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Baby Memorial College of Nursing, Calicut
Find precise and comprehensive information on Baby Memorial College of Nursing located in the city of Calicut. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
It is only rarely that the soaring vision of a special person fructifies into reality and flourishes during the life time of the person. Baby Memorial Hospital (BMH), located at the heart of Kozhikode city, is one such unique example. The hospital was so named in memory of Late. Mr. K.C. Varghese (lovingly called 'Baby' by all), father of Dr. K.G. Alexander, MD, the Founder Chairman. Dr K G Alexander combined his formidable spirit of entrepreneurship and a deep rooted commitment to ethical patient care to forge the foundation of this hospital. From humble beginnings in 1987, the hospital is now acknowledged by one and all as one of the best apical care institutions in Kerala. Starting with 56 beds in rented premises, BMH today boasts of its own eleven-storied building with more than 450 beds. It has all the Medical and Surgical specialties and super-specialties, headed by highly qualified and experienced doctors, most of whom are retired professors and heads of departments of the Medical Colleges of Kerala. A team of 100 doctors and 750 medical, Nursing, Para medical and Administrative staff work in total cohesion to cater for every need of the patients. This remarkable growth has been achieved in such a short span of time mainly due to the highly professional treatment and excellent nursing care ensured by the management. The hospital has an enviable reputation for its ethical and honest medical practice which also attracts the patients. BMH is on the fast track for modernization. State-of-the-art facilities for all the departments are constantly installed resulting in achieving a level of sophistication which cannot be compared to any other similar hospital. The Operation Theatre Complex with 14 fully- equipped, international class operation theatres is the only one of its kind in the region. The stainless steel wall cladding, anti-static flooring and laminar flow air-conditioning system with micro filters ensure zero percent post-operative infection rate. There are separate, full fledged ICUs for medical, cardiology, neurology, neurosurgery, neonatology, post-transplant and other post-operative and gynaecology and obstetrics cases with a total of 92 beds as well as a 24 hour Accident and Trauma Care Unit. We are proud to state that BMH ranks amongst the top few multi-specialty, tertiary care, referral hospitals in Kerala.
Baby Memorial Hospital, Indira Gandhi Road, Calicut, Kerala -673 004