Find precise and comprehensive information on Biyani's Group of Colleges located in the city of Kumbanad. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The Biyani Shikshan Samiti is formed by young, dynamic and result oriented team of highly qualified persons. It is registered under the Rajasthan Society Registration Act, 1958 having Reg. No. 500/Jaipur/97-98 dated 29th December 1997.
The mission of the Samiti is to keep pace with the futuristic growing civilized world through women empowerment. It intends to develop young women who possess knowledge and confidence to adjust to the fast changing world of the competitive scenario without losing traces of our traditions humanity, spirituality and propose of existence. Our main objective of teacher�s training course is to help future prospective teacher to develop competence to teach subjects of their specialization, on the basis of an adequate theory of learning and a sound knowledge of the subjects. We want to develop an understanding of the close relationship between society and the school, between life and school, between life and social work.
Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in human being. Education is the process of development and growth of a person from infancy to maturity. It is a process by which an individual learns how to adopt himself to physical, social and spiritual environment gradually in various ways. In this process, training enables the individual to enhance her skills in an intelligent, sympathetic manner for the common goal of the masses and self.