institute Of Technology, Ghaziabad, UP located in the city of Lucknow. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
College Name |
Babu Banarsi Das Institute Of Technology, Ghaziabad, UP |
About College |
Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology, one of the fast developing Institutes in the field of Engineering and Information Technology was established in 2000 under the aegis of Rajiv Educational Trust to become a centre of excellence in the annals of Engineering and I.T. Education.
The Institute, aware of the greater competitive pressures of information services, due to globalization, lays special emphasis on quality education. The students here acquire confidence to make an impact in the technical and business world.
The knowledge gained in the Institute will help the future Engineers and Technocrats to face the challenges and stiff competition and pressures with confidence.
The Institute is affiliated to U.P. Technical University and is recognized by the A.I.C.T.E., (HRD) Govt. of India, New Delhi, and the U.P. Govt.
The Institute provides ample opportunities to the students for overall development besides paying full attention towards studies & academic excellence. Faculty member and staff is with brilliant and excellence record & they are involved fully with student on campus as well as of campus activities. The visiting and guest faculty, comprises external experts from leading Institute like University of Roorkee, Aligarh Muslim University, Delhi College of Engineering IIT & big industrial houses. the Institute has very good Infrastructural facilities, well equipped lecture halls, Laboratories, Library, Computer center, work shop etc. To help the students to make them an updated technocrat with knowledge par excellence with other institutions of the region.
Address |
7th K.M. on N.H. 58, Delhi-Meerut Road,
Duhai, Ghaziabad (U.P.)
Phone : (0120) 2675912/13/14, 2679017/18/19
Location |
Lucknow |
University |
Affiliations |
Courses |
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