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Gollala Mamidada village is situated 18 kms. away from Kakinada in East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh in India.Gollala Mamidada village has all the Facilities and features of a town. It is a business center for nearly 50 villages. Even though it is developed religiously, economically and in other spheres, it remained backward in the field of education until 1987. In order to fulfil the aspirations of the people in and around Gollala Mamidada and to bring about an Educational revolution, the Gollala Mamidada Educational Society was established in 1987 with Regd. No. 53/87. It is due to the hard work and dedication of the members of the Society and with the generous Contributions of the people the society was able to start One Junior College in 1988 and One Degree College in 1991 offering Degree and P.G. Courses. Both the Colleges are named after the parents of the Founder and Honorary President of these Colleges and a great philanthropist of this area and Life Member of the Andhra University Academic Senate Ln.D.R.K.REDDY, M.J.F. as Dwarampudi Sitayamma Junior College and Dwarampudi Lakshmana Reddy College (Degree And P.G.Courses). Both the Colleges are fast developing and offering very good Courses. Students from with in the state and outside the state are coming and Studying in these Colleges.