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Damani Premratan Bhairuratan Dayanand College of Education (D.P.B. Dayanand College of Education), Solapur
Find precise and comprehensive information on Damani Premratan Bhairuratan Dayanand College of Education (D.P.B. Dayanand College of Education) located in the city of Solapur. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Damani Premratan Bhairuratan Dayanand College of Education (D.P.B. Dayanand College of Education)
About College
The D.A.V. College Trust and Management Society was established on 31st January 1886. It is now the oldest & biggest non-governmental educational organisation in India. It covers broadly the entire spectrum of educational activity in the country. The society developed a chain of institutions from Jammu and Kashmir in the North to Tamilnadu in the South, from Rajasthan in the West to Manipur in the East, with a view to meet the demand for enlightening and progressive education based on the requirements of contemporary times with emphasis on values of life. It includes over 750 public and aided schools, colleges in the faculties of Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Law, Technical, Ayurvedic, Medicine, Pharmacy & Management. It has completed one hundred and fourteen years of its academic service. Apart from providing the traditional value education