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The Master of Arts in Missions trains people for missions-related leadership positions in their church or para-church communities.
Domestic Missions - Prepares people for revitalizing the local church and planning evangelism efforts.
World Missions - Trains people for conducting missions in cross-cultural settings.
Equips people for leadership in the work of planting new churches. Much of this program is offered via online education.
To qualify for admission as a candidate for the M.A. in Missions degree program, an applicant must possess an A.B. degree or its equivalent from an accredited college and have a grade-point average of 2.67 (B-) or higher.
The applicant's pre-seminary education must include courses in the following areas:English, history, natural sciences.
Social Sciences:A minimum of nine semester hours of social sciences, including at least one course in social or cultural anthropology.