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Chaithanya Bharathi Institute Of Technology, Hyderabad
Find precise and comprehensive information on Chaithanya Bharathi Institute Of Technology located in the city of Hyderabad. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The Chaitanya Bharathi Educational Society was established in 1979 by a group of visionaries from diverse professions which include Engineering, Medicine, Law and Management. The primary objective of the society is to create temples of knowledge to impart value based education to the future generations of our country.
In order to give shape to this noble thought the society acquired 120 acres of land near Hyderabad and established CBIT in the year 1979. The institute affiliated to Osmania University, began its humble journey with 3 UG programmes with an intake of 200 students grew to 8 UG and 6 PG with a total intake of approximately 866 students by the year 2004. It now stands as a premier Institute of Technology of both national and international repute.