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CMC Computer Education Training Centre, Delhi, Delhi
Find precise and comprehensive information on CMC Computer Education Training Centre, Delhi located in the city of Delhi. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
CMC has extensive experience in education and training, and is at the forefront of providing solutions in this area. It is ready to partner and develop eLearning solutions for organisations. eLearning is a cutting-edge technology with a huge future. eLearning applications and processes include web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms and digital collaborations, where content gets delivered through the internet, intranet or extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV and CD-Rom. Savvy corporates, institutions and other enterprises are using eLearning to impart knowledge and training online, via the internet, local networks, standalone computers, or through a combination of these and other media.
CMC offers the following types of courses :- 1) Entry level / awareness courses: Designed for people who have limited or no background in computers. 2) Professional development courses: In-depth courses which cater to the needs of practising computer professionals and experienced users. 3) Specialised / sectoral courses: Designed for participants working in the specialised monitoring and online examination module. These are areas / sectors which intend to use computers for better performance. 4) Customer request courses: Planned in consultation with clients, to suit specific individual organisational needs. 5) Vendor certified courses: To prepare participants for certification examinations of major hardware and software organisations in the world. 6) Career development courses: Designed for students who are keen to acquire professional expertise in software development in parallel with their college education.
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