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Data System Research Foundation, Pune (DSRF), Pune
Find precise and comprehensive information on Data System Research Foundation, Pune (DSRF) located in the city of Pune. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Data Systems Research Foundation Founded as a non-profit educational trust in 1983, DSRF, was amongst the first private institutes offering University recognized Masters Degree programs in computer science and management in Pune, India. With over 15,000 sq feet of built up area and the latest facilities in terms of labs and other instructor aids, DSRF is ranked among the top 5 institutes for Masters Degree programs in computer management. The institute has produced well over 1500 graduates who are employed with renowned companies all over the world including various multi nationals. Significant for our customers is the fact that DSRF provides DSS an easy access to a large pool of skilled resources. This greatly enhances our ability to ramp up team sizes quickly to meet any short term requirements for various projects.
Pune, Maharashtra
University of Poona
University of Poona
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